Sparklines are intense, simple, word-sized graphics. Sparky is a JavaScript library for drawing them dynamically in your web browser. In the words of Edward Tufte, who coined the term:
Sparklines mean that graphics are no longer cartoonish special occasions with captions and boxes, but rather a sparkline graphic can be everywhere a word or number can be: embedded in a sentence, table, headline, map, spreadsheet, graphic.
You can read more about sparklines and their many uses on Wikipedia, Tufte's site, or in his book, Beautiful Evidence.
What it do
Sparky supports line , bar , and area charts. Line and area charts can include variably colored and sized dots. Both dot and bar colors can be defined either as a single value for the entire data set, or as functions to be evaluated once per data point.
Sparky can also render larger time series graphics:
What it don’t
Sparky does not support chart axes (or any other form of labeling), or the rendering of multiple data series in a single graphic.
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