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  • code for QTP and ALM

    ' Name: connectALM
    ' Summary: connect to ALM
    ' Parameters:
    ' QCServer,QCUserName, QCPassword, QCDomain, QCProject: QC and user information
    ' Outputs:
    ' True or False
    Function connectALM(QCServer,QCUserName, QCPassword, QCDomain, QCProject)

    Set TDConnection = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")

    With TDConnection
    'Create a connection with the QC Server
    .InitConnectionEx QCServer

    'Login to QC
    .Login QCUserName, QCPassword

    'Connect to QC Project
    .Connect QCDomain, QCProject

    End With

    If not isnull(TDConnection) Then

    Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Connect to ALM", "Connected successfully."
    connectALM = True
    Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Connect to ALM", "Connected failed."
    connectALM = null
    End If

    End Function

    ' Name: disconnectALM
    ' Summary: disconnect ALM, release object
    ' Parameters:
    ' TDConnection:the object connecting ALM
    ' Outputs: none

    Function disconnectALM(TDConnection)

    Set TDConnection = Nothing
    End Function

    ' Name: checkTestSet
    ' Summary: check test set exist or not
    ' Parameters:
    ' TDConnection:the object connecting ALM
    ' QCTestSetPath, QCTestSetName: test set information
    ' Outputs:
    ' True or False
    Function checkTestSet(TDConnection,QCTestSetPath, QCTestSetName)

    Set TSTreeManager = TDConnection.TestSetTreeManager

    'Return the test set tree node from the specified tree path
    Set TSFolder = TSTreeManager.NodeByPath(QCTestSetPath)

    'Returns the list of test sets contained in the folder that match the specified pattern.
    Set TSList = TSFolder.FindTestSets(QCTestSetName)

    If TSList.Count = 0 Then

    Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Mark status in ALM", "No TestSet in the."& QCTestSetPath
    checkTestSet = False

    isFound = False
    For Each TestSet in TSList
    If LCase(TestSet.Name) = LCase(QCTestSetName) Then
    isFound = True
    checkTestSet = True
    Exit For
    End If

    'if QCTestSetName was not found then exit.
    If not isFound Then
    Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Mark status in ALM", "TestSet "& QCTestSetName & " was not found."
    checkTestSet = False
    End If
    End If

    End Function

    ' Name: markCaseStatusonALM
    ' Summary: according to array of case name, mark corresponding status in the ALM
    ' Parameters:
    ' TDConnection:the object connecting ALM
    ' QCTestSetPath, QCTestSetName: test set information
    ' Outputs: none
    Function markCaseStatusonALM(TDConnection,QCTestSetPath, QCTestSetName, arrCaseName, arrCaseStatus)

    blnExist = checkTestSet(TDConnection,QCTestSetPath, QCTestSetName)

    Set TSTreeManager = TDConnection.TestSetTreeManager

    If blnExist Then
    'This enables database to update immediately when the field value changes
    TestSet.AutoPost = True
    'TSTestFactory manages test instances (TSTest objects) in a test set
    Set TSTestFactory = TestSet.TSTestFactory

    'TSTestFactory.NewList("") creates a list of objects according to the specified filter
    For Each qtTest in TSTestFactory.NewList("")
    'Change test status to N/A
    'We do this to ensure all tests have 'not run' before starting execution
    'If the execution errors out, we can keep track of the tests that were not run

    qtTest.Field("TC_STATUS") = "N/A"



    'mark status according to input array

    intCaseNumber = Ubound(arrCaseName)

    'Get each case from array and find the test name from ALM
    For i = 0 To intCaseNumber
    For Each qtTest in TSTestFactory.NewList("")
    strNameinALM = trim(qtTest.name)

    'Remove [x] from test name
    strNameinALM = mid(strNameinALM,4)

    If Lcase(trim(strNameinALM)) = Lcase(trim(arrCaseName(i))) Then
    qtTest.Field("TC_STATUS") = arrCaseStatus(i)
    Exit For
    End If
    End If

    End Function

    ' Name: addAttachmentOnQC
    ' Summary: according to array of case name, mark corresponding status in the ALM
    ' Parameters:
    ' TDConnection:the object connecting ALM
    ' QCTestSetPath, QCTestSetName: test set information
    ' arrOutputXMLFilePath, arrInputXMLFilePath, arrCaseName: array stored case and requst/response xml file name
    ' Outputs: none
    Function addAttachmentOnQC(TDConnection, QCTestSetPath, QCTestSetName, arrOutputXMLFilePath, arrInputXMLFilePath, arrCaseName)

    blnExist = checkTestSet(TDConnection,QCTestSetPath, QCTestSetName)

    Set TSTreeManager = TDConnection.TestSetTreeManager

    If blnExist Then
    'This enables database to update immediately when the field value changes
    TestSet.AutoPost = True
    'TSTestFactory manages test instances (TSTest objects) in a test set
    Set TSTestFactory = TestSet.TSTestFactory

    AddAttachmentOnQC = False

    intCaseNumber = Ubound(arrCaseName)

    Set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

    'Get each case from array and find the test name from ALM
    For i = 0 To intCaseNumber
    For Each qtTest in TSTestFactory.NewList("")
    strNameinALM = trim(qtTest.name)

    'Remove [x] from test name
    strNameinALM = mid(strNameinALM,4)

    If Lcase(trim(strNameinALM)) = Lcase(trim(arrCaseName(i))) Then
    strOutputXMLFilePath = Environment("TestDir")&"OutputXML"&arrOutputXMLFilePath(i)
    strInputXMLFilePath = Environment("TestDir")&"InputXML"&arrInputXMLFilePath(i)

    Set AttachmentFactory = qtTest.Attachments
    Set Attachment = AttachmentFactory.AddItem(Null)

    If fso.FileExists(strOutputXMLFilePath) Then
    Attachment.FileName = strOutputXMLFilePath
    Attachment.Type = 1
    End If

    If fso.FileExists(strInputXMLFilePath) Then
    Attachment.FileName = strInputXMLFilePath
    Attachment.Type = 1
    End If

    Exit For
    End If

    End if

    End Function

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ellie-test/p/4353797.html
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