<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FLASHLIGHT" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.autofocus"/>
Camera camera = Camera.open();
parameter = camera.getParameters();
parameter = camera.getParameters();
public class FlashlightManager { private static final String TAG = FlashlightManager.class.getSimpleName(); private static final Object iHardwareService; private static final Method setFlashEnabledMethod; static { iHardwareService = getHardwareService(); setFlashEnabledMethod = getSetFlashEnabledMethod(iHardwareService); if (iHardwareService == null) { Log.v(TAG, "This device does supports control of a flashlight"); } else { Log.v(TAG, "This device does not support control of a flashlight"); } } private FlashlightManager() { } private static Object getHardwareService() { Class<?> serviceManagerClass = maybeForName("android.os.ServiceManager"); if (serviceManagerClass == null) { return null; } Method getServiceMethod = maybeGetMethod(serviceManagerClass, "getService", String.class); if (getServiceMethod == null) { return null; } Object hardwareService = invoke(getServiceMethod, null, "hardware"); if (hardwareService == null) { return null; } Class<?> iHardwareServiceStubClass = maybeForName("android.os.IHardwareService$Stub"); if (iHardwareServiceStubClass == null) { return null; } Method asInterfaceMethod = maybeGetMethod(iHardwareServiceStubClass, "asInterface", IBinder.class); if (asInterfaceMethod == null) { return null; } return invoke(asInterfaceMethod, null, hardwareService); } private static Method getSetFlashEnabledMethod(Object iHardwareService) { if (iHardwareService == null) { return null; } Class<?> proxyClass = iHardwareService.getClass(); return maybeGetMethod(proxyClass, "setFlashlightEnabled", boolean.class); } private static Class<?> maybeForName(String name) { try { return Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { // OK return null; } catch (Exception re) { re.printStackTrace(); Log.w(TAG, "Unexpected error while finding class " + name, re); return null; } } /** * 通过设置Camera打开闪光灯 * @param mCamera */ public static void turnLightOn(Camera mCamera) { if (mCamera == null) { return; } Parameters parameters = mCamera.getParameters(); if (parameters == null) { return; } List<String> flashModes = parameters.getSupportedFlashModes(); // Check if camera flash exists if (flashModes == null) { // Use the screen as a flashlight (next best thing) return; } String flashMode = parameters.getFlashMode(); Log.i(TAG, "Flash mode: " + flashMode); Log.i(TAG, "Flash modes: " + flashModes); if (!Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH.equals(flashMode)) { // Turn on the flash if (flashModes.contains(Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH)) { parameters.setFlashMode(Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH); mCamera.setParameters(parameters); } else { } } } /** * 通过设置Camera关闭闪光灯 * @param mCamera */ public static void turnLightOff(Camera mCamera) { if (mCamera == null) { return; } Parameters parameters = mCamera.getParameters(); if (parameters == null) { return; } List<String> flashModes = parameters.getSupportedFlashModes(); String flashMode = parameters.getFlashMode(); // Check if camera flash exists if (flashModes == null) { return; } Log.i(TAG, "Flash mode: " + flashMode); Log.i(TAG, "Flash modes: " + flashModes); if (!Parameters.FLASH_MODE_OFF.equals(flashMode)) { // Turn off the flash if (flashModes.contains(Parameters.FLASH_MODE_OFF)) { parameters.setFlashMode(Parameters.FLASH_MODE_OFF); mCamera.setParameters(parameters); } else { Log.e(TAG, "FLASH_MODE_OFF not supported"); } } } private static Method maybeGetMethod(Class<?> clazz, String name, Class<?>... argClasses) { try { return clazz.getMethod(name, argClasses); } catch (Exception nsme) { nsme.printStackTrace(); // OK return null; } } private static Object invoke(Method method, Object instance, Object... args) { try { return method.invoke(instance, args); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unexpected error while invoking " + method, e); return null; } } /** * 通过反射来操作闪光灯 * @param active */ public static void switchFlashlight(boolean active) { setFlashlight(active); } static void disableFlashlight() { setFlashlight(false); } private static void setFlashlight(boolean active) { if (iHardwareService != null) { invoke(setFlashEnabledMethod, iHardwareService, active); } } }