We refer specifically to ACM Recommender Systems (RecSys), established in 2007 and now the premier annual event in recommender technology research and applications.
In addition, sessions dedicated to RSs are frequently included in the more traditional conferences in the area of data bases, information systems and adaptive systems. Among these conferences are worth mentioning ACM SIGIR Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR), User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP), and ACM’s Special Interest Group on Management Of Data (SIGMOD)
There have been several special issues in academic journals covering research and developments in the RS field. Among the journals that have dedicated issues to RS are:
AI Communications (2008);
IEEE Intelligent Systems (2007);
International Journal of Electronic Commerce (2006);
International Journal of Computer Science and Applications (2006);
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (2005);
and ACM Transactions on Information Systems (2004).