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  • QTP read or write XML file

    'strNodePath = "/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body/getProductsResponse/transaction/queryProducts/queryProduct/keys/keyProducts/keyProduct/attrProduct/attrs/attr"

    Function getNodeandValuefromXML(strXmlFilePath, strNodePath) 'passed

    Dim xmlDoc, xmlRoot,xmlChildren, xmlChild, childNodeName, childNodeValue
    Dim i, strNodeField, strNodeValue

    Set xmlDoc = XMLUtil.CreateXML()

    xmlDoc.LoadFile strXmlFilePath

    Set xmlRoot = xmlDoc.GetRootElement()

    Set xmlChildren = xmlDoc.ChildElementsByPath(strNodePath)

    intNodeCount = xmlChildren.Count()

    For i = 1 To xmlChildren.Count()

    Set childNodeName = xmlChildren.Item(i).ChildElementsByPath("name")

    strOneField = childNodeName.Item(1).Value

    Set childNodeValue = xmlChildren.Item(i).ChildElementsByPath("value")

    strOneValue = childNodeValue.Item(1).Value

    If strOneValue <>"" Then
    strNodeField = strNodeField&"$"&strOneField
    strNodeValue = strNodeValue&"$"&strOneValue

    End If


    strNodeField = mid(strNodeField, 2)
    strNodeValue = mid(strNodeValue, 2)

    'Combine field and value to a string

    strNodeFieldValue = strNodeField&"|"&strNodeValue

    Set strRoot = nothing
    Set xmlDoc = nothing

    getNodeandValuefromXML = strNodeFieldValue

    End Function

    Function createInputFile(strXmlFilePath, strNodePath, strNodeField, strNodeValue) 'passed

    Dim xmlDoc, xmlRoot,xmlChildren, xmlChild, child, updateChild
    Dim i, childText

    Set xmlDoc = XMLUtil.CreateXML()

    xmlDoc.LoadFile strXmlFilePath

    Set xmlRoot = xmlDoc.GetRootElement()

    'temp = xmlRoot.ElementName

    Set xmlChildren = xmlDoc.ChildElementsByPath(strNodePath)

    For i = 1 To xmlChildren.Count()

    Set child = xmlChildren.Item(i)
    childText = child.Value

    If strNodeField <> "productId" and strNodeField <> "qty" Then
    If trim(childText) = strNodeField Then

    Set updateChild = xmlChildren.Item(i).Parent.ChildElementsByPath("value")
    updateChild.Item(1).SetValue strNodeValue

    Exit For
    End If

    'Set updateChild = xmlChildren.Item(i).ChildElementsByPath("productId")
    child.SetValue strNodeValue

    End If


    xmlDoc.SaveFile strXmlFilePath

    Set strRoot = nothing
    Set xmlDoc = nothing
    End Function

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ellie-test/p/4516731.html
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