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  • Word 代码高亮

    整理文档比较费事,提供个脚本放在VBA里,使Word 代码高亮的一种方法是改变颜色

     'script to high light code In document
    Private Function isKeyword(w) As Boolean
        Dim keys As New Collection
        With keys
    .Add "onStart": .Add "Log": .Add "volatile": .Add "friend"
     .Add "abstract": .Add "long": .Add "while": .Add "if"
     .Add "Activity": .Add "native": .Add "FALSE": .Add "implements"
     .Add "asm": .Add "new": .Add "import"
     .Add "auto": .Add "new?": .Add "enabled": .Add "inlIne"
     .Add "bool":  .Add "android": .Add "instanceof"
     .Add "boolean": .Add "onBind": .Add "receiver": .Add "int"
     .Add "boolean?": .Add "onCreate": .Add "exported": .Add "int?"
     .Add "break": .Add "onDestroy": .Add "filter": .Add "Intent"
     .Add "BroadcastReceiver": .Add "onRebind": .Add "action": .Add "interface"
     .Add "byte": .Add "onUnbind": .Add "category": .Add "isDebug?"
     .Add "case": .Add "package": .Add "application": .Add "synchronized"
     .Add "char": .Add "private": .Add "manifest": .Add "template"
     .Add "class": .Add "protected": .Add "xmlns": .Add "this"
     .Add "class?": .Add "protected?": .Add "version": .Add "throw?"
     .Add "const": .Add "public": .Add "encoding": .Add "transient"
     .Add "ContentProvider": .Add "register": .Add "utf": .Add "typename"
     .Add "continue": .Add "return": .Add "INTERNET": .Add "union"
     .Add "default": .Add "sendOrderBroadcast": .Add "RECEIVE_USER_PRESENT": .Add "unsigned"
     .Add "do": .Add "Service": .Add "WAKE_LOCK": .Add "virtual"
     .Add "double": .Add "short": .Add "READ_PHONE_STATE": .Add "void"
     .Add "else": .Add "signed": .Add "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
     .Add "enum": .Add "static": .Add "READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
     .Add "explicit": .Add "static?": .Add "VIBRATE": .Add "CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"
     .Add "extends": .Add "strictfp": .Add "WRITE_SETTINGS": .Add "CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE"
     .Add "extern": .Add "String?": .Add "ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE": .Add "@"
     .Add "final": .Add "struct": .Add "ACCESS_WIFI_STATE": .Add "super"
     .Add "float": .Add "for": .Add "switch": .Add "typedef": .Add "sizeof"
     .Add "try":  .Add "namespace":  .Add "catch":  .Add "operator"
     .Add "cast":  .Add "NULL": .Add "null": .Add "delete":  .Add "throw"
     .Add "dynamic":  .Add "reinterpret":  .Add "true": .Add "TRUE"
     .Add "pub": .Add "provider": .Add "authorities": .Add "Add": .Add "get": .Add "set"
     .Add "uses": .Add "permission": .Add "allowBackup"
     .Add "grant": .Add "URI": .Add "meta": .Add "data": .Add "false": .Add "string": .Add "integer"
        End With
        isKeyword = isSpecial(w, keys)
    End Function
    Private Function isSpecial(ByVal w As String, ByRef col As Collection) As Boolean
        For Each i In col
            If w = i Then
                isSpecial = True
                Exit Function
            End If
        isspeical = False
    End Function
    Private Function isOperator(w) As Boolean
        Dim ops As New Collection
        With ops
            .Add "+": .Add "-": .Add "*": .Add "/": .Add "&": .Add "^": .Add ";"
            .Add "%": .Add "#": .Add "!": .Add ":": .Add ",": .Add "."
            .Add "||": .Add "&&": .Add "|": .Add "=": .Add "++": .Add "--"
            .Add "'": .Add """"
        End With
        isOperator = isSpecial(w, ops)
    End Function
     ' set the style of selection
    Private Function isType(ByVal w As String) As Boolean
        Dim types As New Collection
        With types
            .Add "void": .Add "struct": .Add "union": .Add "enum": .Add "char": .Add "short": .Add "int"
            .Add "long": .Add "double": .Add "float": .Add "signed": .Add "unsigned": .Add "const": .Add "static"
            .Add "extern": .Add "auto": .Add "register": .Add "volatile": .Add "bool": .Add "class": .Add " private"
            .Add "protected": .Add "public": .Add "friend": .Add "inlIne": .Add "template": .Add "virtual"
            .Add "asm": .Add "explicit": .Add "typename"
        End With
        isType = isSpecial(w, types)
    End Function
    Sub SyntaxHighlight()
        Dim wordCount As Integer
        Dim d As Integer
        ' set the style of selection
        Selection.Style = "java code"
        d = 0
        wordCount = Selection.Words.Count
        Selection.StartOf wdWord
        While d < wordCount
            d = d + Selection.MoveRight(wdWord, 1, wdExtend)
            w = Selection.Text
            If isKeyword(Trim(w)) = True Then
                Selection.Font.Color = wdColorBlue
            ElseIf isType(Trim(w)) = True Then
                Selection.Font.Color = wdColorDarkRed    ' 深绿色。lIne comment 水绿色 wdColorAutomatic wdColorBlueGray
                Selection.Font.Bold = True
            ElseIf isOperator(Trim(w)) = True Then
                Selection.Font.Color = wdColorBrown ' 鲜绿色。
            ElseIf Trim(w) = "//" Then
                'lIne comment
                Selection.MoveEnd wdLine, 1
                commentWords = Selection.Words.Count
                d = d + commentWords
                Selection.Font.Color = wdColorGreen  ' 灰色底纹。
                Selection.MoveStart wdWord, commentWords
             ElseIf Trim(w) = "/*" Then
                'block comment
                While Selection.Characters.Last <> "/"
                    Selection.MoveLeft wdCharacter, 1, wdExtend
                    Selection.MoveEndUntil ("*")
                    Selection.MoveRight wdCharacter, 2, wdExtend
                commentWords = Selection.Words.Count
                d = d + commentWords
                Selection.Font.Color = wdColorGreen
                Selection.MoveStart wdWord, commentWords
            End If
            'move the start of selection to next word
            Selection.MoveStart wdWord
        ' prepare For set lIne number
        Selection.MoveLeft wdWord, wordCount, wdExtend
        ' SetLIneNumber
    End Sub
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/endv/p/7499332.html
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