《The Architecture Journal》是由微软主办的有关软件架构方面的季刊杂志,该杂志关注的是如何通过好的架构帮助开发人员创建更好的代码实现。
在该杂志中,来自微软架构师社区的权威架构师们讨论如何更好地实现解决方案,《The Architecture Journal》提供了一个交流企业、基础结构和应用架构相关主题的平台。(英文原文:In the Microsoft Architecture Journal, authoritative software architects from all corners of Microsoft's architect community discuss the connection between opportunities once out of reach and the solutions that now make them possible. The Journal is a platform for thought leadership on a wide range of subjects related to enterprise, infrastructure, and application architecture. MSDN中文网站的翻译:来自微软架构师社区的权威架构师们将讨论未来的商业机会与现实中如何提出解决方案来实现它们。Architect Journal是一个在广泛领域中有思想领先的平台,它涵盖了企业,基础结构和应用架构等。)
《The Architecture Journal》第9期的主题是:什么是软件工厂(software factories)?
1、Bare Naked Languages or What Not to Model[Jack Greenfield ]
2、Domain-Specific Modeling[Steve Cook]
3、Measuring Success with Software Factories[Marcel de Vries]
4、A Foundation for the Pillars of Software Factories[Tom Fuller]
5、A GSI’s Perspective of Software Factories[Steve Eadie ]
6、The Perspective-Based Architecture Method
Simon Guest :
而在软件行业中,也出现了流水线生产这个想法,首先提出这个想法的书籍之一就是:《Software Factories: Assembling Applications with Patterns, Models, Frameworks, and Tools 》,这期杂志的主题就是基于这本书中关于软件工厂的构想,非常荣幸的是我们邀请到了该书其中的两位作者Jack Greenfield 和Steve Cook来共同与大家探讨这个话题。
Jack在他的文章“Bare Naked Languages”中,谈到了如何在软件工厂方法论中使用domain-specific languages 以及使用时的一些缺陷。由于很多读者关注软件架构师职业发展话题,在本期杂志中,我们增加了一个这方面的新栏目,利用这次Jack给杂志写文章的机会,我们针对架构师职业发展的话题采访了他,你可以在“Profile of an Architect”中了解到他的回答。
Steve Cook的文章(Domain-Specific Modeling)研究了如何使用DSLs(domain-specific languages)将复杂问题简单化,以及DSLs在软件工厂平台中的应用。Marcel de Vries继续软件工厂话题(Measuring Success with Software Factories),他谈了在软件开发过程中需要增强报表和数据仓库能力的看法。
Tom Fuller在文章(A Foundation for the Pillars of Software Factories)中谈了自己在软件工厂的核心基础—提高重用性以及一些关键软件开发过程方面的看法。
Steve Eadie从Global System Integrator (GSI)的角度谈了实现软件工厂的想法,还谈到了软件工厂中可以由世界各地的开发人员中组成开发团队,通过网络协作进行开发。
Lewis Curtis和George Cerbone分享了在基于视角的架构设计(perspective-based architecture)方法中的一些想法,在基于视角的架构设计中,需求分析是一个技巧,架构师在项目中可以通过向忙碌的用户问正确的问题了解用户真正的需求。
- Best Practices for Rule-Based Application Development
- Business Process Decomposition and Service Identification Using Communication Patterns
- DasBlog: Notes from Building a Distributed .NET Collaboration System
- Enterprise Architecture Design and the Integrated Architecture Framework
- Business Patterns for Software Engineering Use, Part 1
- Messaging Patterns in Service-Oriented Architecture, Part 1
- Metropolis
- Service-Oriented Architecture: Considerations for Agile Systems
- Service-Oriented Architecture: Implementation Challenges
- Metadata-Driven Application Design and Development
- Understanding Service-Oriented Architecture
- The Case for Software Factories
- Business Patterns for Software Engineering Use, Part 2
- Identity and Access Management
- Messaging Patterns in Service Oriented Architecture, Part 2
- Secrets of Great Architects
- A Strategic Approach to Data Transfer Methods
- Choosing the Right Presentation Layer Architecture
- Information Bridge Framework: Bringing SOA to the Desktop in Office Applications
- Benchmarking a Transaction Engine Design
- Enterprise Architecture Alignment Heuristics
- Razorbills: What and How of Service Consumption
- Next Generation Tools for Object-Oriented Development
- An Introduction to Topic Maps
- Metropolis and SOA Governance
- Services-Based Integration Technologies
- Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
- Enable Internet-Scale Computing
- Link Product Strategy and Architecture