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  • lecture 9.16

    consultation: Mon 4:15-5:15pm  ( week 3-10 )

          Fri 2-3pm  ( week 1-10 )

          lab: Fri 12-1pm  ( CSE Drum Lab, B08 in K17 basement, David )




    期末选择题简答题,double pass

    1. B was a typeless language, C is a typed language

    2. in the main function, return 0 means the code run successfully

    3. 对给出数组进行从小到大排序的算法是,从第二个数开始依次跟左边的数进行比较(重复比较),将更大的放到后面,直到遍历完所有的数

     1 #include <stdio.h>  //include standard I/O library defs and functions
     2 #define SIZE 6  //define a symbolilc constant
     3 void insertionSort(int array[],int n)  //functions headers must provide types 
     4 { 
     5     int i;  //each variable must have a type
     6     for (i=1; i<n; i++) 
     7     {
     8         int element=array[i];
     9         int j=i-1;
    10         while (j>=0 && array[j]>element) 
    11         {
    12             array[j+1]=array[j];
    13             j--;
    14         }
    15     array[j+1]=element;
    16     }
    17 }
    18 int main(void)  //main:program starts here
    19 {
    20     int numbers[SIZE]={3,6,5,2,4,1};
    21     int i;
    22     insertionSort(numbers,SIZE);
    23     for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
    24         printf("%d
    ", numbers[i]);  //printf defined in stdio
    25     return 0;
    26 }

    4. void是没有返回值的函数

    5. i++ means i=i+1 ( now you can understand C++ )

    6. && means and

    7. 循环语句里只有一句话时可以不加{},如代码中第24行

    8. 使用gcc:

    To compile a program prog.c, type:

        prompt$ gcc prog.c

    To run the program, type:

        prompt$ ./a.out

    #editor不做要求,老师使用的是emacs, 建议使用带有highlighting功能的,更加醒目

    9. 尽量使用第一种,不推荐第二种

     10.  assignment(赋值)可以与循环结合

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/eleni/p/11548771.html
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