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  • bzoj 3223 splay模板题3




     1 #include<iostream>
     2 #include<cstdio>
     3 #include<algorithm>
     4 #include<cstring>
     5 #define N 100005
     6 #define lc(x) ch[x][0]
     7 #define rc(x) ch[x][1]
     8 using namespace std;
     9 int cnt;
    10 int k[N];
    11 int size[N];
    12 int lazy[N];
    13 int ch[N][2];
    14 int dai[N];int fa[N];
    15 int n,m;int root;
    16 void push_up(int x)
    17 {
    18     size[x]=size[ch[x][0]]+size[ch[x][1]]+1;
    19     return ;
    20 }
    21 void rotate(int p)
    22 {
    23     int q=fa[p],y=fa[q],x=(ch[q][1]==p);
    24     ch[q][x]=ch[p][x^1];fa[ch[p][x^1]]=q;
    25     ch[p][x^1]=q;fa[q]=p;fa[p]=y;
    26     if(y)
    27     {
    28         if(q==ch[y][0])ch[y][0]=p;else ch[y][1]=p;
    29     }
    30     push_up(q);push_up(p);
    31     return ;
    32 }
    33 void splay(int x,int pos)
    34 {
    35     for(int y;y=fa[x];rotate(x))
    36     {
    37         if(y==pos)break;
    38         if(fa[y]!=pos)
    39         {
    40             if((ch[fa[y]][0]==y&&ch[y][0]==x)||(ch[fa[y]][1]==y&&ch[y][1]==x))rotate(y);
    41             else rotate(x);
    42         }
    43     }
    44     if(!pos)root=x;
    45 }
    46 void push_down(int x)
    47 {
    48     if(lazy[x])
    49     {
    50         lazy[x]=0;
    51         lazy[ch[x][0]]^=1;lazy[ch[x][1]]^=1;
    52         swap(ch[x][0],ch[x][1]);
    53     }
    54 }
    55 int find(int k,int rank)
    56 {
    57     push_down(k);
    58     int l=ch[k][0];int r=ch[k][1];
    59     if(size[l]+1==rank)return k;
    60     else if(size[l]>=rank)return find(ch[k][0],rank);
    61     else return find(ch[k][1],rank-size[l]-1);
    62 }
    63 void dfs(int x)
    64 {
    65     push_down(x);
    66     if(ch[x][0])dfs(ch[x][0]);
    67     if(k[x]!=0&&k[x]!=n+1)printf("%d ",k[x]);
    68     if(ch[x][1])dfs(ch[x][1]);
    69 }
    70 int main()
    71 {
    72    scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
    73    cnt=n+2;root=1;
    74    for(int i=0;i<=n+1;i++)
    75    {
    76          ch[i+1][1]=i+2;
    77          fa[i+2]=i+1;
    78          k[i+1]=i;
    79          size[i+1]=n+2-i;
    80    }ch[n+2][1]=0;
    81    for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
    82    {
    83          int t1,t2;
    84          scanf("%d%d",&t1,&t2);
    85          int x1=find(root,t1);int x2=find(root,t2+2);
    86          splay(x1,0);splay(x2,x1);
    87          lazy[ch[x2][0]]^=1;
    88    }
    89    dfs(root);
    90    return 0;
    91 }
    92 /*
    93 5 1
    94 1 4
    95 */
  • 相关阅读:
    you need to be root to perform this command
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ezyzy/p/6141601.html
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