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  • bzoj 1014 splay维护hash值





      1 #include<iostream>
      2 #include<cstdio>
      3 #include<cstring>
      4 #include<algorithm>
      5 #define bas 131
      6 #define p 1000000007
      7 #define N 100005
      8 #define ll long long
      9 using namespace std;
     10 char c[100005];
     11 int n;
     12 int cnt,root;
     13 int ch[N][2],fa[N],size[N];
     14 ll pow[N],k[N];
     15 ll zi[N];
     16 ll sum[N];
     17 void push_up(int x)
     18 {
     19     size[x]=size[ch[x][0]]+size[ch[x][1]]+1;
     20     k[x]=k[ch[x][1]]+zi[x]*pow[size[ch[x][1]]]+k[ch[x][0]]*pow[size[ch[x][1]]+1];
     21     k[x]%=p;
     22 }
     23 void rotate(int pp)
     24 {
     25     int q=fa[pp],y=fa[q],x=(ch[q][1]==pp);
     26     ch[q][x]=ch[pp][x^1];fa[ch[q][x]]=q;
     27     ch[pp][x^1]=q;fa[q]=pp;
     28     fa[pp]=y;
     29     if(y)
     30     {
     31         if(ch[y][0]==q)ch[y][0]=pp;
     32         else ch[y][1]=pp;
     33     }
     34     push_up(q);
     35 }
     36 void splay(int x)
     37 {
     38     for(int y;y=fa[x];rotate(x))
     39     {
     40         if(fa[y])
     41         {
     42             if((ch[fa[y]][0]==y&&ch[y][0]==x)||(ch[fa[y]][1]==y&&ch[y][1]==x))rotate(y);
     43             else rotate(x);
     44         }
     45     }
     46     push_up(x);
     47     root=x;
     48 }
     49 int find(int x,int kk)
     50 {
     51     if(size[ch[x][0]]+1==kk)return x;
     52     if(size[ch[x][0]]+1>=kk)return find(ch[x][0],kk);
     53     return find(ch[x][1],kk-size[ch[x][0]]-1);
     54 }
     55 ll pp(int x,int l)
     56 {
     57     int r=l+x-1;
     58     if(l!=1)
     59     {
     60         int y=find(root,l-1);
     61         splay(y);
     62         if(r==size[root])
     63         {
     64             return k[ch[y][1]]; 
     65         }
     66         else
     67         {
     68             fa[ch[y][1]]=0;
     69             int z=find(root,r+1);
     70             splay(z);
     71             fa[z]=y;root=y;ch[y][1]=z;
     72             return k[ch[z][0]];
     73         }
     74     }
     75     else
     76     {
     77         if(r==size[root])return k[root];
     78         splay(find(root,r+1));
     79         return k[ch[root][0]];
     80     }
     81 }
     82 bool pan(int x,int l,int r)
     83 {
     84     if(!x)return 1;
     85     ll t1=pp(x,l),t2=pp(x,r);
     86     if(t1==t2)return 1;
     87     return 0;
     88 }
     89 int main()
     90 {
     91     scanf("%s",c);
     92     n=strlen(c);pow[0]=1;
     93     for(int i=1;i<=100000;i++)pow[i]=(pow[i-1]*bas)%p;
     94     for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
     95     {
     96         sum[i+1]=sum[i]*bas+c[i]-'a'+1;
     97         sum[i+1]%=p;
     98     }
     99     root=1;cnt=1;k[1]=sum[n];size[1]=n;zi[1]=c[n-1]-'a'+1;
    100     for(int i=n-1;i>=1;i--)
    101     {
    102         cnt++;fa[cnt]=cnt-1;
    103         ch[cnt-1][0]=cnt;
    104         k[cnt]=sum[i];
    105         size[cnt]=i;
    106         zi[cnt]=c[i-1]-'a'+1;
    107     }
    108     splay(cnt);
    109     int m;
    110     scanf("%d",&m);
    111     char t[2];int t1,t2;
    112     while(m--)
    113     {
    114         scanf("%s",t);
    115         if(t[0]=='I')
    116         {
    117             scanf("%d",&t1);scanf("%s",t);
    118             if(t1!=0)
    119             {
    120                 int y=find(root,t1);
    121                 splay(y);
    122                 if(ch[y][1]!=0)
    123                 {
    124                     int tmp=ch[y][1];
    125                     while(ch[tmp][0])tmp=ch[tmp][0];
    126                     fa[ch[y][1]]=0;
    127                     splay(tmp);
    128                     root=y;
    129                     ch[y][1]=tmp;
    130                     fa[tmp]=y;
    131                     ch[tmp][0]=++cnt;
    132                     fa[cnt]=tmp;
    133                     k[cnt]=t[0]-'a'+1;
    134                     zi[cnt]=t[0]-'a'+1;
    135                     size[cnt]=1;
    136                     push_up(tmp);
    137                 }
    138                 else 
    139                 {
    140                     ch[y][1]=++cnt;
    141                     fa[cnt]=y;
    142                     k[cnt]=t[0]-'a'+1;
    143                     zi[cnt]=t[0]-'a'+1;
    144                     size[cnt]=1;
    145                 }
    146                 push_up(y);
    147             }
    148             else
    149             {
    150                 int y=find(root,1);
    151                 splay(y);
    152                 ch[y][0]=++cnt;
    153                 fa[cnt]=y;
    154                 k[cnt]=t[0]-'a'+1;
    155                 zi[cnt]=t[0]-'a'+1;
    156                 size[cnt]=1;
    157                 push_up(y);
    158             }
    159         }
    160         else if(t[0]=='Q')
    161         {
    162             scanf("%d%d",&t1,&t2);if(t1>t2)swap(t1,t2);
    163             int l=0;int r=size[root]-t2+1;
    164             while(l<=r)
    165             {
    166                 int mid=(l+r)>>1;
    167                 if(pan(mid,t1,t2))l=mid+1;
    168                 else r=mid-1;
    169             }
    170             printf("%d
    171         }
    172         else 
    173         {
    174             scanf("%d",&t1);scanf("%s",t);
    175             int y=find(root,t1);
    176             splay(y);
    177             k[y]-=zi[y]*pow[size[ch[y][1]]];
    178             k[y]+=(t[0]-'a'+1)*pow[size[ch[y][1]]];
    179             k[y]=((k[y]%p)+p)%p;
    180             zi[y]=t[0]-'a'+1;
    181         }
    182     }
    183     return 0;
    184 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ezyzy/p/6180734.html
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