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  • mysql常用命令小结



    shell> mysql -h host -u user -p
    Enter password: ******
    host : 服务器运行的主机名
    user : mysql账号用户名


    create database course_choosing;
    alter database course_choosing character set utf8;
    use course_choosing;


    create table student(id int NOT NULL primary key, name varchar(12), sex varchar(1), birth DATE);
    create table teacher(id int NOT NULL primary key, name varchar(12), birth date, university varchar(32));
    create table course(id varchar(3) NOT NULL primary key, name varchar(16) NOT NULL, address varchar(20), teacher_id int, UNIQUE (name));
    create table choose_course(id int NOT NULL primary key, student_id int, course_id varchar(3), score float(4,1));


    insert into table values();
    insert into student values(1001, '王小明', 'm', '1990-02-12'); 
    insert into student values(1002, '张晓丽', 'f', '1990-09-28'); 
    insert into student values(1003, '周婷', 'f', '1989-03-29'); 
    insert into student values(1004, '叶大勇', 'm', '1991-11-02'); 
    insert into student values(1005, '安卓', 'm', '1990-01-20'); 
    insert into teacher values(101, '祝大师', '1970-09-11', '北京大学');
    insert into teacher values(102, '李大卫', '1973-11-01', '北京大学');
    insert into teacher values(103, '乔明湘', '1980-02-11', ‘北京大学');
    insert into course values('003', '经济学', '梅园区东教学楼101室', 101);
    insert into course values('009', '建筑学', '桃园区东教学楼304室', 103);
    insert into course values('011', '金融学', '梅园区东教学楼103室', 101);
    insert into course values('022', '软件工程', '桃园区西教学楼203室', 102);
    insert into choose_course values(1, 1001, '003', 80.0);
    insert into choose_course values(2, 1001, '009', 59.5);
    insert into choose_course values(3, 1001, '011', 92.0);
    insert into choose_course values(4, 1002, '009', 89.0);
    insert into choose_course values(5, 1002, '022', 67.5);
    insert into choose_course values(6, 1003, '022', 80.0);
    insert into choose_course values(7, 1004, '003', 90.0);
    insert into choose_course values(8, 1005, '009', 80.0);
    insert into choose_course values(9, 1004, '011', 62.0);


    mysql> select * from student limit 3;
    --等价于select * from student limit 0,3;
    | id   | name      | sex  | birth      |
    | 1001 | 王小明    | m    | 1990-02-24 |
    | 1002 | 张晓丽    | f    | 1990-09-28 |
    | 1003 | 周婷      | f    | 1989-03-29 |
    #order by
    mysql> select * from choose_course order by score desc, id asc limit 6;
    | id | student_id | course_id | score |
    |  3 |       1001 | 011       |  92.0 |
    |  7 |       1004 | 003       |  90.0 |
    |  4 |       1002 | 009       |  89.0 |
    |  1 |       1001 | 003       |  80.0 |
    |  6 |       1003 | 022       |  80.0 |
    |  8 |       1005 | 009       |  80.0 |
    mysql> select * from student where id in(1001, 1004);
    --等价于select * from student where id=1001 or id=1004;
    | id   | name      | sex  | birth      |
    | 1001 | 王小明    | m    | 1990-02-24 |
    | 1004 | 叶大勇    | m    | 1991-11-02 |
    #between and
    mysql> select * from student where birth between '1990-01-01' and '1990-12-30';
    | id   | name      | sex  | birth      |
    | 1001 | 王小明    | m    | 1990-02-24 |
    | 1002 | 张晓丽    | f    | 1990-09-28 |
    | 1005 | 安卓      | m    | 1990-01-20 |
    mysql> select * from choose_course as cc where cc.score >= 90;
    --等价于select * from choose_course cc where cc.score >= 90;
    | id | student_id | course_id | score |
    |  3 |       1001 | 011       |  92.0 |
    |  7 |       1004 | 003       |  90.0 |
    --JOIN: 如果表中有至少一个匹配,则返回行
    --LEFT JOIN: 即使右表中没有匹配,也从左表返回所有的行
    --RIGHT JOIN: 即使左表中没有匹配,也从右表返回所有的行
    mysql> select t1.*,t2.course_id,t2.score from student t1 join choose_course t2 on t2.score>80 and t1.id=t2.student_id; 
    | id   | name      | sex  | birth      | course_id | score |
    | 1001 | 王小明    | m    | 1990-02-24 | 011       |  92.0 |
    | 1002 | 张晓丽    | f    | 1990-09-28 | 009       |  89.0 |
    | 1004 | 叶大勇    | m    | 1991-11-02 | 003       |  90.0 |
    mysql> select t1.*,t2.course_id,t2.score from student t1 left join choose_course t2 on t2.score>80 and t1.id=t2.student_id;
    | id   | name      | sex  | birth      | course_id | score |
    | 1001 | 王小明    | m    | 1990-02-24 | 011       |  92.0 |
    | 1002 | 张晓丽    | f    | 1990-09-28 | 009       |  89.0 |
    | 1003 | 周婷      | f    | 1989-03-29 | NULL      |  NULL |
    | 1004 | 叶大勇    | m    | 1991-11-02 | 003       |  90.0 |
    | 1005 | 安卓      | m    | 1990-01-20 | NULL      |  NULL |
    | 1006 | 陈路      | f    | 1989-01-23 | NULL      |  NULL |
    #union (all)
    mysql> select name from student limit 2 union select name from teacher;
    | name      |
    | 王小明    |
    | 张晓丽    |
    | 祝大师    |
    | 李大卫    |
    | 乔明湘    |

    WHERE子句在聚合前先筛选记录.也就是说作用在GROUP BY 子句和HAVING子句前. 
    mysql> select course_id, count(*) as c from choose_course group by course_id having c>10 order by c desc;


    mysqladmin -u root -p password
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON blog.* TO 'blog'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'blog';
    flush privileges; ##表相关 查看默认引擎 show engines; 或者 show variables
    like 'table_type'; 更改表名 alter table student rename to student_new; 查看表结构 desc student; 清空表数据 delete from student; 删除表 drop table student; 查看建表语句 show create table student; ##列相关 添加列 alter table student add column age int; 删除列 alter table student drop column age; 修改列名或属性 alter table student change username name varchar(12); 添加、删除主键/外健约束 alter table course add primary key(id); alter table course add foreign key(teacher_id) references teacher(id); alter table course drop foreign key teacher_id; 多列唯一索引 alter table course add unique index (address, teacher_id); 如果不存在则插入,如果存在则更新on duplicate key update insert into course(id, name, address, teacher_id) values('111', '王晓明', '123', 129) on duplicate key update name='张晓丽';
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