Spring 4.0的一个最大更新是增加了websocket的支持。websocket提供了一个在web应用中的高效、双向的通讯,需要考虑到客户端(浏览器)和服务器之间的高频和低延时消息交换。一般的应用场景有:在线交易、游戏、协作、数据可视化等。
本教程只考虑websocket的简单实用,包含Spring对JSR-356的支持及Spring WebSocket API。
1、Java API for WebSocket(JSR-356)
Java API for WebSocket已经是Java EE 7的一部分。它定义了两类endpoit(都是EndPoint类的子类),使用注解标识@ClientEndpoint和@ServerEndpoint。
1.1 Servlet容器扫描初始化
/* * Copyright 2002-2013 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.samples.websocket.config; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.samples.websocket.echo.DefaultEchoService; import org.springframework.samples.websocket.echo.EchoEndpoint; import org.springframework.samples.websocket.echo.EchoService; import org.springframework.web.socket.server.standard.ServerEndpointExporter; import org.springframework.web.socket.server.standard.ServerEndpointRegistration; @Configuration public class EndpointConfig { @Bean public ServerEndpointExporter endpointExporter() { return new ServerEndpointExporter(); } @Bean public ServerEndpointRegistration echo() { return new ServerEndpointRegistration("/echo", EchoEndpoint.class); } @Bean public ServerEndpointRegistration echoSingleton() { return new ServerEndpointRegistration("/echoSingleton", new EchoEndpoint(echoService())); } // @Bean // public EchoAnnotatedEndpoint echoAnnotatedSingleton() { // return new EchoAnnotatedEndpoint(echoService()); // } @Bean public EchoService echoService() { return new DefaultEchoService("Did you say "%s"?"); } }
1.2 Spring 初始化
EchoEndpoint 可以通过EndPointRegistration发布
2、Spring WebSocket API
Spring WebSocket API提供了SockJS的支持,且有些容器如Jetty 9目前还没有对JSR-356的支持,所以有Spring WebSocket API是必要的。
Spring WebSocket API的核心接口是WebSocketHandler。下面是一个处理文本消息的handler的实现:
- import org.springframework.web.socket.adapter.TextWebSocketHandlerAdapter;
- public class EchoHandler extends TextWebSocketHandlerAdapter {
- @Override
- public void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws Exception {
- session.sendMessage(message);
- }
- }
WebSocketHandler可以通过WebSocketHttpRequestHandler插入到Spring MVC里:
- import org.springframework.web.socket.server.support.WebSocketHttpRequestHandler;
- @Configuration
- public class WebConfig {
- @Bean
- public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping handlerMapping() {
- Map<String, Object> urlMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- urlMap.put("/echo", new WebSocketHttpRequestHandler(new EchoHandler()));
- SimpleUrlHandlerMapping hm = new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping();
- hm.setUrlMap(urlMap);
- return hm;
- }
- }
开启SockJS的支持,声明一个SockJsService,和一个url映射,然后提供一个WebSocketHandler来处理消息。虽然我们是哟个SockJS我们开发的方式是一样的,但是随着浏览器的不同传输的协议可以是Http Streaming,long polling等。
- import org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.SockJsService;
- // ...
- @Configuration
- public class WebConfig {
- @Bean
- public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping handlerMapping() {
- SockJsService sockJsService = new DefaultSockJsService(taskScheduler());
- Map<String, Object> urlMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- urlMap.put("/echo/**", new SockJsHttpRequestHandler(sockJsService, new EchoHandler()));
- SimpleUrlHandlerMapping hm = new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping();
- hm.setUrlMap(urlMap);
- return hm;
- }
- @Bean
- public ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler() {
- ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
- taskScheduler.setThreadNamePrefix("SockJS-");
- return taskScheduler;
- }
- }
- @Configuration
- @EnableWebMvc
- @EnableWebSocket//开启websocket
- public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter implements WebSocketConfigurer {
- @Override
- public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) {
- registry.addHandler(echoWebSocketHandler(), "/echo"); //提供符合W3C标准的Websocket数据
- registry.addHandler(snakeWebSocketHandler(), "/snake");
- registry.addHandler(echoWebSocketHandler(), "/sockjs/echo").withSockJS();//提供符合SockJS的数据
- registry.addHandler(snakeWebSocketHandler(), "/sockjs/snake").withSockJS();
- }
- @Bean
- public WebSocketHandler echoWebSocketHandler() {
- return new EchoWebSocketHandler(echoService());
- }
- @Bean
- public WebSocketHandler snakeWebSocketHandler() {
- return new PerConnectionWebSocketHandler(SnakeWebSocketHandler.class);
- }
- @Bean
- public DefaultEchoService echoService() {
- return new DefaultEchoService("Did you say "%s"?");
- }
- // Allow serving HTML files through the default Servlet
- @Override
- public void configureDefaultServletHandling(DefaultServletHandlerConfigurer configurer) {
- configurer.enable();
- }
- }
<script type="text/javascript"> var ws = null; function setConnected(connected) { document.getElementById('connect').disabled = connected; document.getElementById('disconnect').disabled = !connected; document.getElementById('echo').disabled = !connected; } function connect() { var target = document.getElementById('target').value; if (target == '') { alert('Please select server side connection implementation.'); return; } if ('WebSocket' in window) { ws = new WebSocket(target); } else if ('MozWebSocket' in window) { ws = new MozWebSocket(target); } else { alert('WebSocket is not supported by this browser.'); return; } ws.onopen = function () { setConnected(true); log('Info: WebSocket connection opened.'); }; ws.onmessage = function (event) { log('Received: ' + event.data); }; ws.onclose = function () { setConnected(false); log('Info: WebSocket connection closed.'); }; } function disconnect() { if (ws != null) { ws.close(); ws = null; } setConnected(false); } function echo() { if (ws != null) { var message = document.getElementById('message').value; log('Sent: ' + message); ws.send(message); } else { alert('WebSocket connection not established, please connect.'); } } function updateTarget(target) { if (window.location.protocol == 'http:') { document.getElementById('target').value = 'ws://' + window.location.host + target; } else { document.getElementById('target').value = 'wss://' + window.location.host + target; } } function log(message) { var console = document.getElementById('console'); var p = document.createElement('p'); p.style.wordWrap = 'break-word'; p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(message)); console.appendChild(p); while (console.childNodes.length > 25) { console.removeChild(console.firstChild); } console.scrollTop = console.scrollHeight; } </script>
程序用maven打成war后用tomcat 8发布查看效果。
E:myspacespring-websocket-test-endpoint>mvn -DskipTests clean package