private function Execute(){ //初始执行函数: string templatePath = @"F: estout"; DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(templatePath); DirectoryInfo[] dirInfo = directoryInfo.GetDirectories(); string yy = dirInfo[0].Name; string FeatureClassName = "ROALK_arc"; //FeatureClass名称,这里可以设置一个数组,存储所有的FeatureClass for (int i = 0; i < dirInfo.Length; i++) { string gdbName = dirInfo[i].Name; //打开filegdb bool value = oper(@"F: estout" + gdbName, FeatureClassName);//判断FeatureClass是否存在 string path = @"F: estout" + gdbName; if (value == false) { copyFeatureClass(path, FeatureClassName); } } }
public bool oper(string filename,string featureClassName) //判断FeatureClass是否存在 { IWorkspace2 workspace = null; IWorkspaceFactory2 workspaceFactory = new FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass(); workspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(filename, 1) as IWorkspace2; IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace = workspace as IFeatureWorkspace; bool flag = workspace.get_NameExists(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureClass, featureClassName); return flag; }
public bool oper(string filename,string featureClassName) //判断是gdb中是否存在某个FeatureClass { IWorkspace2 workspace = null; IWorkspaceFactory2 workspaceFactory = new FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass(); workspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(filename, 1) as IWorkspace2; IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace = workspace as IFeatureWorkspace; bool flag = workspace.get_NameExists(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureClass, featureClassName); return flag; }
private void convert() { IWorkspaceName sourceWorkspaceName = new WorkspaceNameClass { WorkspaceFactoryProgID = "esriDataSourcesFile.ShapefileWorkspaceFactory", PathName = @"D:DataShapefiles" }; IName sourceWorkspaceIName = (IName)sourceWorkspaceName; IWorkspace sourceWorkspace = (IWorkspace)sourceWorkspaceIName.Open(); // Create a name object for the target (file GDB) workspace and open it. IWorkspaceName targetWorkspaceName = new WorkspaceNameClass { WorkspaceFactoryProgID = "esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory", PathName = @"D:DataPublic.gdb" }; IName targetWorkspaceIName = (IName)targetWorkspaceName; IWorkspace targetWorkspace = (IWorkspace)targetWorkspaceIName.Open(); // Create a name object for the source dataset. IFeatureClassName sourceFeatureClassName = new FeatureClassNameClass(); IDatasetName sourceDatasetName = (IDatasetName)sourceFeatureClassName; sourceDatasetName.Name = "BOUNT_arc"; sourceDatasetName.WorkspaceName = sourceWorkspaceName; // Create a name object for the target dataset. IFeatureClassName targetFeatureClassName = new FeatureClassNameClass(); IDatasetName targetDatasetName = (IDatasetName)targetFeatureClassName; targetDatasetName.Name = "BOUNT_arc"; targetDatasetName.WorkspaceName = targetWorkspaceName; // Open source feature class to get field definitions. IName sourceName = (IName)sourceFeatureClassName; IFeatureClass sourceFeatureClass = (IFeatureClass)sourceName.Open(); // Create the objects and references necessary for field validation. IFieldChecker fieldChecker = new FieldCheckerClass(); IFields sourceFields = sourceFeatureClass.Fields; IFields targetFields = null; IEnumFieldError enumFieldError = null; // Set the required properties for the IFieldChecker interface. fieldChecker.InputWorkspace = sourceWorkspace; fieldChecker.ValidateWorkspace = targetWorkspace; // Validate the fields and check for errors. fieldChecker.Validate(sourceFields, out enumFieldError, out targetFields); if (enumFieldError != null) { // Handle the errors in a way appropriate to your application. MessageBox.Show("Errors were encountered during field validation."); } // Find the shape field. String shapeFieldName = sourceFeatureClass.ShapeFieldName; int shapeFieldIndex = sourceFeatureClass.FindField(shapeFieldName); IField shapeField = sourceFields.get_Field(shapeFieldIndex); // Get the geometry definition from the shape field and clone it. IGeometryDef geometryDef = shapeField.GeometryDef; IClone geometryDefClone = (IClone)geometryDef; IClone targetGeometryDefClone = geometryDefClone.Clone(); IGeometryDef targetGeometryDef = (IGeometryDef)targetGeometryDefClone; // Cast the IGeometryDef to the IGeometryDefEdit interface. IGeometryDefEdit targetGeometryDefEdit = (IGeometryDefEdit)targetGeometryDef; // Set the IGeometryDefEdit properties. targetGeometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 1; targetGeometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(0, 0.75); IFeatureDataConverter featureDataConverter = new FeatureDataConverterClass(); IEnumInvalidObject enumInvalidObject = featureDataConverter.ConvertFeatureClass (sourceFeatureClassName, null, null, targetFeatureClassName, targetGeometryDef, targetFields, "", 1000, 0); // Check for errors. IInvalidObjectInfo invalidObjectInfo = null; enumInvalidObject.Reset(); }