原创:转载需注明原创地址 https://www.cnblogs.com/fanerwei222/p/11540972.html
import Array._ /** * TODO * scala 基础用法 */ object Hello { println("hello world ! scala ") def main(args: Array[String]){ println("hello world ! main ") println(o(4)) } def m(x : Int) = x + 3 val f = (x : Int) => x + 3 def n(x : Int, y : String) : String = x + 3 + "" def o(x : Int) : String = { var duc : Int = 0 duc = x /(2) return duc + "" } var factor = 3 var multiper = (i : Int) => i * factor var z : Array[String] = new Array[String](3) var zz = new Array[String](3) var zzz = Array("x", "y", "z") for (t <- zzz){ println("for1" + t) } for (t <- 1 until zzz.length){ println("for2" + t) } var myMatrix = ofDim[Int](3, 3) for (i <- 0 to 2){ for (j <- 0 to 2){ myMatrix(i)(j) = j } } for (i <- 0 to 2){ for (j <- 0 to 2){ print(" " + myMatrix(i)(j)) } println() } var list : List[Any] = List( "a string", 732, 'c', true, () => "an anonymous function returning a string" ) list.foreach(element => println(element)) class User var user1 = new User class Point(var x : Int, var y : Int) { def mov(dx : Int, dy : Int): Unit ={ x = x + dx y = y + dy } override def toString: String = s"($x, $y)" } var point = new Point(3, 4) point.x point.y println(point) class PointA { private var _x : Int = 0 private var _y : Int = 0 private val bound : Int = 100 def x = _x def x_= (newValue : Int) : Unit = { if (newValue < bound) _x = newValue else printWarning } def y = _y def y_= (newValue: Int): Unit = { if (newValue < bound) _y = newValue else printWarning } private def printWarning = println("WARNING: Out of bounds") } var pointA = new PointA pointA.x = 6 pointA.y = 8 println(pointA.x) println(pointA.y) pointA.x_=(45) pointA.y_=(101) trait Parent[A] { def print(hello : A) : String } trait ParentB[B] { def print(hello : B) : String def hasNext : Boolean def next() : B } class Son(to : Int) extends ParentB[Int] { def next(xxx: Unit) = Unit private var current : Int = 0 override def print(hello: Int): String = "print hello" override def hasNext: Boolean = current < to override def next(): Int = { if (hasNext){ val t = current current += 1 t } else 0 } } var son = new Son(10) for (i <- 0 to 2) { println(son.next()) } son next println var tupple = ("hello", 20) : Tuple2[String, Int] println(tupple._1) println(tupple._2) /** * 解构 */ val (name, age) = tupple println(name) println(age) var plan = List(("bob", 88), ("lina", 77), ("cate", 66)) plan.foreach(tupple => { tupple match { case ("bob", age) => println(s"bob is $age years old") case p if (p._1 == "lina") => println(s"lina is ${p._2} years old") case p if (p._1 == "cate") => println(s"cate is ${p._2} years old") case _ => println("No body is here") } }) } class Clazz(x : Int, y : Int) { var mx = x var my = y def mov(dx : Int, dy : Int) = { mx = mx + dx mx = my + dy println("x 的坐标点: " + mx) println("y 的坐标点: " + my) } } object test { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { var pt = new Clazz(10, 10) pt.mov(14, 24) } } abstract class A { val message : String } class B extends A { override val message: String = "I'm an instance of class B" } trait C extends A { def loudMessage = message.toUpperCase() } class D extends B with C object A { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { var d = new D println(d.message) println(d.loudMessage) } } abstract class AbsIterator { type T def hasNext : Boolean def next() : T } class StringIterator(s : String) extends AbsIterator { override type T = Char private var i = 0 override def hasNext = i < s.length override def next() = { var ch = s charAt(i) i += 1 ch } } trait RichIterator extends AbsIterator { def foreach(f : T => Unit) : Unit = while (hasNext) f(next()) } object StringIteratorTest extends App { class RichStringIter extends StringIterator("Scala") with RichIterator var richStringIter = new RichStringIter richStringIter foreach println var salaries = Seq(200, 300, 400) var doubleSalary = (x : Int) => x * 2 var newSalary = salaries.map(doubleSalary) var newSalaryB = salaries.map(x => x * 2) var newSalaryC = salaries.map(_ * 2) } object salaryRaiserA { def smallPromotion(salaries : List[Double]) : List[Double] = salaries.map(x => x * 1.1) def greatePromotion(salaries : List[Double]) : List[Double] = salaries.map(x => x * math.log(x)) def hugePromotion(salaries : List[Double]) : List[Double] = salaries.map(x => x * x) private def promotion(salaries : List[Double], promotionFunc : Double => Double) : List[Double] = salaries.map(promotionFunc) def simplePromotion(salaries : List[Double]) : List[Double] = promotion(salaries, x => x * x) } def urlBuilder(ssl : Boolean, domainName : String) : (String, String) => String = { val schema = if (ssl) "https://" else "http://" (endpoint : String, query : String) => s"$schema$domainName/$endpoint?$query" } val getUrl = urlBuilder(true, "www.baidu.com"); val endpoint = "users" val query = "id=1" val url = getUrl(endpoint, query) def factorial(x : Int) : Int = { def fact(x : Int, accumulator : Int) : Int = { if (x <= 1) accumulator else fact(x - 1, x * accumulator) } fact(x, 1) } abstract class Notification case class Email(sender : String, title : String, body : String) extends Notification case class SMS(caller : String, message : String) extends Notification def showNotification(notification : Notification) : String = { notification match { case Email(sender, title, _) => s"You got an email from $sender with title: $title" case SMS(caller, message) if message.contains("have") => s"You got an SMS from $caller! Message: $message" } } val email = Email("me", "good night", "nothing") val sms = SMS("tailor", "have nothing") showNotification(email) showNotification(sms) abstract class Device case class Phone(model: String) extends Device { def screenOff = "Turning screen off" } case class Computer(model: String) extends Device { def screenSaverOn = "Turning screen saver on..." } def goIdle(device: Device) = device match { case p: Phone => p.screenOff case c: Computer => c.screenSaverOn } //子类必须和基类在同一个包 sealed abstract class sealedA sealed trait sealedB class sealedContainer[P <: sealedB](p : P) { def pet : P = p } class sealedContainerB[P >: sealedB](p : P) { def pet : P = p } trait Cloneable extends java.lang.Cloneable { override def clone(): Cloneable = super.clone().asInstanceOf[Cloneable] } trait Resetable { def reset : Unit } //复合类型 def cloneAndReset(obj : Cloneable with Resetable) : Cloneable = { val cloned = obj.clone() obj.reset cloned } //自类型 trait User { def username: String } trait Tweeter { this: User => // 重新赋予 this 的类型 def tweet(tweetText: String) = println(s"$username: $tweetText") } class VerifiedTweeter(val username_ : String) extends Tweeter with User { // 我们混入特质 User 因为 Tweeter 需要 def username = s"real $username_" } val realBeyoncé = new VerifiedTweeter("Beyoncé") realBeyoncé.tweet("Just spilled my glass of lemonade") // 打印出 "real Beyoncé: Just spilled my glass of lemonade" import _root_.com