import json dic = {"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2", "k3": None, "k4": False, "k5": {"name": "fhb", "age": "18"}} # 将字典转换为json字符串 jd = json.dumps(dic, ensure_ascii=False) print(jd) print(type(jd)) # 将json字符串还原为dict jl = json.loads(jd) print(jl) print(type(jl)) # 将json字符串写入文件 with open("fhb.json", mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f1: json.dump(dic, f1, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """ ensure_ascii: 数据不转换为ascii,中文存储的时候保持中文存储 indent: 保存文件之后数据格式化json的时候缩进等于4 """ # 从文件读取json字符串 with open("fhb.json", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f2: obj = json.load(f2) print("obj -->", obj) print("type(obj) -->", type(obj)) # 将对象存到json字符串中 class Car(object): def __init__(self, name ,price): = name self.price = price c = Car("benz",1000) # 方法一 p = json.dumps(c.__dict__, ensure_ascii=False) print(p) # {"name": "benz", "price": 1000} # 方法二 def func(obj): return { "name":, "price": obj.price, } p = json.dumps(c, default=func) print(p) # {"name": "benz", "price": 1000} # 将json还原成对象 s = '{"name": "benz", "price": 1000}' def func1(dict): return Car(dict["name"],dict["price"]) p = json.loads(s ,object_hook=func1) print(,p.price) # benz 1000