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  • 用Java发送邮件

    要用Java发送邮件,除过JDK本身的jar包之外,还需要两个额外的jar包:JavaMail和JAF。当然,如果你使用的JavaEE的JDK,那就不用单独去网上下载了,因为JavaEE的JDK中已经自带了这两个jar包。如果你使用的是JavaSE的JDK,那么你需要去Oracle的网站上下载这两个jar包。JavaMail 1.4.5 jar包下载地址是:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index-138643.html,JAF 1.1.1 jar包下载地址是:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index-135046.html。将这两个Zip包下载下来之后解压,将里边的几个jar包(mail.jar、dsn.jar、imap.jar、mailapi.jar、pop3.jar、smtp.jar和activation.jar)全部加到工程里边。下边就可以开始写程序了。加上测试程序,一共有4个类。
     1 package com.test.mail;
     2 import java.util.Properties;
     4 public class MailSenderInfo {
     5  // 发送邮件的服务器的IP(或主机地址)
     6  private String mailServerHost;
     7  // 发送邮件的服务器的端口
     8  private String mailServerPort = "25";
     9  // 发件人邮箱地址
    10  private String fromAddress;
    11  // 收件人邮箱地址
    12  private String toAddress;
    13  // 登陆邮件发送服务器的用户名
    14  private String userName;
    15  // 登陆邮件发送服务器的密码
    16  private String password;
    17  // 是否需要身份验证
    18  private boolean validate = false;
    19  // 邮件主题
    20  private String subject;
    21  // 邮件的文本内容
    22  private String content;
    23  // 邮件附件的文件名
    24  private String[] attachFileNames;
    26  public Properties getProperties() {
    27   Properties p = new Properties();
    28   p.put("mail.smtp.host", this.mailServerHost);
    29   p.put("mail.smtp.port", this.mailServerPort);
    30   p.put("mail.smtp.auth", validate ? "true" : "false");
    31   return p;
    32  }
    33  public String getMailServerHost() {
    34   return mailServerHost;
    35  }
    36  public void setMailServerHost(String mailServerHost) {
    37   this.mailServerHost = mailServerHost;
    38  }
    39  public String getMailServerPort() {
    40   return mailServerPort;
    41  }
    42  public void setMailServerPort(String mailServerPort) {
    43   this.mailServerPort = mailServerPort;
    44  }
    45  public boolean isValidate() {
    46   return validate;
    47  }
    48  public void setValidate(boolean validate) {
    49   this.validate = validate;
    50  }
    51  public String[] getAttachFileNames() {
    52   return attachFileNames;
    53  }
    54  public void setAttachFileNames(String[] fileNames) {
    55   this.attachFileNames = fileNames;
    56  }
    57  public String getFromAddress() {
    58   return fromAddress;
    59  }
    60  public void setFromAddress(String fromAddress) {
    61   this.fromAddress = fromAddress;
    62  }
    63  public String getPassword() {
    64   return password;
    65  }
    66  public void setPassword(String password) {
    67   this.password = password;
    68  }
    69  public String getToAddress() {
    70   return toAddress;
    71  }
    72  public void setToAddress(String toAddress) {
    73   this.toAddress = toAddress;
    74  }
    75  public String getUserName() {
    76   return userName;
    77  }
    78  public void setUserName(String userName) {
    79   this.userName = userName;
    80  }
    81  public String getSubject() {
    82   return subject;
    83  }
    84  public void setSubject(String subject) {
    85   this.subject = subject;
    86  }
    87  public String getContent() {
    88   return content;
    89  }
    90  public void setContent(String textContent) {
    91   this.content = textContent;
    92  }
    93 }
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     1 package com.test.mail;
     2 import javax.mail.Authenticator;
     3 import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
     5 public class MyAuthenticator extends Authenticator {
     6  String userName = null;
     7  String password = null;
     8  public MyAuthenticator() {
     9  }
    10  public MyAuthenticator(String username, String password) {
    11   this.userName = username;
    12   this.password = password;
    13  }
    14  protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
    15   return new PasswordAuthentication(userName, password);
    16  }
    17 }
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     1 package com.test.mail;
     2 import java.util.Date;
     3 import java.util.Properties;
     4 import javax.mail.Address;
     5 import javax.mail.BodyPart;
     6 import javax.mail.Message;
     7 import javax.mail.MessagingException;
     8 import javax.mail.Multipart;
     9 import javax.mail.Session;
    10 import javax.mail.Transport;
    11 import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
    12 import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart;
    13 import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
    14 import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;
    16 public class SimpleMailSender {
    18  public boolean sendTextMail(MailSenderInfo mailInfo) {
    19   // 判断是否需要身份认证
    20   MyAuthenticator authenticator = null;
    21   Properties pro = mailInfo.getProperties();
    22   if (mailInfo.isValidate()) {
    23    // 如果需要身份认证,则创建一个密码验证器
    24    authenticator = new MyAuthenticator(mailInfo.getUserName(), mailInfo.getPassword());
    25   }
    26   // 根据邮件会话属性和密码验证器构造一个发送邮件的session
    27   Session sendMailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(pro, authenticator);
    28   try {
    29    // 根据session创建一个邮件消息
    30    Message mailMessage = new MimeMessage(sendMailSession);
    31    // 创建邮件发送者地址
    32    Address from = new InternetAddress(mailInfo.getFromAddress());
    33    // 设置邮件消息的发送者
    34    mailMessage.setFrom(from);
    35    // 创建邮件的接收者地址,并设置到邮件消息中
    36    Address to = new InternetAddress(mailInfo.getToAddress());
    37    mailMessage.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, to);
    38    // 设置邮件消息的主题
    39    mailMessage.setSubject(mailInfo.getSubject());
    40    // 设置邮件消息发送的时间
    41    mailMessage.setSentDate(new Date());
    42    // 设置邮件消息的主要内容
    43    String mailContent = mailInfo.getContent();
    44    mailMessage.setText(mailContent);
    45    // 发送邮件
    46    Transport.send(mailMessage);
    47    return true;
    48   } catch (MessagingException ex) {
    49    ex.printStackTrace();
    50   }
    51   return false;
    52  }
    54  public static boolean sendHtmlMail(MailSenderInfo mailInfo) {
    55   // 判断是否需要身份认证
    56   MyAuthenticator authenticator = null;
    57   Properties pro = mailInfo.getProperties();
    58   // 如果需要身份认证,则创建一个密码验证器
    59   if (mailInfo.isValidate()) {
    60    authenticator = new MyAuthenticator(mailInfo.getUserName(), mailInfo.getPassword());
    61   }
    62   // 根据邮件会话属性和密码验证器构造一个发送邮件的session
    63   Session sendMailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(pro, authenticator);
    64   try {
    65    // 根据session创建一个邮件消息
    66    Message mailMessage = new MimeMessage(sendMailSession);
    67    // 创建邮件发送者地址
    68    Address from = new InternetAddress(mailInfo.getFromAddress());
    69    // 设置邮件消息的发送者
    70    mailMessage.setFrom(from);
    71    // 创建邮件的接收者地址,并设置到邮件消息中
    72    Address to = new InternetAddress(mailInfo.getToAddress());
    73    // Message.RecipientType.TO属性表示接收者的类型为TO
    74    mailMessage.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, to);
    75    // 设置邮件消息的主题
    76    mailMessage.setSubject(mailInfo.getSubject());
    77    // 设置邮件消息发送的时间
    78    mailMessage.setSentDate(new Date());
    79    // MiniMultipart类是一个容器类,包含MimeBodyPart类型的对象
    80    Multipart mainPart = new MimeMultipart();
    81    // 创建一个包含HTML内容的MimeBodyPart
    82    BodyPart html = new MimeBodyPart();
    83    // 设置HTML内容
    84    html.setContent(mailInfo.getContent(), "text/html; charset=utf-8");
    85    mainPart.addBodyPart(html);
    86    // 将MiniMultipart对象设置为邮件内容
    87    mailMessage.setContent(mainPart);
    88    // 发送邮件
    89    Transport.send(mailMessage);
    90    return true;
    91   } catch (MessagingException ex) {
    92    ex.printStackTrace();
    93   }
    94   return false;
    95  }
    96 }
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     1 package com.test.mail;
     2 public class SendMailDemo {
     3  public static void main(String[] args) {
     4   // 设置邮件服务器信息
     5   MailSenderInfo mailInfo = new MailSenderInfo();
     6   mailInfo.setMailServerHost("smtp.163.com");
     7   mailInfo.setMailServerPort("25");
     8   mailInfo.setValidate(true);
    10   // 邮箱用户名
    11   mailInfo.setUserName("zhangsan@163.com");
    12   // 邮箱密码
    13   mailInfo.setPassword("zhangsanpass");
    14   // 发件人邮箱
    15   mailInfo.setFromAddress("zhangsan@163.com");
    16   // 收件人邮箱
    17   mailInfo.setToAddress("lisi@sina.com");
    18   // 邮件标题
    19   mailInfo.setSubject("测试Java程序发送邮件");
    20   // 邮件内容
    21   StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    22   buffer.append("JavaMail 1.4.5 jar包下载地址:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index-138643.html
    23   buffer.append("JAF 1.1.1 jar包下载地址:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index-135046.html");
    24   mailInfo.setContent(buffer.toString());
    26   // 发送邮件
    27   SimpleMailSender sms = new SimpleMailSender();
    28   // 发送文体格式
    29   sms.sendTextMail(mailInfo);
    30   // 发送html格式
    31   SimpleMailSender.sendHtmlMail(mailInfo);
    32   System.out.println("邮件发送完毕");
    33  }
    34 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/emily1130/p/3630204.html
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