用法:粘贴html js css 引入jq jquery.pagination.js(代码在最下面)
<div id="pagingmix" class="page m-style M-box3"> </div>
//分页 function laodPage(pages){ $('.M-box3').pagination({ pageCount: pages, jump: true, coping: true, homePage: '首页', endPage: '末页', prevContent: '上页', nextContent: '下页', callback: function (api) { // loadDcotorMaintin(api.getCurrent());//回调函数 console.log(api); } }); }
/*分页 */ .M-box3{ display: flex; justify-content: center; margin:20px 0; } .m-style:before, .m-style:after { content: ""; display: table; } .m-style:after { clear: both; overflow: hidden; } .m-style span{ display:block; padding:0 15px; border:1px solid #00A09E; margin:0 5px; line-height:35px; } .m-style .active{ display:block; padding:0 15px; border:1px solid #00A09E; margin:0 5px; line-height:35px; background:#00A09E; color: white !important; } .m-style a{ display:block; padding:0 15px; border:1px solid #eee; margin:0 5px; text-align:center; line-height:35px; font-color:white !important; } .m-style a:hover,.m-style .active:hover a{ border:1px solid #00A09E; text-decoration:none; } #bp-3-element-test{ display: flex; flex-direction: row; } #bp-3-element-test>li{ line-height: 30px; margin:0 5px; } .jump-ipt { float: left; margin: 0 5px; width: 38px; height: 38px; line-height: 38px; text-align: center; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #ebebeb; outline: none; color: #bdbdbd; font-size: 14px; }
/** * pagination.js 1.5.1 * A jQuery plugin to provide simple yet fully customisable pagination. * @version 1.5.1 * @author mss * @url https://github.com/Maxiaoxiang/jQuery-plugins * * @调用方法 * $(selector).pagination(option, callback); * -此处callback是初始化调用,option里的callback是点击页码后调用 * * -- example -- * $(selector).pagination({ * ... // 配置参数 * callback: function(api) { * console.log('点击页码调用该回调'); //切换页码时执行一次回调 * } * }, function(){ * console.log('初始化'); //插件初始化时调用该方法,比如请求第一次接口来初始化分页配置 * }); */ ; (function (factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && (define.amd || define.cmd) && !jQuery) { // AMD或CMD define(["jquery"], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { // Node/CommonJS module.exports = function (root, jQuery) { if (jQuery === undefined) { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { jQuery = require('jquery'); } else { jQuery = require('jquery')(root); } } factory(jQuery); return jQuery; }; } else { //Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { //配置参数 var defaults = { totalData: 0, //数据总条数 showData: 0, //每页显示的条数 pageCount: 9, //总页数,默认为9 current: 1, //当前第几页 prevCls: 'prev', //上一页class nextCls: 'next', //下一页class prevContent: '<', //上一页内容 nextContent: '>', //下一页内容 activeCls: 'active', //当前页选中状态 coping: false, //首页和尾页 isHide: false, //当前页数为0页或者1页时不显示分页 homePage: '', //首页节点内容 endPage: '', //尾页节点内容 keepShowPN: false, //是否一直显示上一页下一页 mode: 'unfixed', //分页模式,unfixed:不固定页码数量,fixed:固定页码数量 count: 4, //mode为unfixed时显示当前选中页前后页数,mode为fixed显示页码总数 jump: false, //跳转到指定页数 jumpIptCls: 'jump-ipt', //文本框内容 jumpBtnCls: 'jump-btn', //跳转按钮 jumpBtn: '跳转', //跳转按钮文本 callback: function () {} //回调 }; var Pagination = function (element, options) { //全局变量 var opts = options, //配置 current, //当前页 $document = $(document), $obj = $(element); //容器 /** * 设置总页数 * @param {int} page 页码 * @return opts.pageCount 总页数配置 */ this.setPageCount = function (page) { return opts.pageCount = page; }; /** * 获取总页数 * 如果配置了总条数和每页显示条数,将会自动计算总页数并略过总页数配置,反之 * @return {int} 总页数 */ this.getPageCount = function () { return opts.totalData && opts.showData ? Math.ceil(parseInt(opts.totalData) / opts.showData) : opts.pageCount; }; /** * 获取当前页 * @return {int} 当前页码 */ this.getCurrent = function () { return current; }; /** * 填充数据 * @param {int} 页码 */ this.filling = function (index) { var html = ''; current = parseInt(index) || parseInt(opts.current); //当前页码 var pageCount = this.getPageCount(); //获取的总页数 switch (opts.mode) { //配置模式 case 'fixed': //固定按钮模式 html += '<a href="javascript:;" class="' + opts.prevCls + '">' + opts.prevContent + '</a>'; if (opts.coping) { var home = opts.coping && opts.homePage ? opts.homePage : '1'; html += '<a href="javascript:;" data-page="1">' + home + '</a>'; } var start = current > opts.count - 1 ? current + opts.count - 1 > pageCount ? current - (opts.count - (pageCount - current)) : current - 2 : 1; var end = current + opts.count - 1 > pageCount ? pageCount : start + opts.count; for (; start <= end; start++) { if (start != current) { html += '<a href="javascript:;" data-page="' + start + '">' + start + '</a>'; } else { html += '<span class="' + opts.activeCls + '">' + start + '</span>'; } } if (opts.coping) { var _end = opts.coping && opts.endPage ? opts.endPage : pageCount; html += '<a href="javascript:;" data-page="' + pageCount + '">' + _end + '</a>'; } html += '<a href="javascript:;" class="' + opts.nextCls + '">' + opts.nextContent + '</a>'; break; case 'unfixed': //不固定按钮模式 if (opts.keepShowPN || current > 1) { //上一页 html += '<a href="javascript:;" class="' + opts.prevCls + '">' + opts.prevContent + '</a>'; } else { if (opts.keepShowPN == false) { $obj.find('.' + opts.prevCls) && $obj.find('.' + opts.prevCls).remove(); } } if (current >= opts.count + 2 && current != 1 && pageCount != opts.count) { var home = opts.coping && opts.homePage ? opts.homePage : '1'; html += opts.coping ? '<a href="javascript:;" data-page="1">' + home + '</a><span>...</span>' : ''; } var start = (current - opts.count) <= 1 ? 1 : (current - opts.count); var end = (current + opts.count) >= pageCount ? pageCount : (current + opts.count); for (; start <= end; start++) { if (start <= pageCount && start >= 1) { if (start != current) { html += '<a href="javascript:;" data-page="' + start + '">' + start + '</a>'; } else { html += '<span class="' + opts.activeCls + '">' + start + '</span>'; } } } if (current + opts.count < pageCount && current >= 1 && pageCount > opts.count) { var end = opts.coping && opts.endPage ? opts.endPage : pageCount; html += opts.coping ? '<span>...</span><a href="javascript:;" data-page="' + pageCount + '">' + end + '</a>' : ''; } if (opts.keepShowPN || current < pageCount) { //下一页 html += '<a href="javascript:;" class="' + opts.nextCls + '">' + opts.nextContent + '</a>'; } else { if (opts.keepShowPN == false) { $obj.find('.' + opts.nextCls) && $obj.find('.' + opts.nextCls).remove(); } } break; case 'easy': //简单模式 break; default: } html += opts.jump ? '<input type="text" class="' + opts.jumpIptCls + '"><a href="javascript:;" class="' + opts.jumpBtnCls + '">' + opts.jumpBtn + '</a>' : ''; $obj.empty().html(html); }; //绑定事件 this.eventBind = function () { var that = this; var pageCount = that.getPageCount(); //总页数 var index = 1; $obj.off().on('click', 'a', function () { if ($(this).hasClass(opts.nextCls)) { if ($obj.find('.' + opts.activeCls).text() >= pageCount) { $(this).addClass('disabled'); return false; } else { index = parseInt($obj.find('.' + opts.activeCls).text()) + 1; } } else if ($(this).hasClass(opts.prevCls)) { if ($obj.find('.' + opts.activeCls).text() <= 1) { $(this).addClass('disabled'); return false; } else { index = parseInt($obj.find('.' + opts.activeCls).text()) - 1; } } else if ($(this).hasClass(opts.jumpBtnCls)) { if ($obj.find('.' + opts.jumpIptCls).val() !== '') { index = parseInt($obj.find('.' + opts.jumpIptCls).val()); } else { return; } } else { index = parseInt($(this).data('page')); } that.filling(index); typeof opts.callback === 'function' && opts.callback(that); }); //输入跳转的页码 $obj.on('input propertychange', '.' + opts.jumpIptCls, function () { var $this = $(this); var val = $this.val(); var reg = /[^d]/g; if (reg.test(val)) $this.val(val.replace(reg, '')); (parseInt(val) > pageCount) && $this.val(pageCount); if (parseInt(val) === 0) $this.val(1); //最小值为1 }); //回车跳转指定页码 $document.keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13 && $obj.find('.' + opts.jumpIptCls).val()) { var index = parseInt($obj.find('.' + opts.jumpIptCls).val()); that.filling(index); typeof opts.callback === 'function' && opts.callback(that); } }); }; //初始化 this.init = function () { this.filling(opts.current); this.eventBind(); if (opts.isHide && this.getPageCount() == '1' || this.getPageCount() == '0') { $obj.hide(); } else { $obj.show(); } }; this.init(); }; $.fn.pagination = function (parameter, callback) { if (typeof parameter == 'function') { //重载 callback = parameter; parameter = {}; } else { parameter = parameter || {}; callback = callback || function () {}; } var options = $.extend({}, defaults, parameter); return this.each(function () { var pagination = new Pagination(this, options); callback(pagination); }); }; }));