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  • LeetCode OJ

    这两道题,大同小异。 我都是用BFS,在遍历的过程,判断结构是否相同/对称,值是否相同。


      1 /**
      2      * Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center).
      3      * @param root
      4      * @return
      5      */
      6     public boolean isSymmetricRecursively(TreeNode root){
      7         if(root == null)
      8             return true;
      9         return isSymmetricR(root.left, root.right);
     10     }
     11     /**
     12      * 采用迭代的方式,输入的是两个对称位置的节点,如果以这两个节点为root的子树是对称的,则
     13      * 左边的左子树和右边的右子树相同,且左边的右子树和右边的左子树相同,且这两个子树的树根的值相等
     14      * @param left
     15      * @param right
     16      * @return
     17      */
     18     private boolean isSymmetricR(TreeNode left, TreeNode right){
     19         if(left== null && right == null)
     20             return true;
     21         if(left == null && right!=null || right == null && left!=null)
     22             return false;
     23         if(left.left == null && left.right == null &&
     24                 right.left == null && right.right == null)
     25             return left.val == right.val;
     26         boolean f1 = (left.val == right.val);
     27         boolean l1 = isSymmetricR(left.left, right.right);
     28         boolean r1 = isSymmetricR(left.right, right.left);
     29         return f1&&l1&&r1;
     31     }
     32     /**
     33      * Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center).
     34      * solve it iteratively
     35      * @param root
     36      * @return
     37      */
     38     public boolean isSymmetricIteratively(TreeNode root){
     39         if(root == null || (root.left == null && root.right == null))
     40             return true;
     41         LinkedList<TreeNode> qleft = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();
     42         LinkedList<TreeNode> qright = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();
     44         if(root.left!=null && root.right == null ||
     45                 root.right!=null && root.left == null)
     46             return false;
     47         qleft.offer(root.left);
     48         qright.offer(root.right);
     50         while(!qleft.isEmpty() && !qright.isEmpty()){
     51             TreeNode left = qleft.poll();
     52             TreeNode right = qright.poll();
     54             if(left.val != right.val)
     55                 return false;
     57             if(left.right != null && right.left!=null){
     58                 qleft.offer(left.right);
     59                 qright.offer(right.left);
     60             }else if(left.right!= null && right.left == null ||
     61                     left.right == null && right.left !=null)
     62                 return false;
     64             if(right.right != null && left.left!=null){
     65                 qleft.offer(left.left);
     66                 qright.offer(right.right);
     67             }else if(right.right!= null && left.left == null ||
     68                     right.right == null && left.left !=null)
     69                 return false;
     70         }
     71         return true;
     72     }
     73     /**
     74      * by BFS, to check if they are equal or not
     75      * Two binary trees are considered equal if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value.
     76      * @param p
     77      * @param q
     78      * @return
     79      */
     80     public boolean isSameTree(TreeNode p, TreeNode q){
     81         if(p == null && q == null)
     82             return true;
     83         if(p == null && q!=null || p!=null && q==null)
     84             return false;
     85         LinkedList<TreeNode> pqueue = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();
     86         LinkedList<TreeNode> qqueue = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();
     88         pqueue.offer(p);
     89         qqueue.offer(q);
     91         while(!pqueue.isEmpty() && !qqueue.isEmpty()){
     92             TreeNode pC = pqueue.poll();
     93             TreeNode qC = qqueue.poll();
     94             //have same value
     95             if(pC.val!=qC.val)
     96                 return false;
     97             //structurally identical or not
     98             if(pC.left!=null && qC.left == null ||
     99                     pC.left == null && qC.left!=null)
    100                 return false;
    101             else if(pC.left!=null && qC.left!=null){
    102                 pqueue.offer(pC.left);
    103                 qqueue.offer(qC.left);
    104             }
    106             if(pC.right == null && qC.right != null || 
    107                     pC.right!=null && qC.right == null)
    108                 return false;
    109             else if(pC.right!=null && qC.right!=null){
    110                 pqueue.offer(pC.right);
    111                 qqueue.offer(qC.right);
    112             }
    113         }
    114         /**
    115          * there is no need
    116          * if(pqueue.isEmpty() && !qqueue.isEmpty() ||
    117                 qqueue.isEmpty() && !pqueue.isEmpty())
    118             return false;
    119         */
    120         return true;
    121     }
    有问题可以和我联系,bettyting2010#163 dot com
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