1. 创建等于表面网格点数的n粒子
2. 利用goal命令,让每个n粒子与网格顶点一一对应
3. 让物体碰撞n粒子,再让n粒子把碰撞力传到模拟节点
4. 进行模拟,这样就可以实现带碰撞的效果了
Your initialize code looks fine. Sounds like it might be an issue in your compute method. Can you show us your compute method implementation. One thing that gets new API users a lot is that they don't realize that they aren't clearing the dirty bit from their inputs so that during the subsequent dirty propagation it fails to dirty the output. The basic idea that you must understand is: Your compute method must always retrieve all inputs affecting the requested output plug, even if it does not need that input. Failure to do so can leave the DG in a bad state. Here's an example that people run into a lot: animNode.output -----> customNode.input || customNode::compute() || customNode.output ------> outputObject.input. When animNode.output is changed, it will trigger a DG dirty propagation, where anything downstream of the output is marked dirty. So, in this case, the dirtied elements are: animNode.output/customNode.input connection customNode.input customNode.output customNode.output/outputObject.input connection outputObject.input Let's say in your compute method you just hardcode so that it outputs the same thing without reading the customNode.input field. Then what will happen is the following items are cleaned: customNode.output customNode.output/outputObject.input connection outputObject.input This leaves customNode.input and its input connection still DIRTY. On any subsequent change in animNode.output, the dirty propagation will stop early because it only dirties as far as it needs to. It assumes the DG is in a clean state prior to the dirty propagation. It will assume that anything beyond customNode.input is still dirty - presumably marked dirty from a separate dirty propagation. This is a perf optim of the DG. As a result, the customNode.output will still be clean and the DG will never think to update it again. This may not be the case that is affecting you, but it is a common mistake that might help you figure out your issue until you're able to post your compute method. Alternately a way of debugging it is to simplify your compute method so that it only reads in the input and just spits out something basic (if it is too complicated to post). Just make sure that the underlying data propagation concepts of the DG are working properly. |