1、出现Error: ansible requires a json module, none found! SSH password: | FAILED >> { "failed": true, "msg": "Error: ansible requires a json module, nonefound!", "parsed": false } 解决:python版本过低,要不升级python要不就安装python-simplejson 2、安装完成后连接客户端服务器报错: FAILED => Using a SSH password insteadof a key is not possible because Host Key checking is enabled and sshpass doesnot support this. Please add this host‘sfingerprint to your known_hosts file to manage this host. 解决:在ansible 服务器上使用ssh 登陆下/etc/ansible/hosts 里面配置的服务器。然后再次使用ansible 去管理就不会报上面的错误了!但这样大批量登陆就麻烦来。因为默认ansible是使用key验证的,如果使用密码登陆的服务器,使用ansible的话,要不修改ansible.cfg配置文件的ask_pass = True给取消注释,要不就在运行命令时候加上-k,这个意思是-k, --ask-pass ask for SSH password。再修改:host_key_checking= False即可 3、如果客户端不在know_hosts里将会报错 paramiko: The authenticity of host ‘‘can‘t be established. The ssh-rsa key fingerprint is397c139fd4b0d763fcffaee346a4bf6b. Are you sure you want to continueconnecting (yes/no)? 解决:需要修改ansible.cfg的#host_key_checking= False取消注释 4、出现FAILED => FAILED: not a valid DSA private key file 解决:需要你在最后添加参数-k 5、openssh升级后无法登录报错 PAM unable todlopen(/lib64/security/pam_stack.so): /lib64/security/pam_stack.so: cannot openshared object file: No such file or directory 解决:sshrpm 升级后会修改/etc/pam.d/sshd 文件。需要升级前备份此文件最后还原即可登录。 6、pip安装完成后,运行ansible报错: File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/subprocess.py",line 642, in __init__ errread, errwrite) 解决:安装:yum installopenssh-clients 7、第一次系统初始化运行生成本机ansible用户key时报错 failed: [] =>{"checksum": "f5f2f20fc0774be961fffb951a50023e31abe920","failed": true} msg: Aborting, target uses selinux butpython bindings (libselinux-python) aren‘t installed! FATAL: all hosts have already failed –aborting 解决:# yuminstall libselinux-python -y 8、ansible无法起停tomcat的时候,有两个点需要关注 (1)环境变量,在startup.sh中添加source /etc/profile (2)后台运行,加上nohup &