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  • Java日期工具类,Java时间工具类,Java时间格式化



    ©Copyright  蕃薯耀 2017年2月4日 15:03:27 星期六



      1 package com.chinagas.common.utils;
      3 import java.text.ParseException;
      4 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
      5 import java.util.Calendar;
      6 import java.util.Date;
      9 public class DateUtils {
     11     public static final String DATE_TIME_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
     12     public static final String MINUTE_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";
     13     public static final String HOUR_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
     14     public static final String DATE_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd";
     15     public static final String MONTH_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM";
     16     public static final String YEAR_PATTERN = "yyyy";
     17     public static final String MINUTE_ONLY_PATTERN = "mm";
     18     public static final String HOUR_ONLY_PATTERN = "HH";
     20     /**
     21      * 日期相加减天数
     22      * @param date 如果为Null,则为当前时间
     23      * @param days 加减天数
     24      * @param includeTime 是否包括时分秒,true表示包含
     25      * @return
     26      * @throws ParseException 
     27      */
     28     public static Date dateAdd(Date date, int days, boolean includeTime) throws ParseException{
     29         if(date == null){
     30             date = new Date();
     31         }
     32         if(!includeTime){
     33             SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DateUtils.DATE_PATTERN);
     34             date = sdf.parse(sdf.format(date));
     35         }
     36         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
     37         cal.setTime(date);
     38         cal.add(Calendar.DATE, days);
     39         return cal.getTime();
     40     }
     42     /**
     43      * 时间格式化成字符串
     44      * @param date Date
     45      * @param pattern StrUtils.DATE_TIME_PATTERN || StrUtils.DATE_PATTERN, 如果为空,则为yyyy-MM-dd
     46      * @return
     47      * @throws ParseException
     48      */
     49     public static String dateFormat(Date date, String pattern) throws ParseException{
     50         if(StrUtils.isBlank(pattern)){
     51             pattern = DateUtils.DATE_PATTERN;
     52         }
     53         SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
     54         return sdf.format(date);
     55     }
     57     /**
     58      * 字符串解析成时间对象
     59      * @param dateTimeString String
     60      * @param pattern StrUtils.DATE_TIME_PATTERN || StrUtils.DATE_PATTERN,如果为空,则为yyyy-MM-dd
     61      * @return
     62      * @throws ParseException
     63      */
     64     public static Date dateParse(String dateTimeString, String pattern) throws ParseException{
     65         if(StrUtils.isBlank(pattern)){
     66             pattern = DateUtils.DATE_PATTERN;
     67         }
     68         SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
     69         return sdf.parse(dateTimeString);
     70     }
     72     /**
     73      * 将日期时间格式成只有日期的字符串(可以直接使用dateFormat,Pattern为Null进行格式化)
     74      * @param dateTime Date
     75      * @return
     76      * @throws ParseException
     77      */
     78     public static String dateTimeToDateString(Date dateTime) throws ParseException{
     79         String dateTimeString = DateUtils.dateFormat(dateTime, DateUtils.DATE_TIME_PATTERN);  
     80         return dateTimeString.substring(0, 10); 
     81     }
     83     /**
     84      * 当时、分、秒为00:00:00时,将日期时间格式成只有日期的字符串,
     85      * 当时、分、秒不为00:00:00时,直接返回
     86      * @param dateTime Date
     87      * @return
     88      * @throws ParseException
     89      */
     90     public static String dateTimeToDateStringIfTimeEndZero(Date dateTime) throws ParseException{
     91         String dateTimeString = DateUtils.dateFormat(dateTime, DateUtils.DATE_TIME_PATTERN);
     92         if(dateTimeString.endsWith("00:00:00")){
     93             return dateTimeString.substring(0, 10);
     94         }else{
     95             return dateTimeString;
     96         }
     97     }
     99     /**
    100      * 将日期时间格式成日期对象,和dateParse互用
    101      * @param dateTime Date
    102      * @return Date
    103      * @throws ParseException
    104      */
    105     public static Date dateTimeToDate(Date dateTime) throws ParseException{
    106         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    107         cal.setTime(dateTime);
    108         cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
    109         cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
    110         cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
    111         cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
    112         return cal.getTime();
    113     }
    115     /** 
    116      * 时间加减小时
    117      * @param startDate 要处理的时间,Null则为当前时间 
    118      * @param hours 加减的小时 
    119      * @return Date 
    120      */  
    121     public static Date dateAddHours(Date startDate, int hours) {  
    122         if (startDate == null) {  
    123             startDate = new Date();  
    124         }  
    125         Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();  
    126         c.setTime(startDate);  
    127         c.set(Calendar.HOUR, c.get(Calendar.HOUR) + hours);  
    128         return c.getTime();  
    129     }
    131     /**
    132      * 时间加减分钟
    133      * @param startDate 要处理的时间,Null则为当前时间 
    134      * @param minutes 加减的分钟
    135      * @return
    136      */
    137     public static Date dateAddMinutes(Date startDate, int minutes) {  
    138         if (startDate == null) {  
    139             startDate = new Date();  
    140         }  
    141         Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();  
    142         c.setTime(startDate);  
    143         c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, c.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + minutes);  
    144         return c.getTime();  
    145     }
    147     /**
    148      * 时间加减秒数
    149      * @param startDate 要处理的时间,Null则为当前时间 
    150      * @param minutes 加减的秒数
    151      * @return
    152      */
    153     public static Date dateAddSeconds(Date startDate, int seconds) {  
    154         if (startDate == null) {  
    155             startDate = new Date();  
    156         }  
    157         Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();  
    158         c.setTime(startDate);  
    159         c.set(Calendar.SECOND, c.get(Calendar.SECOND) + seconds);  
    160         return c.getTime();  
    161     }
    163     /** 
    164      * 时间加减天数 
    165      * @param startDate 要处理的时间,Null则为当前时间 
    166      * @param days 加减的天数 
    167      * @return Date 
    168      */  
    169     public static Date dateAddDays(Date startDate, int days) {  
    170         if (startDate == null) {  
    171             startDate = new Date();  
    172         }  
    173         Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();  
    174         c.setTime(startDate);  
    175         c.set(Calendar.DATE, c.get(Calendar.DATE) + days);  
    176         return c.getTime();  
    177     }
    179     /** 
    180      * 时间加减月数
    181      * @param startDate 要处理的时间,Null则为当前时间 
    182      * @param months 加减的月数 
    183      * @return Date 
    184      */  
    185     public static Date dateAddMonths(Date startDate, int months) {  
    186         if (startDate == null) {  
    187             startDate = new Date();  
    188         }  
    189         Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();  
    190         c.setTime(startDate);  
    191         c.set(Calendar.MONTH, c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + months);  
    192         return c.getTime();  
    193     }
    195     /** 
    196      * 时间加减年数
    197      * @param startDate 要处理的时间,Null则为当前时间 
    198      * @param years 加减的年数 
    199      * @return Date 
    200      */  
    201     public static Date dateAddYears(Date startDate, int years) {  
    202         if (startDate == null) {  
    203             startDate = new Date();  
    204         }  
    205         Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();  
    206         c.setTime(startDate);  
    207         c.set(Calendar.YEAR, c.get(Calendar.YEAR) + years);  
    208         return c.getTime();  
    209     }  
    211     /** 
    212      * 时间比较(如果myDate>compareDate返回1,<返回-1,相等返回0) 
    213      * @param myDate 时间 
    214      * @param compareDate 要比较的时间 
    215      * @return int 
    216      */  
    217     public static int dateCompare(Date myDate, Date compareDate) {  
    218         Calendar myCal = Calendar.getInstance();  
    219         Calendar compareCal = Calendar.getInstance();  
    220         myCal.setTime(myDate);  
    221         compareCal.setTime(compareDate);  
    222         return myCal.compareTo(compareCal);  
    223     }
    225     /**
    226      * 获取两个时间中最小的一个时间
    227      * @param date
    228      * @param compareDate
    229      * @return
    230      */
    231     public static Date dateMin(Date date, Date compareDate) {
    232         if(date == null){
    233             return compareDate;
    234         }
    235         if(compareDate == null){
    236             return date;
    237         }
    238         if(1 == dateCompare(date, compareDate)){
    239             return compareDate;
    240         }else if(-1 == dateCompare(date, compareDate)){
    241             return date;
    242         }
    243         return date;  
    244     }
    246     /**
    247      * 获取两个时间中最大的一个时间
    248      * @param date
    249      * @param compareDate
    250      * @return
    251      */
    252     public static Date dateMax(Date date, Date compareDate) {
    253         if(date == null){
    254             return compareDate;
    255         }
    256         if(compareDate == null){
    257             return date;
    258         }
    259         if(1 == dateCompare(date, compareDate)){
    260             return date;
    261         }else if(-1 == dateCompare(date, compareDate)){
    262             return compareDate;
    263         }
    264         return date;  
    265     }
    267     /**
    268      * 获取两个日期(不含时分秒)相差的天数,不包含今天
    269      * @param startDate
    270      * @param endDate
    271      * @return
    272      * @throws ParseException 
    273      */
    274     public static int dateBetween(Date startDate, Date endDate) throws ParseException {
    275         Date dateStart = dateParse(dateFormat(startDate, DATE_PATTERN), DATE_PATTERN);
    276         Date dateEnd = dateParse(dateFormat(endDate, DATE_PATTERN), DATE_PATTERN);
    277         return (int) ((dateEnd.getTime() - dateStart.getTime())/1000/60/60/24); 
    278     }
    280     /**
    281      * 获取两个日期(不含时分秒)相差的天数,包含今天
    282      * @param startDate
    283      * @param endDate
    284      * @return
    285      * @throws ParseException 
    286      */
    287     public static int dateBetweenIncludeToday(Date startDate, Date endDate) throws ParseException {  
    288         return dateBetween(startDate, endDate) + 1;
    289     }
    291     /**
    292      * 获取日期时间的年份,如2017-02-13,返回2017
    293      * @param date
    294      * @return
    295      */
    296     public static int getYear(Date date) {  
    297         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();  
    298         cal.setTime(date);
    299         return cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    300     }
    302     /**
    303      * 获取日期时间的月份,如2017年2月13日,返回2
    304      * @param date
    305      * @return
    306      */
    307     public static int getMonth(Date date) {  
    308         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();  
    309         cal.setTime(date);
    310         return cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
    311     }
    313     /**
    314      * 获取日期时间的第几天(即返回日期的dd),如2017-02-13,返回13
    315      * @param date
    316      * @return
    317      */
    318     public static int getDate(Date date) {  
    319         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();  
    320         cal.setTime(date);
    321         return cal.get(Calendar.DATE);
    322     }
    324     /**
    325      * 获取日期时间当月的总天数,如2017-02-13,返回28
    326      * @param date
    327      * @return
    328      */
    329     public static int getDaysOfMonth(Date date) {  
    330         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();  
    331         cal.setTime(date);
    332         return cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE);
    333     }
    335     /**
    336      * 获取日期时间当年的总天数,如2017-02-13,返回2017年的总天数
    337      * @param date
    338      * @return
    339      */
    340     public static int getDaysOfYear(Date date) {  
    341         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();  
    342         cal.setTime(date);
    343         return cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
    344     }
    346     /**
    347      * 根据时间获取当月最大的日期
    348      * <li>2017-02-13,返回2017-02-28</li>
    349      * <li>2016-02-13,返回2016-02-29</li>
    350      * <li>2016-01-11,返回2016-01-31</li>
    351      * @param date Date
    352      * @return
    353      * @throws Exception 
    354      */
    355     public static Date maxDateOfMonth(Date date) throws Exception {
    356         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();  
    357         cal.setTime(date);
    358         int value = cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE);
    359         return dateParse(dateFormat(date, MONTH_PATTERN) + "-" + value, null);
    360     }
    362     /**
    363      * 根据时间获取当月最小的日期,也就是返回当月的1号日期对象
    364      * @param date Date
    365      * @return
    366      * @throws Exception 
    367      */
    368     public static Date minDateOfMonth(Date date) throws Exception {
    369         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();  
    370         cal.setTime(date);
    371         int value = cal.getActualMinimum(Calendar.DATE);
    372         return dateParse(dateFormat(date, MONTH_PATTERN) + "-" + value, null);
    373     }
    375     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    376         /*System.out.println(dateTimeToDate(new Date()));
    377         System.out.println(dateParse("2017-02-04 14:58:20", null));
    378         System.out.println(dateTimeToDateStringIfTimeEndZero(new Date()));
    379         System.out.println(dateTimeToDateStringIfTimeEndZero(dateTimeToDate(new Date())));*/
    380         //System.out.println(dateBetween(dateParse("2017-01-30", null), dateParse("2017-02-01", null)));
    381         //System.out.println(dateBetweenIncludeToday(dateParse("2017-01-30", null), dateParse("2017-02-01", null)));
    382         System.out.println(getDate(dateParse("2017-01-17", null)));
    383         /*
    384         System.out.println(getDaysOfMonth(dateParse("2017-02-01", null)));
    385         System.out.println(getDaysOfYear(dateParse("2017-01-30", null)));*/
    386         //System.out.println(dateFormat(dateAddMonths(dateParse("2017-02-07", StrUtils.MONTH_PATTERN), -12), StrUtils.MONTH_PATTERN));
    387         /*System.out.println(dateFormat(maxDateOfMonth(dateParse("2016-02", "yyyy-MM")), null));
    388         System.out.println(dateFormat(minDateOfMonth(dateParse("2016-03-31", null)), null));*/
    389     }
    392 }



    ©Copyright  蕃薯耀 2017年2月4日 15:03:27 星期六


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