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  • 单向链表的归并排序——java实现


      1 import java.util.Iterator;
      2 /**
      3  * 对单向链表的由小到大归并排序
      4  * @author evasean www.cnblogs.com/evasean/
      5  * @param <T>
      6  */
      7 public class MergeSortLinkedList <T extends Comparable<T>> implements Iterable<T>{
      8     private Node first = null;
      9     private Node last = null;
     10     private int n;
     11     private class Node{
     12         T element;
     13         Node next;
     14     }
     15     private boolean less(Comparable v, Comparable w) {
     16         return v.compareTo(w) < 0;
     17     }
     18     @Override
     19     public Iterator<T> iterator() {
     20         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     21         return new ListIterator();
     22     }
     23     private class ListIterator implements Iterator<T>{
     24         private Node current = first;
     25         @Override
     26         public boolean hasNext() {
     27             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     28             return current != null;
     29         }
     31         @Override
     32         public T next() {
     33             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     34             T t = current.element;
     35             current = current.next;
     36             return t;
     37         }
     38     }
     39     public void add(T t){
     40         Node node = new Node();
     41         node.element = t;
     42         node.next = null;
     43         if(first == null && last == null){
     44             first = node;
     45             last = node;
     46         }else if(first != null && first == last){
     47             first.next = node;
     48             last = node;
     49         }else{
     50             last.next = node;
     51             last = node;
     52         }
     53         n++;
     54     }
     55     @Override
     56     public String toString(){
     57         Iterator<T> iter = iterator();
     58         String ret = iter.next().toString();
     59         while(iter.hasNext()){
     60             ret += ", "+ iter.next().toString() ;
     61         }
     62         return ret;    
     63     }
     64     public void mergeSort(){
     65         first = sort(first);
     66     }
     68     private Node sort(Node head){
     69         if(head == null || head.next == null) return head;
     70         Node slow = head;
     71         Node fast = head;
     72         //取中间节点
     73         while(fast.next != null && fast.next.next != null){
     74             slow = slow.next;
     75             fast = fast.next.next;
     76         }
     77         Node left = head;
     78         Node right = slow.next;
     79         slow.next = null; //将左右链表分开
     80         left = sort(left);
     81         right = sort(right);
     82         return merge(left,right);
     83     }
     84     private Node merge(Node left, Node right){
     85         //System.out.println("left="+left.element+",right="+right.element);
     86         Node aux = new Node(); //需要耗费logn的额外空间
     87         Node l= left;
     88         Node r = right;
     89         Node current = aux;
     90         while(l != null && r!=null){
     91             if(less(r.element,l.element)) {
     92                 current.next = r;
     93                 current = current.next;
     94                 r = r.next;
     95             }
     96             else {
     97                 current.next = l;
     98                 current = current.next;
     99                 l= l.next;
    100             }
    101         }
    102         if(l!=null) current.next = l; // 如果左侧没遍历完,将其连接至current后
    103         else if(r != null) current.next = r; //如果右侧没遍历完,将其连接至current后
    104         return aux.next; //返回归并好的链表
    105     }
    106      public static void main(String[] args){
    107          ShuffleLinkedList<Integer> sll = new ShuffleLinkedList<Integer>();
    108          sll.add(1);
    109          sll.add(2);
    110          sll.add(11);
    111          sll.add(9);
    112          sll.add(10);
    113          sll.add(4);
    114          sll.add(7);
    115          System.out.println(sll);
    116          sll.mergeSort();
    117          System.out.println(sll);
    118      }
    120 } 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/evasean/p/7232630.html
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