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  • CocoSourcesCS 4

      1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      2 ParserGen.cs -- Generation of the Recursive Descent Parser
      3 Compiler Generator Coco/R,
      4 Copyright (c) 1990, 2004 Hanspeter Moessenboeck, University of Linz
      5 extended by M. Loeberbauer & A. Woess, Univ. of Linz
      6 with improvements by Pat Terry, Rhodes University
      8 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
      9 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
     10 Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any 
     11 later version.
     13 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
     14 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
     15 or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
     16 for more details.
     18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along 
     19 with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
     20 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
     22 As an exception, it is allowed to write an extension of Coco/R that is
     23 used as a plugin in non-free software.
     25 If not otherwise stated, any source code generated by Coco/R (other than 
     26 Coco/R itself) does not fall under the GNU General Public License.
     27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     28 using System;
     29 using System.IO;
     30 using System.Collections;
     31 using System.Text;
     33 namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
     35 public class ParserGen {
     37     const int maxTerm = 3;        // sets of size < maxTerm are enumerated
     38     const char CR  = '
     39     const char LF  = '
     40     const int EOF = -1;
     42     const int tErr = 0;            // error codes
     43     const int altErr = 1;
     44     const int syncErr = 2;
     46     public Position usingPos; // "using" definitions from the attributed grammar
     48     int errorNr;      // highest parser error number
     49     Symbol curSy;     // symbol whose production is currently generated
     50     FileStream fram;  // parser frame file
     51     StreamWriter gen; // generated parser source file
     52     StringWriter err; // generated parser error messages
     53     ArrayList symSet = new ArrayList();
     55     Tab tab;          // other Coco objects
     56     TextWriter trace;
     57     Errors errors;
     58     Buffer buffer;
     60     void Indent (int n) {
     61         for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) gen.Write('	');
     62     }
     65     bool Overlaps(BitArray s1, BitArray s2) {
     66         int len = s1.Count;
     67         for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
     68             if (s1[i] && s2[i]) {
     69                 return true;
     70             }
     71         }
     72         return false;
     73     }
     75     // use a switch if more than 5 alternatives and none starts with a resolver, and no LL1 warning
     76     bool UseSwitch (Node p) {
     77         BitArray s1, s2;
     78         if (p.typ != Node.alt) return false;
     79         int nAlts = 0;
     80         s1 = new BitArray(tab.terminals.Count);
     81         while (p != null) {
     82             s2 = tab.Expected0(p.sub, curSy);
     83             // must not optimize with switch statement, if there are ll1 warnings
     84             if (Overlaps(s1, s2)) { return false; }
     85             s1.Or(s2);
     86             ++nAlts;
     87             // must not optimize with switch-statement, if alt uses a resolver expression
     88             if (p.sub.typ == Node.rslv) return false;
     89             p = p.down;
     90         }
     91         return nAlts > 5;
     92     }
     94     void CopySourcePart (Position pos, int indent) {
     95         // Copy text described by pos from atg to gen
     96         int ch, i;
     97         if (pos != null) {
     98             buffer.Pos = pos.beg; ch = buffer.Read();
     99             if (tab.emitLines) {
    100                 gen.WriteLine();
    101                 gen.WriteLine("#line {0} "{1}"", pos.line, tab.srcName);
    102             }
    103             Indent(indent);
    104             while (buffer.Pos <= pos.end) {
    105                 while (ch == CR || ch == LF) {  // eol is either CR or CRLF or LF
    106                     gen.WriteLine(); Indent(indent);
    107                     if (ch == CR) ch = buffer.Read(); // skip CR
    108                     if (ch == LF) ch = buffer.Read(); // skip LF
    109                     for (i = 1; i <= pos.col && (ch == ' ' || ch == '	'); i++) { 
    110                         // skip blanks at beginning of line
    111                         ch = buffer.Read();
    112                     }
    113                     if (buffer.Pos > pos.end) goto done;
    114                 }
    115                 gen.Write((char)ch);
    116                 ch = buffer.Read();
    117             }
    118             done:
    119             if (indent > 0) gen.WriteLine();
    120         }
    121     }
    123     void GenErrorMsg (int errTyp, Symbol sym) {
    124         errorNr++;
    125         err.Write("			case " + errorNr + ": s = "");
    126         switch (errTyp) {
    127             case tErr: 
    128                 if (sym.name[0] == '"') err.Write(tab.Escape(sym.name) + " expected");
    129                 else err.Write(sym.name + " expected"); 
    130                 break;
    131             case altErr: err.Write("invalid " + sym.name); break;
    132             case syncErr: err.Write("this symbol not expected in " + sym.name); break;
    133         }
    134         err.WriteLine(""; break;");
    135     }
    137     int NewCondSet (BitArray s) {
    138         for (int i = 1; i < symSet.Count; i++) // skip symSet[0] (reserved for union of SYNC sets)
    139             if (Sets.Equals(s, (BitArray)symSet[i])) return i;
    140         symSet.Add(s.Clone());
    141         return symSet.Count - 1;
    142     }
    144     void GenCond (BitArray s, Node p) {
    145         if (p.typ == Node.rslv) CopySourcePart(p.pos, 0);
    146         else {
    147             int n = Sets.Elements(s);
    148             if (n == 0) gen.Write("false"); // happens if an ANY set matches no symbol
    149             else if (n <= maxTerm)
    150                 foreach (Symbol sym in tab.terminals) {
    151                     if (s[sym.n]) {
    152                         gen.Write("la.kind == {0}", sym.n);
    153                         --n;
    154                         if (n > 0) gen.Write(" || ");
    155                     }
    156                 }
    157             else
    158                 gen.Write("StartOf({0})", NewCondSet(s));
    159         }
    160     }
    162     void PutCaseLabels (BitArray s) {
    163         foreach (Symbol sym in tab.terminals)
    164             if (s[sym.n]) gen.Write("case {0}: ", sym.n);
    165     }
    167     void GenCode (Node p, int indent, BitArray isChecked) {
    168         Node p2;
    169         BitArray s1, s2;
    170         while (p != null) {
    171             switch (p.typ) {
    172                 case Node.nt: {
    173                     Indent(indent);
    174                     gen.Write(p.sym.name + "(");
    175                     CopySourcePart(p.pos, 0);
    176                     gen.WriteLine(");");
    177                     break;
    178                 }
    179                 case Node.t: {
    180                     Indent(indent);
    181                     // assert: if isChecked[p.sym.n] is true, then isChecked contains only p.sym.n
    182                     if (isChecked[p.sym.n]) gen.WriteLine("Get();");
    183                     else gen.WriteLine("Expect({0});", p.sym.n);
    184                     break;
    185                 }
    186                 case Node.wt: {
    187                     Indent(indent);
    188                     s1 = tab.Expected(p.next, curSy);
    189                     s1.Or(tab.allSyncSets);
    190                     gen.WriteLine("ExpectWeak({0}, {1});", p.sym.n, NewCondSet(s1));
    191                     break;
    192                 }
    193                 case Node.any: {
    194                     Indent(indent);
    195                     int acc = Sets.Elements(p.set);
    196                     if (tab.terminals.Count == (acc + 1) || (acc > 0 && Sets.Equals(p.set, isChecked))) {
    197                         // either this ANY accepts any terminal (the + 1 = end of file), or exactly what's allowed here
    198                         gen.WriteLine("Get();");
    199                     } else {
    200                         GenErrorMsg(altErr, curSy);
    201                         if (acc > 0) {
    202                             gen.Write("if ("); GenCond(p.set, p); gen.WriteLine(") Get(); else SynErr({0});", errorNr);
    203                         } else gen.WriteLine("SynErr({0}); // ANY node that matches no symbol", errorNr);
    204                     }
    205                     break;
    206                 }
    207                 case Node.eps: break; // nothing
    208                 case Node.rslv: break; // nothing
    209                 case Node.sem: {
    210                     CopySourcePart(p.pos, indent);
    211                     break;
    212                 }
    213                 case Node.sync: {
    214                     Indent(indent);
    215                     GenErrorMsg(syncErr, curSy);
    216                     s1 = (BitArray)p.set.Clone();
    217                     gen.Write("while (!("); GenCond(s1, p); gen.Write(")) {");
    218                     gen.Write("SynErr({0}); Get();", errorNr); gen.WriteLine("}");
    219                     break;
    220                 }
    221                 case Node.alt: {
    222                     s1 = tab.First(p);
    223                     bool equal = Sets.Equals(s1, isChecked);
    224                     bool useSwitch = UseSwitch(p);
    225                     if (useSwitch) { Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("switch (la.kind) {"); }
    226                     p2 = p;
    227                     while (p2 != null) {
    228                         s1 = tab.Expected(p2.sub, curSy);
    229                         Indent(indent);
    230                         if (useSwitch) { 
    231                             PutCaseLabels(s1); gen.WriteLine("{");
    232                         } else if (p2 == p) { 
    233                             gen.Write("if ("); GenCond(s1, p2.sub); gen.WriteLine(") {"); 
    234                         } else if (p2.down == null && equal) { gen.WriteLine("} else {");
    235                         } else { 
    236                             gen.Write("} else if (");  GenCond(s1, p2.sub); gen.WriteLine(") {"); 
    237                         }
    238                         GenCode(p2.sub, indent + 1, s1);
    239                         if (useSwitch) {
    240                             Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("	break;");
    241                             Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
    242                         }
    243                         p2 = p2.down;
    244                     }
    245                     Indent(indent);
    246                     if (equal) {
    247                         gen.WriteLine("}");
    248                     } else {
    249                         GenErrorMsg(altErr, curSy);
    250                         if (useSwitch) {
    251                             gen.WriteLine("default: SynErr({0}); break;", errorNr);
    252                             Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
    253                         } else {
    254                             gen.Write("} "); gen.WriteLine("else SynErr({0});", errorNr);
    255                         }
    256                     }
    257                     break;
    258                 }
    259                 case Node.iter: {
    260                     Indent(indent);
    261                     p2 = p.sub;
    262                     gen.Write("while (");
    263                     if (p2.typ == Node.wt) {
    264                         s1 = tab.Expected(p2.next, curSy);
    265                         s2 = tab.Expected(p.next, curSy);
    266                         gen.Write("WeakSeparator({0},{1},{2}) ", p2.sym.n, NewCondSet(s1), NewCondSet(s2));
    267                         s1 = new BitArray(tab.terminals.Count);  // for inner structure
    268                         if (p2.up || p2.next == null) p2 = null; else p2 = p2.next;
    269                     } else {
    270                         s1 = tab.First(p2);
    271                         GenCond(s1, p2);
    272                     }
    273                     gen.WriteLine(") {");
    274                     GenCode(p2, indent + 1, s1);
    275                     Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
    276                     break;
    277                 }
    278                 case Node.opt:
    279                     s1 = tab.First(p.sub);
    280                     Indent(indent);
    281                     gen.Write("if ("); GenCond(s1, p.sub); gen.WriteLine(") {");
    282                     GenCode(p.sub, indent + 1, s1);
    283                     Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
    284                     break;
    285             }
    286             if (p.typ != Node.eps && p.typ != Node.sem && p.typ != Node.sync) 
    287                 isChecked.SetAll(false);  // = new BitArray(tab.terminals.Count);
    288             if (p.up) break;
    289             p = p.next;
    290         }
    291     }
    293     void GenTokens() {
    294         foreach (Symbol sym in tab.terminals) {
    295             if (Char.IsLetter(sym.name[0]))
    296                 gen.WriteLine("	public const int _{0} = {1};", sym.name, sym.n);
    297         }
    298     }
    300     void GenPragmas() {
    301         foreach (Symbol sym in tab.pragmas) {
    302             gen.WriteLine("	public const int _{0} = {1};", sym.name, sym.n);
    303         }
    304     }
    306     void GenCodePragmas() {
    307         foreach (Symbol sym in tab.pragmas) {
    308             gen.WriteLine("				if (la.kind == {0}) {{", sym.n);
    309             CopySourcePart(sym.semPos, 4);
    310             gen.WriteLine("				}");
    311         }
    312     }
    314     void GenProductions() {
    315         foreach (Symbol sym in tab.nonterminals) {
    316             curSy = sym;
    317             gen.Write("	void {0}(", sym.name);
    318             CopySourcePart(sym.attrPos, 0);
    319             gen.WriteLine(") {");
    320             CopySourcePart(sym.semPos, 2);
    321             GenCode(sym.graph, 2, new BitArray(tab.terminals.Count));
    322             gen.WriteLine("	}"); gen.WriteLine();
    323         }
    324     }
    326     void InitSets() {
    327         for (int i = 0; i < symSet.Count; i++) {
    328             BitArray s = (BitArray)symSet[i];
    329             gen.Write("		{");
    330             int j = 0;
    331             foreach (Symbol sym in tab.terminals) {
    332                 if (s[sym.n]) gen.Write("_T,"); else gen.Write("_x,");
    333                 ++j;
    334                 if (j%4 == 0) gen.Write(" ");
    335             }
    336             if (i == symSet.Count-1) gen.WriteLine("_x}"); else gen.WriteLine("_x},");
    337         }
    338     }
    340     public void WriteParser () {
    341         Generator g = new Generator(tab);
    342         int oldPos = buffer.Pos;  // Pos is modified by CopySourcePart
    343         symSet.Add(tab.allSyncSets);
    345         fram = g.OpenFrame("Parser.frame");
    346         gen = g.OpenGen("Parser.cs");
    347         err = new StringWriter();
    348         foreach (Symbol sym in tab.terminals) GenErrorMsg(tErr, sym);
    350         g.GenCopyright();
    351         g.SkipFramePart("-->begin");
    353         if (usingPos != null) { CopySourcePart(usingPos, 0); gen.WriteLine(); }
    354         g.CopyFramePart("-->namespace");
    355         /* AW open namespace, if it exists */
    356         if (tab.nsName != null && tab.nsName.Length > 0) {
    357             gen.WriteLine("namespace {0} {{", tab.nsName);
    358             gen.WriteLine();
    359         }
    360         g.CopyFramePart("-->constants");
    361         GenTokens(); /* ML 2002/09/07 write the token kinds */
    362         gen.WriteLine("	public const int maxT = {0};", tab.terminals.Count-1);
    363         GenPragmas(); /* ML 2005/09/23 write the pragma kinds */
    364         g.CopyFramePart("-->declarations"); CopySourcePart(tab.semDeclPos, 0);
    365         g.CopyFramePart("-->pragmas"); GenCodePragmas();
    366         g.CopyFramePart("-->productions"); GenProductions();
    367         g.CopyFramePart("-->parseRoot"); gen.WriteLine("		{0}();", tab.gramSy.name); if (tab.checkEOF) gen.WriteLine("		Expect(0);");
    368         g.CopyFramePart("-->initialization"); InitSets();
    369         g.CopyFramePart("-->errors"); gen.Write(err.ToString());
    370         g.CopyFramePart(null);
    371         /* AW 2002-12-20 close namespace, if it exists */
    372         if (tab.nsName != null && tab.nsName.Length > 0) gen.Write("}");
    373         gen.Close();
    374         buffer.Pos = oldPos;
    375     }
    377     public void WriteStatistics () {
    378         trace.WriteLine();
    379         trace.WriteLine("{0} terminals", tab.terminals.Count);
    380         trace.WriteLine("{0} symbols", tab.terminals.Count + tab.pragmas.Count +
    381                                        tab.nonterminals.Count);
    382         trace.WriteLine("{0} nodes", tab.nodes.Count);
    383         trace.WriteLine("{0} sets", symSet.Count);
    384     }
    386     public ParserGen (Parser parser) {
    387         tab = parser.tab;
    388         errors = parser.errors;
    389         trace = parser.trace;
    390         buffer = parser.scanner.buffer;
    391         errorNr = -1;
    392         usingPos = null;
    393     }
    395 } // end ParserGen
    397 } // end namespace
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