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    Winsock kernel buffer

    To optimize performance at the application layer, Winsock copies data buffers from application send calls to a Winsock kernel buffer. Then, the stack uses its own heuristics (such as Nagle algorithm) to determine when to actually put the packet on the wire.
    You can change the amount of Winsock kernel buffer allocated to the socket using the SO_SNDBUF option (it is 8K by default). If necessary, Winsock can buffer significantly more than the SO_SNDBUF buffer size.

    send completion in most cases

    In most cases, the send completion in the application only indicates the data buffer in an application send call is copied to the Winsock kernel buffer and does not indicate that the data has hit the network medium.
    The only exception is when you disable the Winsock buffering by setting SO_SNDBUF to 0.

    rules to indicate a send completion

    Winsock uses the following rules to indicate a send completion to the application (depending on how the send is invoked, the completion notification could be the function returning from a blocking call, signaling an event or calling a notification function, and so forth):

    • If the socket is still within SO_SNDBUF quota, Winsock copies the data from the application send and indicates the send completion to the application.
    • If the socket is beyond SO_SNDBUF quota and there is only one previously buffered send still in the stack kernel buffer, Winsock copies the data from the application send and indicates the send completion to the application.
    • If the socket is beyond SO_SNDBUF quota and there is more than one previously buffered send in the stack kernel buffer, Winsock copies the data from the application send. Winsock does not indicate the send completion to the application until the stack completes enough sends to put the socket back within SO_SNDBUF quota or only one outstanding send condition.




    Sets send buffer size. This option takes an int value. (it is 8K by default).
    Sets receive buffer size. This option takes an int value.

    Note: SO stands for Socket Option

    每个套接口都有一个发送缓冲区和一个接收缓冲区,使用SO_SNDBUF & SO_RCVBUF可以改变缺省缓冲区大小。


    2.2 Using in C/C++

    int setsockopt(SOCKET s,int level,int optname,const char* optval,int optlen);

    SOCKET socket = ...
    int nRcvBufferLen = 64*1024;
    int nSndBufferLen = 4*1024*1024;
    int nLen          = sizeof(int);
    setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&nSndBufferLen, nLen);
    setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char*)&nRcvBufferLen, nLen);


    容错能力强就要求有 备份,也就是说要有缓存,这样的话才能支持重传等功能。
    每个Socket都有自己的Send Buffer和Receive Buffer。
    当进行send和recv操作时,立即返回,其实是将数据并没有发送出去,而是存放在对应的Send Buffer和Receive Buffer马上返回成功。

    文献上send buffer的一点说明

    udp send buffer

    we show the socket send buffer as a dashed box because it doesn't really exist.
    A UDP socket has a send buffer size (which we can change with the SO_SNDBUF socket option, Section 7.5), but this is simply an upper limit on the maximum-sized UDP datagram that can be written to the socket.
    If an application writes a datagram larger than the socket send buffer size, EMSGSIZE is returned.
    Since UDP is unreliable, it does not need to keep a copy of the application's data and does not need an actual send buffer.
    (The application data is normally copied into a kernel buffer
    of some form as it passes down the protocol stack, but this copy is discarded by the datalink layer after the data is transmitted.)”
    (UNIX® Network Programming Volume 1, Third Edition: The Sockets Networking API,Pub Date: November 21, 2003)

    根据以上《UNIX 网络编程第一卷》(此版本是2003年出版的,但是未查询到其它有效的文献)中的描述,针对UDP而言,利用SO_SNDBUF设置的值,是可写到该socket的UDP报文的最大值;如果当前程序接收到的报文大于send buffer size,会返回EMSGSIZE。







    • TCP
      保证TCP套接口接收缓冲区不会溢出,从而保证了TCP是可靠传输。因为对方不允许发出超过所通告窗口大小的数据。 这就是TCP的流量控制,如果对方无视窗口大小而发出了超过窗口大小的数据,则接收方TCP将丢弃它。
    • UDP



    每个UDP socket都有一个接收缓冲区,没有发送缓冲区,从概念上来说就是只要有数据就发,不管对方是否可以正确接收,所以不缓冲,不需要发送缓冲区。


    为了达到最大网络吞吐,socket send buffer size(SO_SNDBUF)不应该小于带宽和延迟的乘积



    Dynamic send buffering for TCP was added on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. By default, dynamic send buffering for TCP is enabled unless an application sets the SO_SNDBUF socket option on the stream socket.

    较新的OS都支持socket buffer的自动调整,不需要应用程序去调优。但对Windows 2012(和Win8)以前的Windows,为了达到最大网络吞吐,还是要应用程序操心一下SO_SNDBUF的设置。


    需要注意的是,如果应用设置了SO_SNDBUF,Dynamic send buffering会失效 。https://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/windows/desktop/bb736549(v=vs.85).aspx

    将SO_RCVBUF SO_SNDBUF设置为0 没什么好处

    Let’s look at how the system handles a typical send call when the send buffer size is non-zero.
    When an application makes a send call, if there is sufficient buffer space, the data is copied into the socket’s send buffers, the call completes immediately with success, and the completion is posted.
    On the other hand, if the socket’s send buffer is full, then the application’s send buffer is locked and the send call fails with WSA_IO_PENDING. After the data in the send buffer is processed (for example, handed down to TCP for processing), then Winsock will process the locked buffer directly. That is, the data is handed directly to TCP from the application’s buffer and the socket’s send buffer is completely by passed.

    可以看出发送数据时,如果socket的send buffer(内核层)已满,这时候应用程序的send buffer(应用层)会被锁定,send 调用返回WSA_IO_PENDING。
    当send buffer中的数据已经处理完,Winsock会直接处理锁定的send buffer(应用层)。也就是说,程序跳过socket的send buffer,直接处理程序的buffer(应用层)

    The opposite is true for receiving data. When an overlapped receive call is performed, if data has already been received on the connection, it will be buffered in the socket’s receive buffer. This data will be copied directly into the application’s buffer (as much as will fit), the receive call returns success, and a completion is posted. However, if the socket’s receive buffer is empty, when the overlapped receive call is made, the application’s buffer is locked and the call fails with WSA_IO_PENDING. Once data arrives on the connection, it will be copied directly into the application’s buffer, bypassing the socket’s receive buffer altogether.


    Setting the per-socket buffers to zero generally will not increase performance because the extra memory copy can be avoided as long as there are always enough overlapped send and receive operations posted. Disabling the socket’s send buffer has less of a performance impact than disabling the receive buffer because the application’s send buffer will always be locked until it can be passed down to TCP for processing. However, if the receive buffer is set to zero and there are no outstanding overlapped receive calls, any incoming data can be buffered only at the TCP level. The TCP driver will buffer only up to the receive window size, which is 17 KB—TCP will increase these buffers as needed to this limit; normally the buffers are much smaller.
    These TCP buffers (one per connection) are allocated out of non-paged pool, which means if the server has 1000 connections and no receives posted at all, 17 MB of the non- paged pool will be consumed!
    The non-paged pool is a limited resource, and unless the server can guarantee there are always receives posted for a connection, the per-socket receive buffer should be left intact.
    Only in a few specific cases will leaving the receive buffer intact lead to decreased performance. Consider the situation in which a server handles many thousands of connections and cannot have a receive posted on each connection (this can become very expensive, as you’ll see in the next section). In addition, the clients send data sporadically. Incoming data will be buffered in the per-socket receive buffer and when the server does issue an overlapped receive, it is performing unnecessary work. The overlapped operation issues an I/O request packet (IRP) that completes, immediately after which notification is sent to the completion port. In this case, the server cannot keep enough receives posted, so it is better off performing simple non-blocking receive calls.

    UNIX® Network Programming Volume 1, Third Edition: The Sockets Networking API,Pub Date: November 21, 2003

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