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  • Sql学习笔记一

    create database School
    --drop database School
    use School
    create table TblStudent
        --tsid int identity(1,1) not null primary key
        --identity 自动增长 primary key主键
        tsid int identity(1,1) primary key,
        tsname nvarchar(10) not null,
        tsgender bit not null,
        tsaddress nvarchar(300) null,
        tsphone varchar(100),
        tsage int,
        tsbirthday datetime,
        tscardId varchar(18),
        tscalssId int not null
    create table TblCalss
        tsclassId int identity(1,1) primary key,
        tsclassName varchar(100) not null,
        tscalssDesc varchar(500) null
    select * from TblCalss
    insert into TblCalss(tsclassName,tscalssDesc) values('黑马8期','牛B中的战斗机')
    set identity_insert tblcalss on
    insert into TblCalss(tsclassId,tsclassName,tscalssDesc) values(101,'黑马9期','牛B中的战斗机')
    set identity_insert tblcalss off
    insert into TblCalss values('黑马5期','战斗机')
    insert into TblCalss(tsclassName,tscalssDesc)
    select '黑马2期','第2个黑马' union
    select '黑马3期','第3个黑马' union
    select '黑马4期','第4个黑马' 
    create table TblCalssBak
        clsId int identity(1,1) primary key,
        clsName nvarchar(50) not null,
        clsDesc nvarchar(50)  null
    select * from TblCalssBak
    insert into TblCalssBak(clsName,clsDesc)
    select tsclassName,tscalssDesc from TblCalss
    -- update 表名 set 列名=值 ,列名2=值2 whre 列名 =>< 值 or and.... 
    select * from TblCalss
    update TblCalss set tsclassName='一班' where tsclassId=2
    -- delete from 表名 where .....
    delete from TblCalss where tsclassId=107
    -- delete from TblCalss 表示把表中所有数据全部删除,不加where方式来删除相对于truncate来说速度慢很多。删除表中的数据后,自动编号依然保留当前已增长到的位置。
    -- truncate table TblCalss 把表中数据清空,不能根据where,删除数据时速度很快,以最小的方式来记录日志。删除后,重新添加数据时自动编号会恢复到一开始的位置。
    -- drop table TblCalss 表示删除表
    select * from TblCalss
    select tsclassname from tblcalss
    select getdate();
    select top 3 * from TblCalss
    --desc 降序 106 105 104 asc升序104 105 106
    select top 3 * from TblCalss order by tsclassid desc
    select top 3 tsclassId,tsclassName from TblCalss order by tsclassid desc
    --针对查询出来的结果去除重复 distinct 列名
    select distinct tsclassName  from TblCalss
    select * from TblStudent
    insert into TblStudent values('张三',1,'上海市宝山区',13912345678,20,null,'0401',1)
    insert into TblStudent values('张三',1,'合肥市高新区',18912345678,23,null,'0401',1)
    insert into TblStudent values('张三',1,'上海市徐汇区',13012345678,24,null,'0402',102)
    update TblStudent set tsage=tsage+1
    select avg(tsage*1.0) as 平均年龄 from TblStudent
    select avg(tsage*1.0) 平均年龄 from TblStudent
    select 平均年龄=avg(tsage*1.0) from TblStudent
    select sum(tsage) as 总年龄 from TblStudent
    -- max min count(*)
    --select count(列名) as 总条数 from TblStudent
    select count(*) as 总条数 from TblStudent
    -- 执行结果一行显示 子查询
    总条数=(select count(*) as 总条数 from TblStudent),
    总年龄=(select sum(tsage) as 总年龄 from TblStudent),
    平均年龄=(select avg(tsage) as 总年龄 from TblStudent)
    select * from TblCalss
    select * from TblStudent
    -- between and in(列名中的值) or
    create table MyTest
        autoId int identity(1,1) primary key,
        userName varchar(1000),
        number varchar(100)
    insert into mytest values('A','1')
    insert into mytest
    select 'B','2' union
    select 'C','3' union
    select 'D','4' union
    select 'E','5' union
    select 'F','6' union
    select 'G','7' union
    select 'H','8' union
    select 'I','9' union
    select 'J','10' union
    select 'K','11' union
    select 'L','12' union
    select 'M','13' 
    select * from mytest
    --cast() convert()
    select * from mytest order by cast(number as int) desc
    select * from mytest order by convert(int,number) asc
    ------合并行叫做联合 union-----------
    select 'Joke',18,'joke@qq.com'
    union all --可以把多个结果集联合到一起,把行联在一起。如果列的数目不一样,会报错
    select '许正龙',19,'xzl@qq.com'
    --union 与 union all的区别
    --union 在联合的时候会自动去除重复数据,反之 union all
    create table TblTeacher
        ttId int identity(1,1) primary key,
        ttname varchar(50),
        ttgender varchar(2),
        ttage int
    insert into TblTeacher values('张老师','',20)
    insert into TblTeacher values('陈老师','',30)
    insert into TblTeacher values('黄老师','',20)
    insert into TblTeacher values('夏老师','',40)
    insert into TblTeacher values('何老师','',32)
    insert into TblTeacher values('洪老师','',26)
    select tsname,tsgender,tsage from TblStudent
    union all
    select ttname,ttgender,ttage from TblTeacher
    --select * into 表2 from 表1 whre ....
    select * into newTeacher from TblTeacher
    select * from newTeacher
    select len('haha')
    declare @str varchar(100)
    set @str=' 我的左侧有空格!'
    select @str as 初始字符, len(@str) as 初始长度,ltrim(@str) as 现有字符,len(ltrim(@str)) as 现有长度
    --------分组查询-且分组先执行group by--然后再执行select---
    select * from TblStudent
    select tscalssId as '班级编号','人数'=count(*)  from TblStudent group by tscalssId
    --在查询中使用group by分组,在select中出现的列必须是 group by中包含的列或者该列必须聚合函数中
    select '人数'=count(tscalssId)  from TblStudent group by tscalssId
    select 班级Id=tscalssId,男同学人数=count(*) from TblStudent where tsgender=1 group by tscalssId
    select tscalssId,count(tsname),tsage from TblStudent group by tscalssId --会报以下错误,因为tsage没有出现在聚合函数中
    --消息 8120,级别 16,状态 1,第 1 行
    --选择列表中的列 'TblStudent.tsage' 无效,因为该列没有包含在聚合函数或 GROUP BY 子句中。
    select * from TblStudent
    select tscalssId,count(tsname) from TblStudent group by tscalssId --count统计的是条数,不是年龄总合
    --3>..group by 列
    --4>..having 筛选条件
    --5>..select 5-2>distinct,7>top(应用top选项最后计算)5-1>选择列
    --6>..order by 列
    --group by 
    --width cube || width rollup 
    --order by 
    --from myOrders
    --group by 商品称名
    --havaing sum(销售数量*销售价格)>3000
    --order by 销售总价 desc
    create table test9009
        autoId int identity(1,1) primary key,
        score int
    insert into test9009 values(200)
    insert into test9009 values(500)
    insert into test9009 values(700)
    insert into test9009 values(1200)
    insert into test9009 values(2000)
    select * from test9009
            when score<500 then '新兵蛋子'
            when score>=500 and score<1000 then '上等兵'
            when score>=1000 and score<1500 then '下士'
            else '上士'
        end as 称号
    from test9009
    -- 下面这种写法可以用区间判断,也可以用在等值判断。
            when score=1000 then '上等兵'
            when score=2000 then '下士'
            when score=3000 then '中士'
    from test9009
            when score=1000 then '上等兵'
            when score=2000 then '下士'
            when score=3000 then '1'
    from test9009
    create table T8
        A int,
        B int,
        C int
    insert into T8 values(10,20,30)
    insert into T8 values(20,12,6)
    insert into T8 values(100,20,300)
    insert into T8 values(11,120,3)
    select * from T8
            when A>B then A 
            else B
            when B>C then B
            else C
    from T8
    select * from TblStudent
    select * from TblCalss
    select * from TblStudent where tscalssId in ---in可以返回多个值 =只能返回一个值
        select tsclassId from TblCalss where tsclassName='黑马2期' or tsclassName='黑马9期'
    use Itcast2013
    create procedure usp_add2
    @num1 int,
    @num2 int
        select @num1+@num2
    exec usp_add2 @num1=100,@num2=200
    create proc usp_selectStuByClassId
    @classId int,
    @recordCount int output
        select * from TblStudent where tSClassId=@classId
        select @recordCount=count(*) from TblStudent where tSClassId=@classId
    declare @rc int
    exec usp_selectStuByClassId @classId=5,@recordCount=@rc output
    print @rc
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/eaysun/p/4372677.html
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