public class WordDocumentTable { public WordDocumentTable(int PiTableID) { MiTableID = PiTableID; } public WordDocumentTable(int PiTableID, int PiColumnID) { MiTableID = PiTableID; MiColumnID = PiColumnID; } public WordDocumentTable(int PiTableID, int PiColumnID, int PiRowID) { MiTableID = PiTableID; MiColumnID = PiColumnID; MiRowID = PiRowID; } private int MiTableID = 0; public int TableID { get { return MiTableID; } set { MiTableID = value; } } private int MiRowID = 0; public int RowID { get { return MiRowID; } set { MiRowID = value; } } private int MiColumnID = 0; public int ColumnID { get { return MiColumnID; } set { MiColumnID = value; } } }
private List<WordDocumentTable> WordDocumentTables { get { List<WordDocumentTable> wordDocTable = new List<WordDocumentTable>(); //Reads the data from the first Table of the document. wordDocTable.Add(new WordDocumentTable(0)); //Reads the data from the second table and its second column. //This table has only one row. wordDocTable.Add(new WordDocumentTable(1, 1)); //Reads the data from third table, second row and second cell. wordDocTable.Add(new WordDocumentTable(2, 1, 1)); return wordDocTable; } }
public void ExtractTableData(byte[] PobjData) { using (MemoryStream LobjStream = new MemoryStream(PobjData)) { Document LobjAsposeDocument = new Document(LobjStream); foreach(WordDocumentTable wordDocTable in WordDocumentTables) { Aspose.Words.Tables.Table table = (Aspose.Words.Tables.Table) LobjAsposeDocument.GetChild (NodeType.Table, wordDocTable.TableID, true); string cellData = table.Range.Text; if (wordDocTable.ColumnID > 0) { if (wordDocTable.RowID == 0) { NodeCollection LobjCells = table.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Cell, true); cellData = LobjCells[wordDocTable.ColumnID].ToTxt(); } else { NodeCollection LobjRows = table.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Row, true); cellData = ((Row)(LobjRows[wordDocTable.RowID])). Cells[wordDocTable.ColumnID].ToTxt(); } } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Data in Table {0}, Row {1}, Column {2} : {3}", wordDocTable.TableID, wordDocTable.RowID, wordDocTable.ColumnID, cellData); } } }