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  • HTML5经典案例学习-----新元素添加文档结构



      1 <!DOCTYPE html>   <!-- 不区分大小写 -->
      2 <html lang="en">   <!-- 指定语言 -->
      3 <head>
      4     <meta charset="UTF-8">   <!-- 指定字符集 -->
      5     <title>Document</title>
      6     <style>
      7     /* 样式化结构元素 */
      8         header,footer,nav,article,aside,section{
      9             display: block;
     10         }
     11         body{
     12             padding-top:80px; 
     13         }
     14         a{
     15             text-decoration: none;
     16         }
     17         header{
     18             height: auto;
     19             position: fixed;
     20             top: 0px;
     21             left: 0px;
     22             width: 100%;
     23             height: 80px;
     24             padding: 0px 30px;
     25             background: gray;
     26         }
     27         header>h1{
     28             display: inline-block;
     29         }
     30         header>nav{
     31             float: right;
     32             margin-top: 20px;
     33             margin-right: 50px;
     34         }
     35         nav>ul>li{
     36             list-style: none;
     37             float: left;
     38             display: inline-block;
     39             margin: 0px 10px;
     40         }
     41         article{
     42             float: right;
     43             width: 60%;
     44             margin: 50px 0px;
     45             background: #E0EEE0;
     46         }
     47         aside{
     48             width: 30%;
     49             float: left;
     50             background: #B0E2FF;
     51         }
     52         footer{
     53             position: fixed;
     54             bottom: 0px;
     55             left: 0px;
     56             text-align: center;
     57             display: block;
     58             width: 100%;
     59             background: #C1CDCD;
     60         }
     61     </style>
     62 </head>
     63 <body>
     64     <!-- 样式需要自己添加 -->
     65     <header>
     66         <h1>
     67             <abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr>5,for Fun &amp; Profit
     68         </h1>
     69         <nav>
     70             <ul>
     71                 <li><a href="/Archive">Archive</a></li>
     72                 <li><a href="/About">About</a></li>
     73             </ul>
     74         </nav>
     75     </header>
     76     <article>
     77         <h2>
     78             <code>nav</code> Isn't for <em>All</em> Links
     79         </h2>
     80         <p>
     81             Though the <code>nav</code> element often contains links, that doesn't mean that
              <em>all</em> links on a site need <code> nav</code>. 82 </p> 83 </article> 84 <article> 85 <h2> 86 You've Got the <code>DOCTYPE</code>. Now What? 87 </h2> 88 <p> 89 HTML5 isn't an all or nothing proposition. You can pick and choose what works best for you. So once you have the
             <code>DOCTYPE</code> in place, you should explore. 90 </p> 91 </article> 92 <aside> 93 <h2>HTML5 Elsewhere</h2> 94 <p>Feed your HTML5 fix with resourses from our partners:</p> 95 <ul> 96 <li> 97 <a href="http://lovinghtml5.com">Loving HTML5</a> 98 </li> 99 <li> 100 <a href="http://semanticsally.com">Semantic Sally</a> 101 </li> 102 </ul> 103 </aside> 104 <footer> 105 <p> 106 Copyright &copy; 2011 <a href="http://html5funprofit.com">HTML5, for Fun &amp; Profit</a>. All rights reserved. 107 </p> 108 </footer> 109 <script> 110 //IE9之前的IE版本,必须添加一些JS,使得IE识别这些元素,并允许对它们进行样式化 111 document.createElement('header'); 112 document.createElement('footer'); 113 document.createElement('nav'); 114 document.createElement('article'); 115 document.createElement('aside'); 116 document.createElement('section'); 117 //然而,好像IE9以下没有用啊,是我写错了吗? 118 </script> 119 </body> 120 </html>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/em2464/p/6574016.html
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