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  • Coursera Algorithms Programming Assignment 4: 8 Puzzle (100分)


    题目要求:设计一个程序解决8 puzzle问题以及该问题的推广,例如8-puzzle是3*3,程序要能解决n*n的同类问题(2 ≤ n < 128) 

    典型的8 puzzle如下:


    Best-first search设计参照A* 搜索算法。定义一个 search node类,包含board,从初始状态到达当前board状态的移动权重moves,和previous search node。

    1. 插入初始的search node,其board设为初始board,moves设为0,previous search node设置为0
    2. 将初始化的search node置于MinPQ类型的优先级队列中
    3. 删除优先级队列中的min节点,再将该节点的邻居节点放入优先级队列中。
    4. 重复2和3操作直至从优先级队列中删除的min节点是目标board

    A* 搜索算法的优先级判定依据是f(n) = g(n) + h(n),g(n)是从初始节点到达当前节点的代价,h(n)是当前节点到目标节点的预估代价。

    在本题中search node中的moves就是g(n),而关于h(n)题目给出了两种候选:

    Hamming priority function:  处于错误位置的block的个数(空白处不算block)

    Manhatten priority function: 处于错误位置的block距离其各自目标位置的横向和纵向距离之和


    至此优先级队列中的优先级判断依据就是当前search node的moves+manhatten value

    A critical optimization: 上述Best-first search中可能会存在刚出队列的节点又被当成其邻居节点的邻居而被放回优先级队列的情况,这种情况会造成很大的性能损失。为了阻止这种情况的发生,可以在Best-first search的第3步“将该节点的邻居节点放入优先级队列”时比较下这个邻居节点的board是否与本节点的board相同。


    A second optimization: 建议在search node的构造函数中计算其manhattan值,也就是在search node的构造函数中确定其优先级。

    Detecting unsolvable puzzles:如果一个board是不可解的,那么随便在该board中选择一对block互换位置,就能将其变为可解的。为此采用同时对board和其互换了一对block的twindboard进行求解,如果board先实现目标解,那么其就是可解的,相反,如果twinboard先实现目标节,那么该board就不可解。

      1 import java.util.ArrayList;
      2 /**
      3  * @author evasean www.cnblogs.com/evasean/
      4  */
      5 public class Board {
      6     private static final int BLANK = 0;
      7     private final int n;
      8     private int[][] blocks;
     10     public Board(int[][] inBlocks) {
     11         // construct a board from an n-by-n array of blocks
     12         // (where blocks[i][j] = block in row i, column j)
     13         n = inBlocks.length;
     14         blocks = new int[n][n];
     15         copy(blocks, inBlocks);
     16     }
     18     private void copy(int[][] toBlocks, int[][] fromBlocks) {
     19         for (int row = 0; row < n; row++)
     20             for (int col = 0; col < n; col++)
     21                 toBlocks[row][col] = fromBlocks[row][col];
     22     }
     24     public int dimension() {
     25         // board dimension n
     26         return n;
     27     }
     29     private int getRow(int value) {
     30         return (value - 1) / n;
     31     }
     33     private int getCol(int value) {
     34         return (value - 1) % n;
     35     }
     37     private int getValue(int row, int col) {
     38         return row * n + col + 1;
     39     }
     41     public int hamming() {
     42         // number of blocks out of place
     43         int hamming = 0;
     44         for (int row = 0; row < n; row++)
     45             for (int col = 0; col < n; col++)
     46                 if (blocks[row][col] != BLANK && blocks[row][col] != getValue(row, col))
     47                     hamming++;
     48         return hamming;
     49     }
     51     public int manhattan() {
     52         // sum of Manhattan distances between blocks and goal
     53         int manhattan = 0;
     54         for (int row = 0; row < n; row++)
     55             for (int col = 0; col < n; col++)
     56                 if (blocks[row][col] != BLANK && blocks[row][col] != getValue(row, col))
     57                     manhattan += Math.abs(getRow(blocks[row][col]) - row) + Math.abs(getCol(blocks[row][col]) - col);
     58         return manhattan;
     59     }
     61     public boolean isGoal() {
     62         // is this board the goal board?
     63         for (int row = 0; row < n; row++)
     64             for (int col = 0; col < n; col++)
     65                 if (blocks[row][col] != BLANK && blocks[row][col] != getValue(row, col))
     66                     return false;
     67         return true;
     68     }
     70     public Board twin() {
     71         // a board that is obtained by exchanging any pair of blocks
     72         Board twinBoard = new Board(blocks);
     73         int firRow = 0;
     74         int firCol = 0;
     75         if (blocks[firRow][firCol] == BLANK)
     76             firCol++;
     77         for (int row = 0; row < n; row++) {
     78             for (int col = 0; col < n; col++) {
     79                 if (blocks[row][col] != blocks[firRow][firCol] && blocks[row][col] != BLANK) {
     80                     twinBoard.swap(firRow, firCol, row, col);
     81                     return twinBoard;
     82                 }
     83             }
     84         }
     85         return twinBoard;
     86     }
     88     private void swap(int vRow, int vCol, int wRow, int wCol) {
     89         int t = blocks[vRow][vCol];
     90         blocks[vRow][vCol] = blocks[wRow][wCol];
     91         blocks[wRow][wCol] = t;
     92     }
     94     public boolean equals(Object y) {
     95         // does this board equal y?
     96         if (y == null)
     97             return false;
     98         if (y == this)
     99             return true;
    100         if (y.getClass().isInstance(this)) {
    101             Board yb = (Board) y;
    102             if (yb.n != this.n)
    103                 return false;
    104             else {
    105                 for (int row = 0; row < n; row++)
    106                     for (int col = 0; col < n; col++)
    107                         if (yb.blocks[row][col] != blocks[row][col])
    108                             return false;
    109                 return true;
    110             }
    111         } else
    112             return false;
    113     }
    115     public Iterable<Board> neighbors() {
    116         // all neighboring boards
    117         ArrayList<Board> neighbors = new ArrayList<Board>();
    118         for (int row = 0; row < n; row++) {
    119             for (int col = 0; col < n; col++) {
    120                 if (blocks[row][col] == BLANK) {
    121                     // 空白的位置分别与上下左右的元素交换一次位置就得到一个邻居board
    122                     // 与上方元素互换
    123                     if (row > 0) {
    124                         Board neighborT = new Board(blocks);
    125                         neighborT.swap(row, col, row - 1, col);
    126                         neighbors.add(neighborT);
    127                     }
    128                     // 与下方元素互换
    129                     if (row < n - 1) {
    130                         Board neighborB = new Board(blocks);
    131                         neighborB.swap(row, col, row + 1, col);
    132                         neighbors.add(neighborB);
    133                     }
    134                     // 与左边元素互换
    135                     if (col > 0) {
    136                         Board neighborL = new Board(blocks);
    137                         neighborL.swap(row, col, row, col - 1);
    138                         neighbors.add(neighborL);
    139                     }
    140                     // 与右边元素互换
    141                     if (col < n - 1) {
    142                         Board neighborR = new Board(blocks);
    143                         neighborR.swap(row, col, row, col + 1);
    144                         neighbors.add(neighborR);
    145                     }
    146                 }
    147             }
    148         }
    149         return neighbors;
    150     }
    152     public String toString() {
    153         // string representation of this board (in the output format specified
    154         // below)
    155         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    156         sb.append(n + "
    157         for (int row = 0; row < n; row++) {
    158             for (int col = 0; col < n; col++) {
    159                 //本来考虑到n<128时元素可能会很大,设置的是%6d,但是提交时不满足校验规则
    160                 //校验规则要求必须是%2d,很奇怪的校验
    161                 sb.append(String.format("%2d ", blocks[row][col]));
    162             }
    163             sb.append("
    164         }
    165         return sb.toString();
    166     }
    168     public static void main(String[] args) {
    169 //         unit tests (not graded)
    170 //         int[][] test = { { 0, 1}, {2,3 }};
    171 //         Board b = new Board(test);
    172 //         System.out.println(b);
    173 //         System.out.println(b.hamming());
    174 //         System.out.println(b.manhattan());
    175     }
    176 }
      1 import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.In;
      2 import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.MinPQ;
      3 import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Stack;
      4 import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut;
      5 /**
      6  * @author evasean www.cnblogs.com/evasean/
      7  */
      8 public class Solver {
     10     private SearchNode currentNode;
     11     private SearchNode twincurrentNode;
     12     private Stack<Board> solution;
     14     private class SearchNode implements Comparable<SearchNode>{
     15         public Board board;
     16         public int moves;
     17         public SearchNode preSearchNode;
     19         public final int priority;
     21         public SearchNode(Board inboard, SearchNode inPreSearchNode){
     22             board = inboard;
     23             preSearchNode = inPreSearchNode;
     24             if(inPreSearchNode == null) moves = 0;    
     25             else moves = inPreSearchNode.moves + 1;
     26             priority = moves + board.manhattan();
     27         }
     29         @Override
     30         public int compareTo(SearchNode o) {
     31             return Integer.compare(this.priority, o.priority);
     32         }
     33     }
     36     public Solver(Board initial) {
     37         // find a solution to the initial board (using the A* algorithm)
     38         if(initial == null)
     39             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Constructor argument Board is null!");
     40         currentNode = new SearchNode(initial,null);
     41         twincurrentNode = new SearchNode(initial.twin(),null);
     42         MinPQ<SearchNode> priorityQueue = new MinPQ<SearchNode>();
     43         MinPQ<SearchNode> twinPriorityQueue = new MinPQ<SearchNode>();
     44         priorityQueue.insert(currentNode);
     45         twinPriorityQueue.insert(twincurrentNode);
     46         while(true){
     47             currentNode = priorityQueue.delMin();
     48             if(currentNode.board.isGoal()) break;
     49             putNeighBorsIntoPQ(currentNode,priorityQueue);
     51             twincurrentNode = twinPriorityQueue.delMin();
     52             if(twincurrentNode.board.isGoal()) break;
     53             putNeighBorsIntoPQ(twincurrentNode,twinPriorityQueue);
     54         }
     55     }
     57     private void putNeighBorsIntoPQ(SearchNode searchNode, MinPQ<SearchNode> pq){
     58         Iterable<Board> neighbors = searchNode.board.neighbors();
     59         for(Board neighbor : neighbors){
     60             //只有在当前搜索节点的邻居们的borad不与当前节点的preSearchNode的borad相同
     61             //才将该邻居放入优先队列
     63             if(searchNode.preSearchNode==null || !neighbor.equals(searchNode.preSearchNode.board))
     64                 pq.insert(new SearchNode(neighbor,searchNode));
     65         }
     66     }
     68     public boolean isSolvable() {
     69         // is the initial board solvable?
     70         return currentNode.board.isGoal();
     71     }
     73     public int moves() {
     74         // min number of moves to solve initial board; -1 if unsolvable
     75         if(currentNode.board.isGoal())
     76             return currentNode.moves;
     77         else
     78             return -1;
     79     }
     81     public Iterable<Board> solution() {
     82         // sequence of boards in a shortest solution; null if unsolvable
     83         if(currentNode.board.isGoal()){
     84             solution = new Stack<Board>();
     85             SearchNode node = currentNode;
     86             while(node != null){
     87                 solution.push(node.board);
     88                 node = node.preSearchNode;
     89             }
     90             return solution;
     91         }else
     92             return null;
     93     }
     95     public static void main(String[] args) {
     96         // solve a slider puzzle (given below)
     97         // create initial board from file
     98 //        In in = new In(args[0]);
     99         In in = new In("8puzzle/puzzle3x3-unsolvable.txt"); //本地测试之用
    100         int n = in.readInt();
    101         int[][] blocks = new int[n][n];
    102         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    103             for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
    104                 blocks[i][j] = in.readInt();
    105         Board initial = new Board(blocks);
    107         // solve the puzzle
    108         Solver solver = new Solver(initial);
    110         // print solution to standard output
    111         if (!solver.isSolvable())
    112             StdOut.println("No solution possible");
    113         else {
    114             StdOut.println("Minimum number of moves = " + solver.moves());
    115             for (Board board : solver.solution())
    116                 StdOut.println(board);
    117         }
    118     }
    119 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/evasean/p/7281901.html
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