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  • mailsend


    mailsend is a simple command line program to send mail via SMTP protocol. I used to send a piece of alert mail from a program in a networked Windows machine. You might find it useful in some situations.

    Latest Development version is 1.17b14

    Download  mailsend1.17b14.exe   959 KB


    Version: @(#) mailsend v1.17b14
     Copyright: BSD. It is illegal to use this software for Spamming
     (Compiled with OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.0g 18 Jan 2012)
     usage: mailsend [options]
     Where the options are:
      -copyright            - show copyright information
      -smtp hostname/IP*    - Hostname/IP address of the SMTP server
      -port SMTP port       - SMTP port
      -d    domain          - domain name for SMTP HELO/EHLO
      -t    to,to..*        - email address/es of the recipient/s
      -cc   cc,cc..         - Carbon copy address/es
      +cc                   - do not ask for Carbon Copy
      -ct   seconds         - Connect timeout. Default is 5 seconds
      -bc   bcc,bcc..       - Blind carbon copy address/es
      +bc                   - do not ask for Blind carbon copy
      +D                    - don not add Date header
      -f    address*        - email address of the sender
      -sub  subject         - subject
      -lilst file           - a file containing a list of email addresses
      -log file             - write log messages to this file
      -attach file,mime_type,[i/a] (i=inline,a=attachment)
                            - attach this file as attachment or inline
      -cs   character set   - for text/plain attachments (default is us-ascii)
      -enc  type            - Encoding Type. Only valid type: base64
      -H    "header"        - Add custom Header
      -M    "one line msg"  - attach this one line text message
      -name "Full Name"     - add name in the From header
      -v                    - verbose mode
      -show_attach          - show attachment in verbose mode, default is no
      -V                    - show version info
      -w                    - wait for a CR after sending the mail
      -rt  email_address    - add Reply-To header
      -rrr email_address    - request read receipts to this address
      -ssl                  - SMTP over SSL
      -starttls             - Check for STARTTLS and if server supports, do it
      -auth                 - Try CRAM-MD5,LOGIN,PLAIN in that order
      -auth-cram-md5        - use AUTH CRAM-MD5 authentication
      -auth-plain           - use AUTH PLAIN authentication
      -auth-login           - use AUTH LOGIN authentication
      -user username        - username for ESMTP authentication
      -pass password        - password for ESMTP authentication
      -example              - show examples
      -ehlo                 - force EHLO
      -info                 - show SMTP server information
      -help                 - shows this help
      -q                    - quiet

     The options with * must be specified. Environment variables: SMTP_USER_PASS for plain text password (-pass).
      For determining MIME types, please look at MIME Types.



    These examples are generated using
     $ mailsend -V
    mailsend Version: @(#) mailsend v1.17b11
    Compiled with OpenSSL: OpenSSL 0.9.8x 10 May 2012

    Show server info

    $ mailsend -v -info -port 587 -smtp smtp.gmail.com
    $ mailsend -v -info -ssl -port 465 -smtp smtp.gmail.com
    $ mailsend -v -info -smtp smtp.example.com -ct 2


     $ mailsend -to user@gmail.com -from user@gmail.com  
    -starttls -port 587 -auth
    -smtp smtp.gmail.com
    -sub test +cc +bc -v  
    -user you -pass "your_password"


     $ mailsend -to user@gmail.com -from user@gmail.com  
    -ssl -port 465 -auth  
    -smtp smtp.gmail.com  
    -sub test +cc +bc -v  
    -user you -pass "your_password"
    As -auth is specified, CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, PLAIN will be tried in that order. Use -auth-cram-md5, -auth-plan, -auth-login for specific auth mechanism.
    Note: Password can be set by env var SMTP_USER_PASS instead of -pass



     $ mailsend -f user@example.com -smtp  
    -t user@example.com -sub test -attach "file.txt,text/plain"  
    -attach "/usr/file.gif,image/gif" -attach "file.jpeg,image/jpg"
     $ mailsend -f user@example.com -smtp  
    -t user@example.com -sub test +cc +bc  
    -attach "c:file.gif,image/gif" -M "Sending a GIF file"
     $ mailsend -f user@example.com -smtp  
    -t user@example.com -sub test +cc +bc -cs "ISO-8859-1"  
    -attach "file2.txt,text/plain"

    Inline Attachment

     $ mailsend -f user@example.com -d example.com -smtp  
    -t user@example.com -sub test -attach "nf.jpg,image/jpeg,i"  
    -M "body line1: content disposition is inline"  
    -M "body line2: this is line2 of the body"
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