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  • CocoSourcesCS 3

    CocoSourcesCS 3

      1 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
      2 Compiler Generator Coco/R,
      3 Copyright (c) 1990, 2004 Hanspeter Moessenboeck, University of Linz
      4 extended by M. Loeberbauer & A. Woess, Univ. of Linz
      5 with improvements by Pat Terry, Rhodes University
      7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
      8 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
      9 Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any 
     10 later version.
     12 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
     13 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
     14 or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
     15 for more details.
     17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along 
     18 with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
     19 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
     21 As an exception, it is allowed to write an extension of Coco/R that is
     22 used as a plugin in non-free software.
     24 If not otherwise stated, any source code generated by Coco/R (other than 
     25 Coco/R itself) does not fall under the GNU General Public License.
     26 -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     27 using System.IO;
     31 using System;
     33 namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
     37 public class Parser {
     38     public const int _EOF = 0;
     39     public const int _ident = 1;
     40     public const int _number = 2;
     41     public const int _string = 3;
     42     public const int _badString = 4;
     43     public const int _char = 5;
     44     public const int maxT = 41;
     45     public const int _ddtSym = 42;
     46     public const int _optionSym = 43;
     48     const bool _T = true;
     49     const bool _x = false;
     50     const int minErrDist = 2;
     52     public Scanner scanner;
     53     public Errors  errors;
     55     public Token t;    // last recognized token
     56     public Token la;   // lookahead token
     57     int errDist = minErrDist;
     59 const int id = 0;
     60     const int str = 1;
     62     public TextWriter trace;    // other Coco objects referenced in this ATG
     63     public Tab tab;
     64     public DFA dfa;
     65     public ParserGen pgen;
     67     bool   genScanner;
     68     string tokenString;         // used in declarations of literal tokens
     69     string noString = "-none-"; // used in declarations of literal tokens
     71 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     75     public Parser(Scanner scanner) {
     76         this.scanner = scanner;
     77         errors = new Errors();
     78     }
     80     void SynErr (int n) {
     81         if (errDist >= minErrDist) errors.SynErr(la.line, la.col, n);
     82         errDist = 0;
     83     }
     85     public void SemErr (string msg) {
     86         if (errDist >= minErrDist) errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, msg);
     87         errDist = 0;
     88     }
     90     void Get () {
     91         for (;;) {
     92             t = la;
     93             la = scanner.Scan();
     94             if (la.kind <= maxT) { ++errDist; break; }
     95                 if (la.kind == 42) {
     96                 tab.SetDDT(la.val); 
     97                 }
     98                 if (la.kind == 43) {
     99                 tab.SetOption(la.val); 
    100                 }
    102             la = t;
    103         }
    104     }
    106     void Expect (int n) {
    107         if (la.kind==n) Get(); else { SynErr(n); }
    108     }
    110     bool StartOf (int s) {
    111         return set[s, la.kind];
    112     }
    114     void ExpectWeak (int n, int follow) {
    115         if (la.kind == n) Get();
    116         else {
    117             SynErr(n);
    118             while (!StartOf(follow)) Get();
    119         }
    120     }
    123     bool WeakSeparator(int n, int syFol, int repFol) {
    124         int kind = la.kind;
    125         if (kind == n) {Get(); return true;}
    126         else if (StartOf(repFol)) {return false;}
    127         else {
    128             SynErr(n);
    129             while (!(set[syFol, kind] || set[repFol, kind] || set[0, kind])) {
    130                 Get();
    131                 kind = la.kind;
    132             }
    133             return StartOf(syFol);
    134         }
    135     }
    138     void Coco() {
    139         Symbol sym; Graph g, g1, g2; string gramName; CharSet s; int beg, line; 
    140         if (StartOf(1)) {
    141             Get();
    142             beg = t.pos; line = t.line; 
    143             while (StartOf(1)) {
    144                 Get();
    145             }
    146             pgen.usingPos = new Position(beg, la.pos, 0, line); 
    147         }
    148         Expect(6);
    149         genScanner = true; 
    150         tab.ignored = new CharSet(); 
    151         Expect(1);
    152         gramName = t.val;
    153         beg = la.pos; line = la.line;
    155         while (StartOf(2)) {
    156             Get();
    157         }
    158         tab.semDeclPos = new Position(beg, la.pos, 0, line); 
    159         if (la.kind == 7) {
    160             Get();
    161             dfa.ignoreCase = true; 
    162         }
    163         if (la.kind == 8) {
    164             Get();
    165             while (la.kind == 1) {
    166                 SetDecl();
    167             }
    168         }
    169         if (la.kind == 9) {
    170             Get();
    171             while (la.kind == 1 || la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5) {
    172                 TokenDecl(Node.t);
    173             }
    174         }
    175         if (la.kind == 10) {
    176             Get();
    177             while (la.kind == 1 || la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5) {
    178                 TokenDecl(Node.pr);
    179             }
    180         }
    181         while (la.kind == 11) {
    182             Get();
    183             bool nested = false; 
    184             Expect(12);
    185             TokenExpr(out g1);
    186             Expect(13);
    187             TokenExpr(out g2);
    188             if (la.kind == 14) {
    189                 Get();
    190                 nested = true; 
    191             }
    192             dfa.NewComment(g1.l, g2.l, nested); 
    193         }
    194         while (la.kind == 15) {
    195             Get();
    196             Set(out s);
    197             tab.ignored.Or(s); 
    198         }
    199         while (!(la.kind == 0 || la.kind == 16)) {SynErr(42); Get();}
    200         Expect(16);
    201         if (genScanner) dfa.MakeDeterministic();
    202         tab.DeleteNodes();
    204         while (la.kind == 1) {
    205             Get();
    206             sym = tab.FindSym(t.val);
    207             bool undef = sym == null;
    208             if (undef) sym = tab.NewSym(Node.nt, t.val, t.line);
    209             else {
    210              if (sym.typ == Node.nt) {
    211                if (sym.graph != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
    212              } else SemErr("this symbol kind not allowed on left side of production");
    213              sym.line = t.line;
    214             }
    215             bool noAttrs = sym.attrPos == null;
    216             sym.attrPos = null;
    218             if (la.kind == 24 || la.kind == 26) {
    219                 AttrDecl(sym);
    220             }
    221             if (!undef)
    222              if (noAttrs != (sym.attrPos == null))
    223                SemErr("attribute mismatch between declaration and use of this symbol");
    225             if (la.kind == 39) {
    226                 SemText(out sym.semPos);
    227             }
    228             ExpectWeak(17, 3);
    229             Expression(out g);
    230             sym.graph = g.l;
    231             tab.Finish(g);
    233             ExpectWeak(18, 4);
    234         }
    235         Expect(19);
    236         Expect(1);
    237         if (gramName != t.val)
    238          SemErr("name does not match grammar name");
    239         tab.gramSy = tab.FindSym(gramName);
    240         if (tab.gramSy == null)
    241          SemErr("missing production for grammar name");
    242         else {
    243          sym = tab.gramSy;
    244          if (sym.attrPos != null)
    245            SemErr("grammar symbol must not have attributes");
    246         }
    247         tab.noSym = tab.NewSym(Node.t, "???", 0); // noSym gets highest number
    248         tab.SetupAnys();
    249         tab.RenumberPragmas();
    250         if (tab.ddt[2]) tab.PrintNodes();
    251         if (errors.count == 0) {
    252          Console.WriteLine("checking");
    253          tab.CompSymbolSets();
    254          if (tab.ddt[7]) tab.XRef();
    255          if (tab.GrammarOk()) {
    256            Console.Write("parser");
    257            pgen.WriteParser();
    258            if (genScanner) {
    259              Console.Write(" + scanner");
    260              dfa.WriteScanner();
    261              if (tab.ddt[0]) dfa.PrintStates();
    262            }
    263            Console.WriteLine(" generated");
    264            if (tab.ddt[8]) pgen.WriteStatistics();
    265          }
    266         }
    267         if (tab.ddt[6]) tab.PrintSymbolTable();
    269         Expect(18);
    270     }
    272     void SetDecl() {
    273         CharSet s; 
    274         Expect(1);
    275         string name = t.val;
    276         CharClass c = tab.FindCharClass(name);
    277         if (c != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
    279         Expect(17);
    280         Set(out s);
    281         if (s.Elements() == 0) SemErr("character set must not be empty");
    282         tab.NewCharClass(name, s);
    284         Expect(18);
    285     }
    287     void TokenDecl(int typ) {
    288         string name; int kind; Symbol sym; Graph g; 
    289         Sym(out name, out kind);
    290         sym = tab.FindSym(name);
    291         if (sym != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
    292         else {
    293          sym = tab.NewSym(typ, name, t.line);
    294          sym.tokenKind = Symbol.fixedToken;
    295         }
    296         tokenString = null;
    298         while (!(StartOf(5))) {SynErr(43); Get();}
    299         if (la.kind == 17) {
    300             Get();
    301             TokenExpr(out g);
    302             Expect(18);
    303             if (kind == str) SemErr("a literal must not be declared with a structure");
    304             tab.Finish(g);
    305             if (tokenString == null || tokenString.Equals(noString))
    306              dfa.ConvertToStates(g.l, sym);
    307             else { // TokenExpr is a single string
    308              if (tab.literals[tokenString] != null)
    309                SemErr("token string declared twice");
    310              tab.literals[tokenString] = sym;
    311              dfa.MatchLiteral(tokenString, sym);
    312             }
    314         } else if (StartOf(6)) {
    315             if (kind == id) genScanner = false;
    316             else dfa.MatchLiteral(sym.name, sym);
    318         } else SynErr(44);
    319         if (la.kind == 39) {
    320             SemText(out sym.semPos);
    321             if (typ != Node.pr) SemErr("semantic action not allowed here"); 
    322         }
    323     }
    325     void TokenExpr(out Graph g) {
    326         Graph g2; 
    327         TokenTerm(out g);
    328         bool first = true; 
    329         while (WeakSeparator(28,7,8) ) {
    330             TokenTerm(out g2);
    331             if (first) { tab.MakeFirstAlt(g); first = false; }
    332             tab.MakeAlternative(g, g2);
    334         }
    335     }
    337     void Set(out CharSet s) {
    338         CharSet s2; 
    339         SimSet(out s);
    340         while (la.kind == 20 || la.kind == 21) {
    341             if (la.kind == 20) {
    342                 Get();
    343                 SimSet(out s2);
    344                 s.Or(s2); 
    345             } else {
    346                 Get();
    347                 SimSet(out s2);
    348                 s.Subtract(s2); 
    349             }
    350         }
    351     }
    353     void AttrDecl(Symbol sym) {
    354         if (la.kind == 24) {
    355             Get();
    356             int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; int line = la.line; 
    357             while (StartOf(9)) {
    358                 if (StartOf(10)) {
    359                     Get();
    360                 } else {
    361                     Get();
    362                     SemErr("bad string in attributes"); 
    363                 }
    364             }
    365             Expect(25);
    366             if (t.pos > beg)
    367              sym.attrPos = new Position(beg, t.pos, col, line); 
    368         } else if (la.kind == 26) {
    369             Get();
    370             int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; int line = la.line; 
    371             while (StartOf(11)) {
    372                 if (StartOf(12)) {
    373                     Get();
    374                 } else {
    375                     Get();
    376                     SemErr("bad string in attributes"); 
    377                 }
    378             }
    379             Expect(27);
    380             if (t.pos > beg)
    381              sym.attrPos = new Position(beg, t.pos, col, line); 
    382         } else SynErr(45);
    383     }
    385     void SemText(out Position pos) {
    386         Expect(39);
    387         int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; int line = la.line; 
    388         while (StartOf(13)) {
    389             if (StartOf(14)) {
    390                 Get();
    391             } else if (la.kind == 4) {
    392                 Get();
    393                 SemErr("bad string in semantic action"); 
    394             } else {
    395                 Get();
    396                 SemErr("missing end of previous semantic action"); 
    397             }
    398         }
    399         Expect(40);
    400         pos = new Position(beg, t.pos, col, line); 
    401     }
    403     void Expression(out Graph g) {
    404         Graph g2; 
    405         Term(out g);
    406         bool first = true; 
    407         while (WeakSeparator(28,15,16) ) {
    408             Term(out g2);
    409             if (first) { tab.MakeFirstAlt(g); first = false; }
    410             tab.MakeAlternative(g, g2);
    412         }
    413     }
    415     void SimSet(out CharSet s) {
    416         int n1, n2; 
    417         s = new CharSet(); 
    418         if (la.kind == 1) {
    419             Get();
    420             CharClass c = tab.FindCharClass(t.val);
    421             if (c == null) SemErr("undefined name"); else s.Or(c.set);
    423         } else if (la.kind == 3) {
    424             Get();
    425             string name = t.val;
    426             name = tab.Unescape(name.Substring(1, name.Length-2));
    427             foreach (char ch in name)
    428              if (dfa.ignoreCase) s.Set(char.ToLower(ch));
    429              else s.Set(ch); 
    430         } else if (la.kind == 5) {
    431             Char(out n1);
    432             s.Set(n1); 
    433             if (la.kind == 22) {
    434                 Get();
    435                 Char(out n2);
    436                 for (int i = n1; i <= n2; i++) s.Set(i); 
    437             }
    438         } else if (la.kind == 23) {
    439             Get();
    440             s = new CharSet(); s.Fill(); 
    441         } else SynErr(46);
    442     }
    444     void Char(out int n) {
    445         Expect(5);
    446         string name = t.val; n = 0;
    447         name = tab.Unescape(name.Substring(1, name.Length-2));
    448         if (name.Length == 1) n = name[0];
    449         else SemErr("unacceptable character value");
    450         if (dfa.ignoreCase && (char)n >= 'A' && (char)n <= 'Z') n += 32;
    452     }
    454     void Sym(out string name, out int kind) {
    455         name = "???"; kind = id; 
    456         if (la.kind == 1) {
    457             Get();
    458             kind = id; name = t.val; 
    459         } else if (la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5) {
    460             if (la.kind == 3) {
    461                 Get();
    462                 name = t.val; 
    463             } else {
    464                 Get();
    465                 name = """ + t.val.Substring(1, t.val.Length-2) + """; 
    466             }
    467             kind = str;
    468             if (dfa.ignoreCase) name = name.ToLower();
    469             if (name.IndexOf(' ') >= 0)
    470              SemErr("literal tokens must not contain blanks"); 
    471         } else SynErr(47);
    472     }
    474     void Term(out Graph g) {
    475         Graph g2; Node rslv = null; g = null; 
    476         if (StartOf(17)) {
    477             if (la.kind == 37) {
    478                 rslv = tab.NewNode(Node.rslv, null, la.line); 
    479                 Resolver(out rslv.pos);
    480                 g = new Graph(rslv); 
    481             }
    482             Factor(out g2);
    483             if (rslv != null) tab.MakeSequence(g, g2);
    484             else g = g2;
    486             while (StartOf(18)) {
    487                 Factor(out g2);
    488                 tab.MakeSequence(g, g2); 
    489             }
    490         } else if (StartOf(19)) {
    491             g = new Graph(tab.NewNode(Node.eps, null, 0)); 
    492         } else SynErr(48);
    493         if (g == null) // invalid start of Term
    494          g = new Graph(tab.NewNode(Node.eps, null, 0));
    496     }
    498     void Resolver(out Position pos) {
    499         Expect(37);
    500         Expect(30);
    501         int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; int line = la.line; 
    502         Condition();
    503         pos = new Position(beg, t.pos, col, line); 
    504     }
    506     void Factor(out Graph g) {
    507         string name; int kind; Position pos; bool weak = false; 
    508         g = null;
    510         switch (la.kind) {
    511         case 1: case 3: case 5: case 29: {
    512             if (la.kind == 29) {
    513                 Get();
    514                 weak = true; 
    515             }
    516             Sym(out name, out kind);
    517             Symbol sym = tab.FindSym(name);
    518             if (sym == null && kind == str)
    519              sym = tab.literals[name] as Symbol;
    520             bool undef = sym == null;
    521             if (undef) {
    522              if (kind == id)
    523                sym = tab.NewSym(Node.nt, name, 0);  // forward nt
    524              else if (genScanner) { 
    525                sym = tab.NewSym(Node.t, name, t.line);
    526                dfa.MatchLiteral(sym.name, sym);
    527              } else {  // undefined string in production
    528                SemErr("undefined string in production");
    529                sym = tab.eofSy;  // dummy
    530              }
    531             }
    532             int typ = sym.typ;
    533             if (typ != Node.t && typ != Node.nt)
    534              SemErr("this symbol kind is not allowed in a production");
    535             if (weak)
    536              if (typ == Node.t) typ = Node.wt;
    537              else SemErr("only terminals may be weak");
    538             Node p = tab.NewNode(typ, sym, t.line);
    539             g = new Graph(p);
    541             if (la.kind == 24 || la.kind == 26) {
    542                 Attribs(p);
    543                 if (kind != id) SemErr("a literal must not have attributes"); 
    544             }
    545             if (undef)
    546              sym.attrPos = p.pos;  // dummy
    547             else if ((p.pos == null) != (sym.attrPos == null))
    548              SemErr("attribute mismatch between declaration and use of this symbol");
    550             break;
    551         }
    552         case 30: {
    553             Get();
    554             Expression(out g);
    555             Expect(31);
    556             break;
    557         }
    558         case 32: {
    559             Get();
    560             Expression(out g);
    561             Expect(33);
    562             tab.MakeOption(g); 
    563             break;
    564         }
    565         case 34: {
    566             Get();
    567             Expression(out g);
    568             Expect(35);
    569             tab.MakeIteration(g); 
    570             break;
    571         }
    572         case 39: {
    573             SemText(out pos);
    574             Node p = tab.NewNode(Node.sem, null, 0);
    575             p.pos = pos;
    576             g = new Graph(p);
    578             break;
    579         }
    580         case 23: {
    581             Get();
    582             Node p = tab.NewNode(Node.any, null, 0);  // p.set is set in tab.SetupAnys
    583             g = new Graph(p);
    585             break;
    586         }
    587         case 36: {
    588             Get();
    589             Node p = tab.NewNode(Node.sync, null, 0);
    590             g = new Graph(p);
    592             break;
    593         }
    594         default: SynErr(49); break;
    595         }
    596         if (g == null) // invalid start of Factor
    597          g = new Graph(tab.NewNode(Node.eps, null, 0));
    599     }
    601     void Attribs(Node p) {
    602         if (la.kind == 24) {
    603             Get();
    604             int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; int line = la.line; 
    605             while (StartOf(9)) {
    606                 if (StartOf(10)) {
    607                     Get();
    608                 } else {
    609                     Get();
    610                     SemErr("bad string in attributes"); 
    611                 }
    612             }
    613             Expect(25);
    614             if (t.pos > beg) p.pos = new Position(beg, t.pos, col, line); 
    615         } else if (la.kind == 26) {
    616             Get();
    617             int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; int line = la.line; 
    618             while (StartOf(11)) {
    619                 if (StartOf(12)) {
    620                     Get();
    621                 } else {
    622                     Get();
    623                     SemErr("bad string in attributes"); 
    624                 }
    625             }
    626             Expect(27);
    627             if (t.pos > beg) p.pos = new Position(beg, t.pos, col, line); 
    628         } else SynErr(50);
    629     }
    631     void Condition() {
    632         while (StartOf(20)) {
    633             if (la.kind == 30) {
    634                 Get();
    635                 Condition();
    636             } else {
    637                 Get();
    638             }
    639         }
    640         Expect(31);
    641     }
    643     void TokenTerm(out Graph g) {
    644         Graph g2; 
    645         TokenFactor(out g);
    646         while (StartOf(7)) {
    647             TokenFactor(out g2);
    648             tab.MakeSequence(g, g2); 
    649         }
    650         if (la.kind == 38) {
    651             Get();
    652             Expect(30);
    653             TokenExpr(out g2);
    654             tab.SetContextTrans(g2.l); dfa.hasCtxMoves = true;
    655             tab.MakeSequence(g, g2); 
    656             Expect(31);
    657         }
    658     }
    660     void TokenFactor(out Graph g) {
    661         string name; int kind; 
    662         g = null; 
    663         if (la.kind == 1 || la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5) {
    664             Sym(out name, out kind);
    665             if (kind == id) {
    666              CharClass c = tab.FindCharClass(name);
    667              if (c == null) {
    668                SemErr("undefined name");
    669                c = tab.NewCharClass(name, new CharSet());
    670              }
    671              Node p = tab.NewNode(Node.clas, null, 0); p.val = c.n;
    672              g = new Graph(p);
    673              tokenString = noString;
    674             } else { // str
    675              g = tab.StrToGraph(name);
    676              if (tokenString == null) tokenString = name;
    677              else tokenString = noString;
    678             }
    680         } else if (la.kind == 30) {
    681             Get();
    682             TokenExpr(out g);
    683             Expect(31);
    684         } else if (la.kind == 32) {
    685             Get();
    686             TokenExpr(out g);
    687             Expect(33);
    688             tab.MakeOption(g); tokenString = noString; 
    689         } else if (la.kind == 34) {
    690             Get();
    691             TokenExpr(out g);
    692             Expect(35);
    693             tab.MakeIteration(g); tokenString = noString; 
    694         } else SynErr(51);
    695         if (g == null) // invalid start of TokenFactor
    696          g = new Graph(tab.NewNode(Node.eps, null, 0)); 
    697     }
    701     public void Parse() {
    702         la = new Token();
    703         la.val = "";        
    704         Get();
    705         Coco();
    706         Expect(0);
    708     }
    710     static readonly bool[,] set = {
    711         {_T,_T,_x,_T, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_T,_T, _x,_x,_x,_T, _T,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x},
    712         {_x,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_x,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_x},
    713         {_x,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _T,_T,_T,_x, _x,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_x},
    714         {_T,_T,_x,_T, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_T,_T, _x,_x,_x,_T, _T,_T,_T,_x, _x,_x,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x,_x, _T,_T,_T,_x, _T,_x,_T,_x, _T,_T,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x},
    715         {_T,_T,_x,_T, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_T,_T, _x,_x,_x,_T, _T,_T,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x},
    716         {_T,_T,_x,_T, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_T,_T, _x,_x,_x,_T, _T,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x},
    717         {_x,_T,_x,_T, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_T,_T, _x,_x,_x,_T, _T,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x},
    718         {_x,_T,_x,_T, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_T,_x, _T,_x,_T,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x},
    719         {_x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_T, _x,_T,_T,_T, _T,_x,_T,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_T, _x,_T,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x},
    720         {_x,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_x,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_x},
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    726         {_x,_T,_x,_T, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_T,_x, _x,_x,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x,_x, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x},
    727         {_x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_T,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_T, _x,_T,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x},
    728         {_x,_T,_x,_T, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_T,_T,_x, _T,_x,_T,_x, _T,_T,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x},
    729         {_x,_T,_x,_T, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_T,_T,_x, _T,_x,_T,_x, _T,_x,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x},
    730         {_x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_T,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _T,_x,_x,_T, _x,_T,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x},
    731         {_x,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_x, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_x}
    733     };
    734 } // end Parser
    737 public class Errors {
    738     public int count = 0;                                    // number of errors detected
    739     public System.IO.TextWriter errorStream = Console.Out;   // error messages go to this stream
    740     public string errMsgFormat = "-- line {0} col {1}: {2}"; // 0=line, 1=column, 2=text
    742     public virtual void SynErr (int line, int col, int n) {
    743         string s;
    744         switch (n) {
    745             case 0: s = "EOF expected"; break;
    746             case 1: s = "ident expected"; break;
    747             case 2: s = "number expected"; break;
    748             case 3: s = "string expected"; break;
    749             case 4: s = "badString expected"; break;
    750             case 5: s = "char expected"; break;
    751             case 6: s = ""COMPILER" expected"; break;
    752             case 7: s = ""IGNORECASE" expected"; break;
    753             case 8: s = ""CHARACTERS" expected"; break;
    754             case 9: s = ""TOKENS" expected"; break;
    755             case 10: s = ""PRAGMAS" expected"; break;
    756             case 11: s = ""COMMENTS" expected"; break;
    757             case 12: s = ""FROM" expected"; break;
    758             case 13: s = ""TO" expected"; break;
    759             case 14: s = ""NESTED" expected"; break;
    760             case 15: s = ""IGNORE" expected"; break;
    761             case 16: s = ""PRODUCTIONS" expected"; break;
    762             case 17: s = ""=" expected"; break;
    763             case 18: s = ""." expected"; break;
    764             case 19: s = ""END" expected"; break;
    765             case 20: s = ""+" expected"; break;
    766             case 21: s = ""-" expected"; break;
    767             case 22: s = "".." expected"; break;
    768             case 23: s = ""ANY" expected"; break;
    769             case 24: s = ""<" expected"; break;
    770             case 25: s = "">" expected"; break;
    771             case 26: s = ""<." expected"; break;
    772             case 27: s = "".>" expected"; break;
    773             case 28: s = ""|" expected"; break;
    774             case 29: s = ""WEAK" expected"; break;
    775             case 30: s = ""(" expected"; break;
    776             case 31: s = "")" expected"; break;
    777             case 32: s = ""[" expected"; break;
    778             case 33: s = ""]" expected"; break;
    779             case 34: s = ""{" expected"; break;
    780             case 35: s = ""}" expected"; break;
    781             case 36: s = ""SYNC" expected"; break;
    782             case 37: s = ""IF" expected"; break;
    783             case 38: s = ""CONTEXT" expected"; break;
    784             case 39: s = ""(." expected"; break;
    785             case 40: s = "".)" expected"; break;
    786             case 41: s = "??? expected"; break;
    787             case 42: s = "this symbol not expected in Coco"; break;
    788             case 43: s = "this symbol not expected in TokenDecl"; break;
    789             case 44: s = "invalid TokenDecl"; break;
    790             case 45: s = "invalid AttrDecl"; break;
    791             case 46: s = "invalid SimSet"; break;
    792             case 47: s = "invalid Sym"; break;
    793             case 48: s = "invalid Term"; break;
    794             case 49: s = "invalid Factor"; break;
    795             case 50: s = "invalid Attribs"; break;
    796             case 51: s = "invalid TokenFactor"; break;
    798             default: s = "error " + n; break;
    799         }
    800         errorStream.WriteLine(errMsgFormat, line, col, s);
    801         count++;
    802     }
    804     public virtual void SemErr (int line, int col, string s) {
    805         errorStream.WriteLine(errMsgFormat, line, col, s);
    806         count++;
    807     }
    809     public virtual void SemErr (string s) {
    810         errorStream.WriteLine(s);
    811         count++;
    812     }
    814     public virtual void Warning (int line, int col, string s) {
    815         errorStream.WriteLine(errMsgFormat, line, col, s);
    816     }
    818     public virtual void Warning(string s) {
    819         errorStream.WriteLine(s);
    820     }
    821 } // Errors
    824 public class FatalError: Exception {
    825     public FatalError(string m): base(m) {}
    826 }
    827 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/endv/p/4598824.html
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