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  • RabbitMQ Headers Exchange示例


     1             var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory() { HostName="",UserName="guest",Password="guest"};  //创建连接工厂
     2             var connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();  //创建connection
     3             var channel = connection.CreateModel(); //创建channel
     4             //声明交换机
     5             //String exchange,   交换机名称
     6             //String type,  交换机类型
     7             //Boolean durable, 是否持久化
     8             //Boolean autoDelete,   是否自动删除
     9             //IDictionary< String, Object > arguments   交换机参数
    10             channel.ExchangeDeclare("headersExchange", ExchangeType.Headers, true, false, null);
    11             //声明队列
    12             //String queue, 队列名称
    13             //Boolean durable,  是否持久化
    14             //Boolean exclusive,    是否专有的(排外)
    15             //Boolean autoDelete,   是否自动删除
    16             //IDictionary<String, Object> arguments 队列参数
    17             channel.QueueDeclare("headersQueue", true, false, false, null);
    18             //将队列绑定到交换机上
    19             //String queue,   队列名称  
    20             //String exchange,  交换机名称
    21             //String routingKey,    routingKey
    22             //IDictionary< String, Object > arguments   绑定参数
    23             IDictionary<String, Object> arguments = new Dictionary<String, Object>()
    24             {
    25                 {"x-match","any"},   //设置x-match属性为any,即头信息中只要有一个匹配就可以了
    26                 { "username","fanqi"}
    27             };
    28             channel.QueueBind("headersQueue", "headersExchange", string.Empty, arguments);
    30             //设置消息属性
    31             var properties = channel.CreateBasicProperties();
    32             properties.Headers = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
    33             properties.Headers.Add("username", "fanqi");
    35             //发布消息
    36             //String exchange,  交换机名称
    37             //String routingKey,    routingKey
    38             //IBasicProperties basicProperties,     发布属性
    39             //Byte[] body   消息内容
    40             channel.BasicPublish("headersExchange", string.Empty, properties, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("来自.net的问候"));
    41             Console.ReadKey();


     1             var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory() { HostName = "", UserName = "guest", Password = "guest" };  //创建连接工厂
     2             var connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();  //创建connection
     3             var channel = connection.CreateModel(); //创建channel
     4             //声明交换机
     5             //String exchange,   交换机名称
     6             //String type,  交换机类型
     7             //Boolean durable, 是否持久化
     8             //Boolean autoDelete,   是否自动删除
     9             //IDictionary< String, Object > arguments   交换机参数
    10             channel.ExchangeDeclare("headersExchange", ExchangeType.Headers, true, false, null);
    11             //声明队列
    12             //String queue, 队列名称
    13             //Boolean durable,  是否持久化
    14             //Boolean exclusive,    是否专有的(排外)
    15             //Boolean autoDelete,   是否自动删除
    16             //IDictionary<String, Object> arguments 队列参数
    17             channel.QueueDeclare("headersQueue", true, false, false, null);
    18             //将队列绑定到交换机上
    19             //String queue,   队列名称  
    20             //String exchange,  交换机名称
    21             //String routingKey,    routingKey
    22             //IDictionary< String, Object > arguments   绑定参数
    24             IDictionary<String, Object> arguments = new Dictionary<String, Object>()
    25             {
    26                 {"x-match","any"},  //设置x-match属性为any,即头信息中只要有一个匹配就可以了
    27                 { "username","fanqi"}
    28             };
    29             channel.QueueBind("headersQueue", "headersExchange", string.Empty, arguments);
    30             //1.直接获取消息
    31             //var result = channel.BasicGet("headersQueue", true);
    32             //Console.WriteLine(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(result.Body));
    33             //2.使用事件机制获取消息
    34             EventingBasicConsumer consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);
    35             consumer.Received += (sender, e) =>
    36             {
    37                 Console.WriteLine(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.Body));
    38             };
    39             channel.BasicConsume("headersQueue", true, consumer);
    40             Console.ReadKey();
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fanqisoft/p/10388934.html
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