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  • Windows下安装Redmine




    本文介绍,以及最后的bug补丁,仅针对Redmine 1.2.1版本,不能确定后续版本是否需要同样操作。欢迎留言反馈。






    英文原文:RailsInstaller Provides Easy Rails on Windows Installation

    作者:Rob Bazinet 译者:张龙

    RailsInstaller向Windows开发者提供了一种便捷的方式以轻松、快速创建Ruby on Rails 3应用。到目前为止,Windows开发者需要自己搭建好Ruby、RubyGems、Rails以及SQLite才能开始创建Rails应用。多亏了来自Engine Yard的Nic Williams博士及其团队,现在一切都变得简单异常。


    • 通过向导的轻松安装
    • Rails 3.0.3
    • Ruby 1.8.7——p330
    • SLQite 3.7.3
    • Git
    • DevKit




    最近在一家公司实习。公司用的项目管理软件是开源的redmine,体验非常不错。我想这个东西不仅可以用来管理项目,也可以用来管理个人的学习工作进展啊。于是,我也在自己的虚拟机的2003 server 下安装。

    之前为了安装wordpress,我已经在我的电脑上安装了 xampp。这是一个搭建服务器环境的傻瓜式安装包,里面集成了apache,php,mysql,phpMyAdmin,FileZilla FTP Server,Tomcat,这些组件可以选择安装。.

    因为redmine是需要apache 和mysql的,所以正好。此外,redmine使用ruby写的,所以还需要ruby的环境。

    配置ruby 的环境我选用的是railsinstaller 。

    之前我在网上搜索安装redmine 的教程,配置ruby环境大多是用InstantRails。我实际用了一下,效果不太好。因为InstantRails从2007年开始就没有更新了,里面包含的很多组件版本都很旧,直接搭建的话需要升级各种组件,而且组件之间的依赖关系比较混乱,反正我是在里面绕了很多弯路。而且InstantRails 里面自带有很低版本的apache,mysql,phpMyAdmin,如果你电脑本来安装了这些,那么又要改这些服务的端口和对应的配置文件。总之一句话,InstantRails 已经过时了。


    1.去redmine的官方网站下载 redmine 的最新版本。我下载的的是redmine 1.2.1.然后弄清楚这个版本的需要的环境。Redmine 的网站的Guide »Installation Guide » 会清楚的告诉你这些事项的。

    2.如果你的电脑上还没有apache ,php,mysql 建议你去下载xampp,如果有的话,跳过这步。

    3.去railsinstaller 的官方网站去下载最新版的railsinstaller 。看它所包含的组件以及其版本。然后安装。

    4.做好这些准备工作了。就可以开始配置redmine运行环境了。把redmine的解压到railsinstaller所产生的sites目录。在dos窗口进入sites edmine目录下。

    5.gem install rails -v=2.3.11         安装rails 2.3.11版本,这个redmine 1.2.1所要求的。

    6.gem install rack -v=1.1.1          安装rack 1.1.1版本,这个redmine 1.2.1所要求的。

    7.gem install -v=0.4.2 i18n  这个根据安装时返回的错误命令提示来决定。比如的我就是提示Missing the i18n 0.4.2 gem. Please `gem install -v=0.4.2 i18n`

    8.进入phpMyAdmin 创建数据库。执行以下三条sql 语句。

    create database redmine character set utf8;

    create user 'redmine'@'localhost' identified by 'my_password';

    grant all privileges on redmine.* to 'redmine'@'localhost';

    9.拷贝config/database.yml.example文件到config/database.yml,修改database.yml的内容 production:

          adapter: mysql

          database: redmine

          host: localhost

          username: redmine

          password: my_password

    Username 和password字段就是自己要设置的数据库的账号和密码。

    10.回到dos 窗口下,设置Session Key,执行 rake generate_session_store

    如果提示 mysql 错误,再执行如下语句 gem install mysql

    以下是执行rake generate_session_store可能出现的错误,缺包,一次安装.


    Installing RDoc documentation for i18n-0.6.9...
    unable to convert U+00E4 from UTF-8 to GBK for lib/i18n/tests/interpolation.rb, skipping
    unable to convert "xC3" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to GBK for lib/i18n.rb, skipping

    C:Sites edmine>rake generate_session_store
    Could not find gem 'rails (= 3.2.17) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.
    Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

    C:Sites edmine>gem install rails -v=3.2.17
    Fetching: activesupport-3.2.17.gem (100%)
    Fetching: activemodel-3.2.17.gem (100%)
    Fetching: actionpack-3.2.17.gem (100%)
    Fetching: activerecord-3.2.17.gem (100%)
    Fetching: activeresource-3.2.17.gem (100%)
    Fetching: actionmailer-3.2.17.gem (100%)
    Fetching: railties-3.2.17.gem (100%)
    Fetching: rails-3.2.17.gem (100%)
    Successfully installed activesupport-3.2.17
    Successfully installed activemodel-3.2.17
    Successfully installed actionpack-3.2.17
    Successfully installed activerecord-3.2.17
    Successfully installed activeresource-3.2.17
    Successfully installed actionmailer-3.2.17
    Successfully installed railties-3.2.17
    Successfully installed rails-3.2.17
    8 gems installed
    Installing ri documentation for activesupport-3.2.17...
    Installing ri documentation for activemodel-3.2.17...
    Installing ri documentation for actionpack-3.2.17...
    Installing ri documentation for activerecord-3.2.17...
    Installing ri documentation for activeresource-3.2.17...
    Installing ri documentation for actionmailer-3.2.17...
    Installing ri documentation for railties-3.2.17...
    Installing ri documentation for rails-3.2.17...
    file 'lib' not found
    Installing RDoc documentation for activesupport-3.2.17...
    Installing RDoc documentation for activemodel-3.2.17...
    Installing RDoc documentation for actionpack-3.2.17...
    Installing RDoc documentation for activerecord-3.2.17...
    Installing RDoc documentation for activeresource-3.2.17...
    Installing RDoc documentation for actionmailer-3.2.17...
    Installing RDoc documentation for railties-3.2.17...
    Installing RDoc documentation for rails-3.2.17...
    file 'lib' not found

    C:Sites edmine>rake generate_session_store
    Could not find gem 'selenium-webdriver (>= 0) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.
    Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

    C:Sites edmine>gem install selenium-webdriver
    Fetching: ffi-1.9.3-x86-mingw32.gem (100%)
    Fetching: childprocess-0.5.3.gem (100%)
    Fetching: websocket-1.0.7.gem (100%)
    Fetching: selenium-webdriver-2.42.0.gem (100%)
    Successfully installed ffi-1.9.3-x86-mingw32
    Successfully installed childprocess-0.5.3
    Successfully installed websocket-1.0.7
    Successfully installed selenium-webdriver-2.42.0
    4 gems installed
    Installing ri documentation for ffi-1.9.3-x86-mingw32...
    Enclosing class/module 'moduleFFI' for class AbstractMemory not known
    Enclosing class/module 'moduleFFI' for class NullPointerError not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias put_" #name, "put_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "get_" #name, "get_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "put_u" #name, "put_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "get_u" #name, "get_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "write_" #name, "write_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "read_" #name, "read_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "write_u" #name, "write_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "read_u" #name, "read_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "put_array_of_" #name, "put_array_of_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "get_array_of_" #name, "get_array_of_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "put_array_of_u" #name, "put_array_of_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "get_array_of_u" #name, "get_array_of_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "write_array_of_" #name, "write_array_of_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "read_array_of_" #name, "read_array_of_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "write_array_of_u" #name, "write_array_of_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "read_array_of_u" #name, "read_array_of_u" #old);

    ALIAS(char, int8);
    ALIAS(short, int16);
    ALIAS(int, int32);
    ALIAS(long_long, int64);

    * Document-method: put_float32
    * call-seq: memory.put_float32offset, value)
    * @param [Numeric] offset
    * @param [Numeric] value
    * @return [self]
    * Put +value+ as a 32-bit float in memory at offset +offset+ (alias: #put_float).
    rb_define_method(classMemory, "put_float32", memory_put_float32, 2);
    * Document-method: get_float32
    * call-seq: memory.get_float32(offset)
    * @param [Numeric] offset
    * @return [Float]
    * Get a 32-bit float from memory at offset +offset+ (alias: #get_float).
    rb_define_method(classMemory, "get_float32", memory_get_float32, 1);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "put_float put_float32 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias get_float get_float32 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias put_array_of_float put_array_of_float32 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias get_array_of_float get_array_of_float32 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias put_double put_float64 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias get_double get_float64 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias put_array_of_double put_array_of_float64 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias get_array_of_double get_array_of_float64 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias size total not known
    Enclosing class/module 'moduleFFI' for class ArrayType not known
    Enclosing class/module 'moduleFFI' for class Buffer not known
    Enclosing class/module "BufferClass" for alias length total not known
    Enclosing class/module 'moduleFFI' for module DataConverter not known
    Enclosing class/module 'moduleFFI' for class DynamicLibrary not known
    Enclosing class/module 'LibraryClass' for class Symbol not known
    Enclosing class/module 'rbffi_TypeClass' for class Mapped not known
    Enclosing class/module 'rbffi_StructLayoutClass' for class CharArray not known
    Enclosing class/module "rbffi_StructLayoutCharArrayClass" for alias to_str to_s not known
    Installing ri documentation for childprocess-0.5.3...
    Installing ri documentation for websocket-1.0.7...
    Installing ri documentation for selenium-webdriver-2.42.0...
    Installing RDoc documentation for ffi-1.9.3-x86-mingw32...
    Enclosing class/module 'moduleFFI' for class AbstractMemory not known
    Enclosing class/module 'moduleFFI' for class NullPointerError not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias put_" #name, "put_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "get_" #name, "get_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "put_u" #name, "put_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "get_u" #name, "get_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "write_" #name, "write_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "read_" #name, "read_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "write_u" #name, "write_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "read_u" #name, "read_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "put_array_of_" #name, "put_array_of_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "get_array_of_" #name, "get_array_of_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "put_array_of_u" #name, "put_array_of_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "get_array_of_u" #name, "get_array_of_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "write_array_of_" #name, "write_array_of_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "read_array_of_" #name, "read_array_of_" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "write_array_of_u" #name, "write_array_of_u" #old);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "read_array_of_u" #name, "read_array_of_u" #old);

    ALIAS(char, int8);
    ALIAS(short, int16);
    ALIAS(int, int32);
    ALIAS(long_long, int64);

    * Document-method: put_float32
    * call-seq: memory.put_float32offset, value)
    * @param [Numeric] offset
    * @param [Numeric] value
    * @return [self]
    * Put +value+ as a 32-bit float in memory at offset +offset+ (alias: #put_float).
    rb_define_method(classMemory, "put_float32", memory_put_float32, 2);
    * Document-method: get_float32
    * call-seq: memory.get_float32(offset)
    * @param [Numeric] offset
    * @return [Float]
    * Get a 32-bit float from memory at offset +offset+ (alias: #get_float).
    rb_define_method(classMemory, "get_float32", memory_get_float32, 1);
    rb_define_alias(classMemory, "put_float put_float32 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias get_float get_float32 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias put_array_of_float put_array_of_float32 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias get_array_of_float get_array_of_float32 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias put_double put_float64 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias get_double get_float64 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias put_array_of_double put_array_of_float64 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias get_array_of_double get_array_of_float64 not known
    Enclosing class/module "classMemory" for alias size total not known
    Enclosing class/module 'moduleFFI' for class ArrayType not known
    Enclosing class/module 'moduleFFI' for class Buffer not known
    Enclosing class/module "BufferClass" for alias length total not known
    Enclosing class/module 'moduleFFI' for module DataConverter not known
    Enclosing class/module 'moduleFFI' for class DynamicLibrary not known
    Enclosing class/module 'LibraryClass' for class Symbol not known
    Enclosing class/module 'rbffi_TypeClass' for class Mapped not known
    Enclosing class/module 'rbffi_StructLayoutClass' for class CharArray not known
    Enclosing class/module "rbffi_StructLayoutCharArrayClass" for alias to_str to_s not known
    Installing RDoc documentation for childprocess-0.5.3...
    Installing RDoc documentation for websocket-1.0.7...
    Installing RDoc documentation for selenium-webdriver-2.42.0...

    C:Sites edmine>set RAILS_ENV=production

    C:Sites edmine>rake db:migrate
    Could not find gem 'rack-openid (>= 0) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.
    Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

    C:Sites edmine>rake generate_session_store
    Could not find gem 'rack-openid (>= 0) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.
    Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

    C:Sites edmine>bundle install rack-openid
    ERROR: "bundle install" was called with arguments ["rack-openid"]
    Usage: "bundle install [OPTIONS]"

    C:Sites edmine>gem install rack-openid
    Fetching: ruby-openid-2.5.0.gem (100%)
    Fetching: rack-openid-1.4.2.gem (100%)
    Successfully installed ruby-openid-2.5.0
    Successfully installed rack-openid-1.4.2
    2 gems installed
    Installing ri documentation for ruby-openid-2.5.0...
    Installing ri documentation for rack-openid-1.4.2...
    Installing RDoc documentation for ruby-openid-2.5.0...
    Installing RDoc documentation for rack-openid-1.4.2...

    C:Sites edmine>rake generate_session_store
    Could not find gem 'rake (~> 10.1.1) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.
    Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

    C:Sites edmine>gem install rake
    Fetching: rake-10.3.2.gem (100%)
    Successfully installed rake-10.3.2
    1 gem installed
    Installing ri documentation for rake-10.3.2...
    Installing RDoc documentation for rake-10.3.2...

    C:Sites edmine>rake generate_session_store
    Could not find gem 'rake (~> 10.1.1) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.
    Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

    C:Sites edmine>gem install rake -v=10.1.1
    Fetching: rake-10.1.1.gem (100%)
    Successfully installed rake-10.1.1
    1 gem installed
    Installing ri documentation for rake-10.1.1...
    Installing RDoc documentation for rake-10.1.1...

    C:Sites edmine>rake generate_session_store
    Could not find gem 'jquery-rails (~> 2.0.2) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.
    Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

    C:Sites edmine>gem install jquery-rails -v=2.0.2
    Fetching: jquery-rails-2.0.2.gem (100%)
    Successfully installed jquery-rails-2.0.2
    1 gem installed
    Installing ri documentation for jquery-rails-2.0.2...
    Installing RDoc documentation for jquery-rails-2.0.2...

    C:Sites edmine>rake generate_session_store
    Could not find gem 'coderay (~> 1.1.0) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.
    Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

    C:Sites edmine>gem install coderay -v=1.1.0
    WARNING: Error fetching data: SocketError: getaddrinfo: ������������������ (http://rubygems.org/specs.4.8.gz)
    ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'coderay' (= 1.1.0) in any repository
    WARNING: Error fetching data: SocketError: getaddrinfo: ������������������ (http://rubygems.org/latest_specs.4
    ERROR: Possible alternatives: coderay

    C:Sites edmine>gem install coderay
    Fetching: coderay-1.1.0.gem (100%)
    Successfully installed coderay-1.1.0
    1 gem installed
    Installing ri documentation for coderay-1.1.0...
    Installing RDoc documentation for coderay-1.1.0...

    C:Sites edmine>rake generate_session_store
    Could not find gem 'fastercsv (~> 1.5.0) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.
    Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

    C:Sites edmine>gem install fastercsv -v=1.5.0
    Fetching: fastercsv-1.5.0.gem (100%)
    Successfully installed fastercsv-1.5.0
    1 gem installed
    Installing ri documentation for fastercsv-1.5.0...
    unable to convert "xE2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to GBK for lib/faster_csv.rb, skipping
    Installing RDoc documentation for fastercsv-1.5.0...
    unable to convert "xE2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to GBK for lib/faster_csv.rb, skipping

    C:Sites edmine>rake generate_session_store
    Could not find gem 'builder (= 3.0.0) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.
    Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

    C:Sites edmine>gem install builder -v=3.0.0
    Fetching: builder-3.0.0.gem (100%)
    Successfully installed builder-3.0.0
    1 gem installed
    Installing ri documentation for builder-3.0.0...
    Installing RDoc documentation for builder-3.0.0...

    C:Sites edmine>rake generate_session_store
    Could not find gem 'awesome_nested_set (= 2.1.6) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.
    Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

    C:Sites edmine>gem install awesome_nested_set -v=2.1.6
    Fetching: awesome_nested_set-2.1.6.gem (100%)
    Successfully installed awesome_nested_set-2.1.6
    1 gem installed
    Installing ri documentation for awesome_nested_set-2.1.6...
    unable to convert U+00A0 from UTF-8 to GBK for lib/awesome_nested_set/helper.rb, skipping
    Installing RDoc documentation for awesome_nested_set-2.1.6...
    unable to convert U+00A0 from UTF-8 to GBK for lib/awesome_nested_set/helper.rb, skipping

    C:Sites edmine>


    11.然后set RAILS_ENV=production

    rake db:migrate

    rake redmine:load_default_data

    执行rake load_default_data RAILS_ENV="production" 完后,会提示Select language: bg, bs, ca, cs, da, de, el, en, en-GB, es, eu, fi, fr, gl, he, hr, hu, id, it, ja, ko, lt, lv, mn, nl,no, pl, pt, pt-BR, ro, ru, sk, sl, sr, sr-CY, sv, th, tr, uk, vi, zh, zh-TW [en] zh


    12.最后ruby script/server webrick -e production  启动。以后每次开机后都需要这句来启动。

    13.打开浏览器 输入 http://localhost:3000 。账号,密码都是 admin 。




    下面我简单翻译一下redmine 1.2.1 官方的安装向导。(仅 windows 平台)

    官方发行版已经在其 vendor 目录包含了适当的Rails 版本,所以不需要为此做什么。

    你也可以查看redmine 的版本,运行一下命令特地的为它安装某个版本的组件:

    gem install rails -v=2.3.11


    gem install rack -v=1.1.0


    · Ruby 1.9 版本目前还不支持,但你必须安装ruby 1.8.x 以上的版本。

    · RubyGems 1.3.7 或者更高版本有以下限制 :

    o Rails 2.3.5 与rubygems 1.5.0或者更高的版本工作会失败,请使用rubygems的更早的版本!

    o Rails 2.3.11 与rubygems 1.7.9或者更高版本工作会失败,请使用rubygems更早的版本 !

    · 需要Rake 0.8.7 (rake 0.9.x 尚未被 Rails 支持)

    · 需要Rack1.1.x , 1.1.0 版本有引用 (#8416)所描述的bug. 同其他版本的迁移会失败.

    · Mongrel1.1.5 需要补丁 #7688 才能和 Rails 2.3.11工作. 在升级的情况下,其他问题可能会出现 (#7857).

    ·  Redmine >= 1.0.5版本需要I18n 0.4.2


    · 需要mysql 5.0或者更高的版本。MySQL 5.0 or higher (建议)


    1.获得redmine 的源代码或者发行包。参见 Download.

    2.用mysql 创建一个空的数据库和一个名为 redmine的用户,例如:

    create database redmine character set utf8;

    create user 'redmine'@'localhost' identified by 'my_password';

    grant all privileges on redmine.* to 'redmine'@'localhost';

    对于mysql 5.0.2 的版本 跳过create user ,用这个代替grant all privileges on redmine.* to 'redmine'@'localhost' identified by 'my_password';

    3.复制Copy config/database.yml.example改为 config/database.yml ,编辑文件配置数据库设置。例如mysql:


      adapter: mysql

      database: redmine

      host: localhost

      username: redmine

      password: my_password



      adapter: mysql

      database: redmine

      host: localhost

      port: 3307

      username: redmine

      password: my_password


    rake generate_session_store


    AILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate



    Rake aborted!

    no such file to load -- net/https



    RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data

    7.运行使用ruby script/server webrick -e production命令



    Window 用户的特别提醒

    RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate

    RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data


    set RAILS_ENV=production

    rake db:migrate

    rake redmine:load_default_data

    如果你需要安装mysql ,使用如下命令:

    gem install mysql

    在一些情况下,你需要复制libmysql.dll到你的ruby/bin目录,但不是所有的libmysql.dll 都适合,请参考





    scm_subversion_command: svn                                       # (default: svn),





    注意:configuration.yml 中无用的项不用写,有严格的格式


      attachments_storage_path: D:RedmineFiles 
      scm_subversion_command: svn


    参考 http://bufeifang.blog.163.com/blog/static/558981512009421113134391/

    Redemine的启动是用命令行执行的,在Redmine根目录下执行:ruby script/server -e production即可,但是执行后不能关闭控制台,不然服务就会关闭,这对于重启服务器来说是一件很麻烦的事情,每次都要手动启动Redmine;


    A、先安装mongrel_service,在在C:InstantRails ubyin目录下运行:gem install mongrel_service,此过程中会下载一些其他必须的包;

    B、使用mongrel_service将Redmine安装为服务:mongrel_rails service::install -N RedMine -c C: edmine -p 3000 –e production;C: edmine是具体的目录,参考修改;



    sc config RedMine start= auto depend= MySQL


    注意,执行sc config系列指令,服务必须是未启动的才行,否则会出错。


    mongrel_rails service::remove -N RedMine






    A NoMethodError occurred in account#login

    参见 http://www.redmine.org/issues/7857


    由 Alfredo Bonilla

    Hi everybody, we are trying to upgrade to 1.2 and we are having both problems here described... the problem is that after applying what here is detailed... there is no way... problems still remain.

    Please, let me know if I'm missing something or doing something wrong!!):

    Thx in advance

    由 Etienne Massip

    • mongrel.rb is mandatory to get mongrel 1.1.5 work with RoR 2.3.11. It's the only patch I'm actually running with.
    • patch_for_mongrel.rb might be useful for a sub-URL Redmine setup ?
    • rails_6440_patch.rb might be useful at start to prevent the hereby discussed issue (maybe only in case of a Redmine upgrade) but can be remove after some time

    由 Alfredo Bonilla

    Thanks for clarifications. As I commented in http://www.redmine.org/issues/7688, our problem was not having installed the mongrel gems. Once installed, just with mongrel.rb in /config/initializers, everything is working. :)


    1、Redmine Sprints 插件 官方主页 https://github.com/software-project/scrum-pm

    - by 一个农夫 -


    作者:一个农夫 ( www.cnblogs.com/afarmer )



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    posted @ 2011-08-06 00:28 一个农夫 阅读(23486) 评论(5) 编辑 收藏

    #1楼 2013-05-02 09:51 火地晋  
    #2楼 2013-10-10 15:17 清歌。  
    #3楼[楼主] 2013-10-10 15:36 一个农夫  
    #4楼 2014-04-29 14:57 山水郎  
    我执行rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"出现下面的错误,
    rake aborted! 
    no such file to load -- bundler/setup 
    gem install bundler后,出现了这样的错误
    ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteSourceException)
    HTTP Response 301 fetching http://gems.rubyforge.org/yaml

    #5楼[楼主] 2014-04-30 14:50 一个农夫  

    set RAILS_ENV=production
    rake db:migrate
    rake redmine:load_default_data

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