Install nload on a CentOS/RHEL/Red Hat/Fedora Linux
First, turn on EPEL repo on a CentOS or RHEL based system. Type the following yum command to install nload:
# yum install nload
Install nload on a Debian or Ubuntu Linux
Type the following apt-get command:
$ sudo apt-get install nload
How do I use nload to display the current network usage?
The basic syntax is:
nload device
nload [options] device1 device2
Just type the following command:
$ nload
$ nload eth0
$ nload em0 em2
Controlling nload app
Once nload command executed, it begins to monitor the network devices. You can control nload with the following key shortcuts:
- You can switch between the devices by pressing the left and right arrow keys or Enter/Tab key.
- Press F2 to show the option window
- Press F5 to save current settings to the user’s config file.
- Press F6 reload settings from the config files.
- Press q or hit Ctrl+C to quit nload.
Setting the refresh interval of the display
The default value of interval is 100 milliseconds to refresh interval of the display. In this example, change to 500 milliseconds:
$ nload -t {interval_number_in_millisec}
$ nload -t 500
Setting the type of unit used for the display of traffic numbers
The syntax is:
$ nload -u h|H|b|B|k|K|m|M|g|G
$ nload -U h|H|b|B|k|K|m|M|g|G
$ nload -u h
$ nload -u G
$ nload -U G
- The lower case -u option: h means human readable (auto), b Bit/s, k kBit/s, m MBit/s and g GBit/s. The upper case letters mean the corresponding units in Bytes (instead of Bits). The default is k.
- The upper case -U option is same as lower case -u option, but for an amount of data, e.g. Bit, kByte, GBit etc. (without "/s"). The default is M.
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