data :
itab_e070 like e070 occurs 0 with header line,
* Request header including Req user.
iwa_e070c like e070c, "Request client
itab_e071 like e071 occurs 0 with header line ,
*Request entry line items may include multiple lines
iwa_e07t like e07t , "Requst short text(desc)
iwa_E070A like E070A ,
*If the Request was locked and delelted,Delete Tlock otherwise
*The program will be locked to make any modifications.
itab_tlock like tlock occurs 0 with header line .
parameter reqno like e070-trkorr default '' .
select * into table itab_e070 from e070
where trkorr eq reqno or strkorr eq reqno.
if SY-SUBRC Ne 0 .
write : 'The Request No.:' , Reqno , ' not exist !' .
* exit .
endif .
select single * into iwa_e070c from e070c
where trkorr eq reqno .
select * into table itab_e071 from e071
where trkorr eq reqno .
select single * into iwa_e07t from e07t
where trkorr eq reqno .
select single * into iwa_E070A from e070A
where trkorr eq reqno .
if itab_e070 IS INITIAL .
select * into table itab_tlock from tlock
where trkorr eq reqno .
select * into table itab_tlock from tlock
where TRKORR eq itab_e070-trkorr .
if SY-SUBRC NE 0 .
write : / 'No Locked object for the request NO. was found!'.
endif .
delete :
e070 from table itab_e070 ,
e070c from iwa_e070c,
e071 from table itab_e071,
e07t from iwa_e07t ,
e070A from iwa_E070A ,
tlock from table itab_tlock .
write : / 'The Request No.:' , Reqno ,
' has already been successfully Full deleted'.