select top 5 * from ItemProfileCommonInfo order by newid()
set statistics profile on
select top 6 a.[name],a.description,a.categoryid from dbo.ItemProfileCommonInfo a with(nolock)
where a.Editdate>(getdate() -100) and a.categoryid in (select categoryid from ItemCategory with(nolock) where description like N'%%'
or description like N'%%')
order by newid()
select top 6 a.itemcode,a.[description],b.PriceFinal,a.ImageNameFull from ItemProfileCommonInfo a with(nolock)
join ItemProfilePriceSetting b with(nolock) on a.itemcode=b.itemcode
where a.Editdate>(getdate() -100) and a.categoryid in (select categoryid from ItemCategory with(nolock) where description like N'%%'
or description like N'%%')
order by newid()
select top 5 * from ItemProfileCommonInfo order by newid()
set statistics profile on
select top 6 a.[name],a.description,a.categoryid from dbo.ItemProfileCommonInfo a with(nolock)
where a.Editdate>(getdate() -100) and a.categoryid in (select categoryid from ItemCategory with(nolock) where description like N'%%'
or description like N'%%')
order by newid()
select top 6 a.itemcode,a.[description],b.PriceFinal,a.ImageNameFull from ItemProfileCommonInfo a with(nolock)
join ItemProfilePriceSetting b with(nolock) on a.itemcode=b.itemcode
where a.Editdate>(getdate() -100) and a.categoryid in (select categoryid from ItemCategory with(nolock) where description like N'%%'
or description like N'%%')
order by newid()