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  • Go源代码安全审计工具之gosec


    它通过扫描Go AST检查源代码是否存在安全问题。


    gosec v2.4.0

    gosec - Golang security checker
    gosec analyzes Go source code to look for common programming mistakes that can lead to security problems.
        # 检查单个程序包
        $ gosec $GOPATH/src/github.com/example/project
        # 检查当前目录下的所有程序包并将结果保存为JSON格式
        $ gosec -fmt=json -out=results.json ./...
        # 运行一组特定的规则 (默认情况下将运行所有的规则):
        $ gosec -include=G101,G203,G401 ./...
        # 运行除了提供的之外的所有规则
        $ gosec -exclude=G101 $GOPATH/src/github.com/example/project/...
        -conf string          可选配置文件的路径
        -confidence string    以低于给定值的置信度筛选出问题 有效选项包括: low, medium, high (default "low")
        -exclude string       以逗号分隔的要排除的规则ID列表 请参阅"规则"列表
        -exclude-dir value    从扫描中排除目录 可以多次指定
        -fmt string           设置输出格式 有效选项包括: json, yaml, csv, junit-xml, html, sonarqube, golint or text (default "text")
        -include string       以逗号分隔的要包含的规则ID列表 请参阅"规则"列表
        -log string           将消息记录到文件而不是标准错误
        -no-fail              即使发现问题也不要使扫描失败
        -nosec                设置时忽略"#nosec"注释
        -nosec-tag string"#nosec"设置替代字符串 一些例子: #dontanalyze, #falsepositive
        -out string           设置结果的输出文件
        -quiet                仅在发现错误时显示输出
        -severity string      筛选出严重性低于给定值的问题 有效选项包括: low, medium, high (default "low")
        -sort                 按严重性对问题进行排序 (default true)
        -tags string          以逗号分隔的构建标记列表
        -tests                扫描测试文件
        -version              打印版本并退出 退出代码为0
        G101: Look for hardcoded credentials
        G102: Bind to all interfaces
        G103: Audit the use of unsafe block
        G104: Audit errors not checked
        G106: Audit the use of ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey function
        G107: Url provided to HTTP request as taint input
        G108: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed
        G109: Converting strconv.Atoi result to int32/int16
        G110: Detect io.Copy instead of io.CopyN when decompression
        G201: SQL query construction using format string
        G202: SQL query construction using string concatenation
        G203: Use of unescaped data in HTML templates
        G204: Audit use of command execution
        G301: Poor file permissions used when creating a directory
        G302: Poor file permissions used when creation file or using chmod
        G303: Creating tempfile using a predictable path
        G304: File path provided as taint input
        G305: File path traversal when extracting zip archive
        G306: Poor file permissions used when writing to a file
        G307: Unsafe defer call of a method returning an error
        G401: Detect the usage of DES, RC4, MD5 or SHA1
        G402: Look for bad TLS connection settings
        G403: Ensure minimum RSA key length of 2048 bits
        G404: Insecure random number source (rand)
        G501: Import blocklist: crypto/md5
        G502: Import blocklist: crypto/des
        G503: Import blocklist: crypto/rc4
        G504: Import blocklist: net/http/cgi
        G505: Import blocklist: crypto/sha1
        G601: Implicit memory aliasing in RangeStmt
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/f0rsaken/p/13398694.html
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