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  • 字符串分解问题

    [LeetCode 91] Decode Ways


    A message containing letters from A-Z is being encoded to numbers using the following mapping:
    'A' -> 1
    'B' -> 2
    'Z' -> 26
    Given a non-empty string containing only digits, determine the total number of ways to decode it.


    Input: "12"
    Output: 2
    Explanation: It could be decoded as "AB" (1 2) or "L" (12).
    Input: "226"
    Output: 3
    Explanation: It could be decoded as "BZ" (2 26), "VF" (22 6), or "BBF" (2 2 6).




    class Solution {
        public int numDecodings(String s) {
            int n = s.length(), pre, cur;
            if(n == 0){
                return 0;
            int[] nums = new int[n + 1];
            nums[0] = 1;
            nums[1] = s.charAt(0) == '0' ? 0 : 1;
            for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++){
                pre = s.charAt(i - 2) - '0';
                cur = s.charAt(i - 1) - '0';
                if(cur > 0){
                    nums[i] += nums[i - 1];
                int value = pre * 10 + cur;
                if(value > 9 && value < 27){                
                    nums[i] += nums[i - 2];
            return nums[n];

    [LeetCode 639] Decode Ways II


    A message containing letters from A-Z is being encoded to numbers using the following mapping way:
    'A' -> 1
    'B' -> 2
    'Z' -> 26
    Beyond that, now the encoded string can also contain the character '*', which can be treated as one of the numbers from 1 to 9.
    Given the encoded message containing digits and the character '*', return the total number of ways to decode it.
    Also, since the answer may be very large, you should return the output mod 10^9 + 7.
    The length of the input string will fit in range [1, 10^5].
    The input string will only contain the character '*' and digits '0' - '9'.


    Input: "*"
    Output: 9
    Explanation: The encoded message can be decoded to the string: "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I".
    Input: "1*"
    Output: 9 + 9 = 18


    1. 对当前位进行解码时,当前位分:0,1~9,*三种情况进行讨论。
    2. 对当前两位进行解码时,当前两位分:
      • 全为*:有 15nums[i - 2] 种情况
      • *非*:个位介于0~6之间时,有 2nums[i - 2] 种情况;个位大于6时,有 nums[i - 2] 种情况
      • 十位为非*,个位为*:十位分 0或3~9,1,2 三种情况考虑。
      • 均非*:两位数要大于9,且小于的等于26.


    class Solution {    
        public int numDecodings(String s) {
            final int MODULE = 1_000_000_000 + 7;
            int n = s.length(), pre, cur, value;
            if(n == 0){
                return 0;
            long[] nums = new long[n + 1];
            nums[0] = 1;
            char ch;
            if((ch = s.charAt(0)) == '0'){
                nums[1] = 0;
            else if(ch == '*'){
                nums[1] = 9;
                nums[1] = 1;
            for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++){
                pre = s.charAt(i - 2);
                cur = s.charAt(i - 1);
                long temp = 0;
                if(cur >= '1' && ch <= '9'){
                    temp = nums[i - 1];
                else if(cur == '*'){
                    temp = 9 * nums[i - 1];
                nums[i] = (nums[i] + temp) % MODULE;
                temp = 0;
                if(pre != '*' && cur != '*'){                
                    value = (pre - '0') * 10 + cur - '0';
                    if(value > 9 && value < 27){                
                        temp = nums[i - 2];
                else if(cur == '*' && pre != '*'){
                    if(pre == '1'){
                        temp = 9 * nums[i - 2];  
                    else if(pre == '2'){
                        temp = 6 * nums[i - 2];  
                else if(pre == '*' && cur != '*'){
                    if(cur < '7'){
                        temp = 2 * nums[i - 2];  
                        temp = nums[i - 2];  
                    temp = 15 * nums[i - 2];  
                nums[i] = (nums[i] + temp) % MODULE;
            return (int)nums[n];
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/echie/p/9601330.html
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