1、创建北京、上海 2 所学校
2、创建linux , python , go 3个课程 , linuxpy 在北京开, go 在上海开
4、通过学校创建班级, 班级关联课程、讲师
a 学员视图, 可以注册, 交学费, 选择班级,
b 讲师视图, 讲师可管理自己的班级, 上课时选择班级, 查看班级学员列表 , 修改所管理的学员的成绩
c 管理视图,创建讲师, 创建班级,创建课程
from conf.settings import LOGIN_PATH def login(role): with open(LOGIN_PATH, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: name = input("请输入用户名:") pwd = input("请输入密码:") for line in f: identify, username, password, area = line.strip().split(",") if identify == role: if name == username and password == pwd: print("%s登陆成功!" % username) return {"name": name, "identify": role, "area": area, "status": True} else: print("用户名或密码错误") return {"name": name, "identify": role, "area": area, "status": False}
import sys, pickle, os from bin.login import login from bin.register import register from src.member import Manager, Student, Teacher, choice_area from conf.settings import DB_PATH def entrance(): msg = ["学生", "教师", "管理员"] while True: for i, j in enumerate(msg, 1): print(i, j) num = input("请输入所选序号:") if num == "1": area = choice_area() return {"role": "Student", "area": area} elif num == "2": area = choice_area() return {"role": "Teacher", "area": area} elif num == "3": return {"role": "Manager", "area": "area"} else: print("输入错误,请重新输入") def run(): get = entrance() if get["role"] == "Student": msg = ["注册", "登陆"] for i, j in enumerate(msg, 1): print(i, j) num = input("请输入所选序号:") if num == "1": area = get["area"] result = register("Student", area) stu_path = os.path.join(DB_PATH, area) school_area = os.path.basename(stu_path) path = os.path.join(os.path.join(stu_path, "student"), result["name"]) name_in = input("请输入姓名:").strip() age_in = input("请输入年龄:").strip() sex_in = input("请输入性别:").strip() phone_num_in = input("请输入电话:").strip() student = Student(name_in, area) student.msg["login_name"] = result["name"] student.msg["name"] = name_in student.msg["age"] = age_in student.msg["sex"] = sex_in student.msg["phone_num"] = phone_num_in student.msg["school_area"] = school_area with open(path, "wb") as f3: pickle.dump(student, f3) print("%s学生信息填写成功" % name_in) elif num == "2": result = login(get["role"]) else: print("输入错误,请重新输入") else: result = login(get["role"]) if result["status"]: if hasattr(sys.modules[__name__], result["identify"]): cls = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], result["identify"]) obj = cls(result["name"], get["area"]) while True: for i, j in enumerate(cls.opt_list, 1): print(i, j[0]) func = input("请输入所选序号:") if func.isdigit() and hasattr(obj, cls.opt_list[int(func) - 1][1]): getattr(obj, cls.opt_list[int(func) - 1][1])()
bin egister
from conf.settings import LOGIN_PATH def register(role, area): f = open(LOGIN_PATH, "r+", encoding="utf-8") login = {} flag2 = False for line in f: login_info = line.strip().split(",") login[login_info[1]] = login_info[0] while True: name = input("请输入登陆用户名:").strip() if name in login: if login[name] == role: print("该用户名已存在,请重新输入") else: flag2 = True else: flag2 = True while flag2: password = input("请输入密码:").strip() passwd = input("请再次输入密码:").strip() if passwd == password: print("%s注册成功" % name) msg = "%s,%s,%s,%s " % (role, name, password, area) f.write(msg) return {"name": name, "identify": role, "area": area, "status": True} else: print("两次密码不同,请重新输入")
import os BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) DB_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "db") LOGIN_PATH = os.path.join(DB_PATH, "login_info") school_name = "luffycity"
import os, pickle from src.school import School, Course, Classes from conf.settings import DB_PATH, school_name from bin.register import register def choice_area(): """ 选择校区 :return: """ area_path = os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area") file_list = os.listdir(area_path) file_list.remove("__init__.py") for i, j in enumerate(file_list, 1): print(i, j) num = input("请输入校区序号:").strip() area = file_list[int(num) - 1] return area class Common(object): def view_courses(self): """ 查看课程 :return: """ area = choice_area() sch_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area"), area) with open(sch_path, "rb") as sch: sch_data = pickle.load(sch) if len(sch_data.courses) == 0: print("目前没有课程") else: for i, j in enumerate(sch_data.courses, 1): print("序号:%s,课程名:%s,班级:%s" % (i, j["course"], j["classes"])) return sch_data @staticmethod def view_courses_n(area): """ 查看课程(无选校区) :return: """ sch_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area"), area) with open(sch_path, "rb") as sch: sch_data = pickle.load(sch) if len(sch_data.courses) == 0: print("目前没有课程") else: for i, j in enumerate(sch_data.courses, 1): print("序号:%s,课程名:%s,班级:%s" % (i, j["course"], j["classes"])) return {"data": sch_data, "path": sch_data} def exit(self): """ 退出 :return: """ exit() class Manager(Common): opt_list = [("创建校区", "create_school"), ("创建课程", "create_course"), ("创建班级", "create_class"), ("创建老师", "create_teacher"), ("查看课程", "view_courses"), ("查看老师", "view_teachers"), ("查看学生", "view_students"), ("查看选课情况", "view_select_details"), ("退出", "exit")] def __init__(self, name, area): self.name = name self.area = area def create_school(self): """ 创建校区 :return: """ name = school_name address = input("创建校区名称:").strip() school = School(name, address) sch_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area"), address) if os.path.isfile(sch_path): print("该校区已存在") else: with open(sch_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(school, f) print("%s校区创建成功" % address) def create_course(self): """ 创建课程 :return: """ area = choice_area() # 选择校区 sch_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area"), area) with open(sch_path, "rb") as sch: sch_data = pickle.load(sch) name = input("课程名称:").strip() price = input("学费为:").strip() period = input("课程周期为:").strip() course = Course(name, price, period) # 实例化 sch_cou = {"course": course.name, "price": course.price, "classes": "none", "students": [], "teachers": []} sch_data.courses.append(sch_cou) # 课程名加入学校信息中 with open(sch_path, "wb") as f: f.truncate(0) pickle.dump(sch_data, f) cou_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, sch_data.addr), "course"), name) with open(cou_path, "wb") as cou: pickle.dump(course, cou) print("%s课程创建成功" % name) def create_class(self): """ 创建班级 :return: """ sch_data = self.view_courses() sch_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area"), sch_data.addr) area = sch_data.addr num = input("输入开班课程编号:").strip() sch_course = sch_data.courses[int(num) - 1] sch_course_name = sch_course["course"] sch_course_class = sch_course["classes"].split(",") name = input("班级名称:").strip() start_time = input("开班时间:").strip() classes = Classes(name, start_time) # 实例化班级 c_flag = False for i in sch_course_class: if i == "none": sch_course_class = [] c_flag = True elif i == name: print("该班级已存在") return else: c_flag = True if c_flag: sch_course_class.append(name) sch_course["classes"] = ",".join(sch_course_class) # 学校信息更改 cou_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, area), "course"), sch_course_name) with open(cou_path, "rb")as cou: cou_data = pickle.load(cou) cou_data.classes.append(classes) # 课程信息更改 with open(cou_path, "wb") as cou_w: cou_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(cou_data, cou_w) with open(sch_path, "wb") as sch_w: sch_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(sch_data, sch_w) print("%s校区%s课程%s班级创建成功" % (area, sch_course_name, name)) def create_teacher(self): """ 创建老师 :return: """ area = choice_area() sch_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area"), area) with open(sch_path, "rb") as f: sch_data = pickle.load(f) result = register("Teacher", area) name_in = input("请输入教师姓名:").strip() age_in = input("请输入年龄:").strip() sex_in = input("请输入性别:").strip() salary_in = input("请输入工资:").strip() teacher = Teacher(name_in, area) teacher.msg["login_name"] = result["name"] teacher.msg["age"] = age_in teacher.msg["sex"] = sex_in teacher.msg["salary"] = salary_in teach_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, area), "teacher"), result["name"]) msg = {"login_name": result["name"], "name": name_in} sch_data.teachers.append(msg) with open(sch_path, "wb") as f: f.truncate(0) pickle.dump(sch_data, f) with open(teach_path, "wb") as f3: pickle.dump(teacher, f3) print("%s老师添加成功" % name_in) def view_teachers(self): """ 查看教师 :return: """ area = choice_area() sch_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area"), area) with open(sch_path, "rb") as f: sch_data = pickle.load(f) if len(sch_data.teachers) == 0: print("当前无老师") return else: while True: print(' 33[35;1m %s 33[0m' % "老师信息".center(50, "-")) for i, j in enumerate(sch_data.teachers, 1): teach_name = j["name"] print("序号:%s,姓名:%s,登录名称:%s" % (i, teach_name, j["login_name"])) num = input("输入查看教师序号,退出请输入“0”:") if num != "0" and num.isdigit(): login_name = sch_data.teachers[int(num)-1]["login_name"] teach_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, area), "teacher"), login_name) with open(teach_path, "rb")as teach: teach_data = pickle.load(teach) course_list = [] if len(teach_data.course) == 0: course_msg = "课程:"+ "none" else: for k in teach_data.course: if len(k["class"]) == 0: msg = "课程:" + k["course"] + ",班级:" + "none" else: for m in k["class"]: msg = "课程:" + k["course"] + ",班级:" + m course_list.append(msg) course_msg = " ".join(course_list) print(' 33[34;1m %s 33[0m' % "老师信息".center(50, "-")) print("姓名:%s, 年龄:%s, 性别:%s, 工资:%s, 登录名:%s" % (teach_name, teach_data.msg["age"], teach_data.msg["sex"], teach_data.msg["salary"], login_name)) print(course_msg) else: return def view_students(self): """ 查看学生 :return: """ area = choice_area() sch_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area"), area) with open(sch_path, "rb") as f: sch_data = pickle.load(f) while True: print(' 33[35;1m %s 33[0m' % "学生信息".center(50, "-")) for i, j in enumerate(sch_data.students, 1): print("序号:%s,姓名:%s,登录名称:%s" % (i, j["name"], j["login_name"])) num = input("选择查看学生的序号,结束请输“0”") if num != "0" and num.isdigit(): stu_msg = sch_data.students[int(num)-1] stu_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, area), "student"), stu_msg["login_name"]) with open(stu_path, "rb")as stu: stu_data = pickle.load(stu) course_list = [] if len(stu_data.course) == 0: course_msg = "课程:none" else: for k in stu_data.course: if len(k["class"]) == 0: msg = "课程:" + k["course"] + ",班级:" + "none,成绩:" + k["score"] else: k["class"] = k["class"].split(",") for m in k["class"]: msg = "课程:" + k["course"] + ",班级:" + m + ",成绩:" + k["score"] course_list.append(msg) course_msg = " ".join(course_list) print(' 33[34;1m %s 33[0m' % "学生信息".center(50, "-")) print("姓名:%s,登录名称:%s, 性别:%s,年龄:%s,电话:%s" % (stu_data.name, stu_data.msg["login_name"], stu_data.msg["sex"], stu_data.msg["age"], stu_data.msg["phone_num"])) print(course_msg) else: return def view_select_details(self): """ 查看选课详情 :return: """ area = choice_area() sch_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area"), area) with open(sch_path, "rb") as f: # 读取学校信息(pickle) sch_data = pickle.load(f) if len(sch_data.courses) == 0: print("当前没有课程") else: for i in sch_data.courses: if len(i["students"]) == 0: print("%s课程无人选课" % i["course"]) else: print(' 33[34;1m %s 33[0m' % (i["course"]+"课程").center(20, "-")) # print("%s课程" % i["course"]) for j in i["students"]: print("学生:%s" % j["name"]) # 注册、缴费、查看可选课程、选择课程、查看所选课程、查看成绩 class Student(Common): opt_list = [("查看课程列表", "view_courses"), ("选择课程", "choice_grade"), ("缴费", "pay"), ("选择班级", "choice_classes"), ("查看所选课程", "view_select"), ("查看成绩", "view_score"), ("退出", "exit")] def __init__(self, name, area): self.name = name self.area = area self.msg = {"login_name": "name", "name": "name", "age": "age", "sex": "sex", "phone_num": "num"} self.course = [] self.unpaid = [] def choice_grade(self): """ 选择课程 :return: """ stu_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "student"), self.name) with open(stu_path, "rb") as stu: # 读取学生文件信息(pickle) stu_data = pickle.load(stu) school = self.view_courses_n(self.area) sch_data = school["data"] num = input("输入选课序号,添加结束请输“0”").strip() if num != "0" and num.isdigit(): sch_curriculum = sch_data.courses[int(num) - 1] c_flag1 = c_flag2 = False if len(sch_curriculum["students"]) != 0: for i in sch_curriculum["students"]: if i == self.name: print("该课程已选购") return else: c_flag1 = True else: c_flag1 = True if c_flag1: if len(stu_data.unpaid) != 0: for n in stu_data.unpaid: if n["name"] == sch_curriculum["course"]: print("该课程已选择") return else: c_flag2 = True else: c_flag2 = True if c_flag2: cou = {"name": sch_curriculum["course"], "price": sch_curriculum["price"]} stu_data.unpaid.append(cou) with open(stu_path, "wb") as stu_w: # 将学生信息写入文件(pickle) stu_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(stu_data, stu_w) print("%s选课成功,请前往缴费" % sch_curriculum["course"]) else: return def pay(self): """ 缴费 :return: """ stu_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "student"), self.name) sch_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area"), self.area) with open(stu_path, "rb") as stu: stu_data = pickle.load(stu) if len(stu_data.unpaid) != 0: for i, j in enumerate(stu_data.unpaid, 1): print(i, j["name"]) cou_num = input("请选择缴费课程:") if cou_num.isdigit(): if int(cou_num) <= len(stu_data.unpaid)+1: print("%s课程需缴费%s元" % (stu_data.unpaid[int(cou_num)-1]["name"], stu_data.unpaid[int(cou_num)-1]['price'])) money = int(input("请输入转账金额:")) if money >= int(stu_data.unpaid[int(cou_num)-1]['price']): cou_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "course"), stu_data.unpaid[int(cou_num) - 1]["name"]) course_name = stu_data.unpaid[int(cou_num)-1]["name"] stu_data.course.append({"course": course_name, "class": "none", "score": "none"}) stu_data.unpaid.pop(int(cou_num) - 1) # 学生中加入缴费后的课程 with open(cou_path, "rb") as cou_r: cou_data = pickle.load(cou_r) # 课程中添加学生信息 cou_data.students.append({"name": stu_data.name, "login_name": self.name}) with open(cou_path, "wb") as cou_w: cou_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(cou_data, cou_w) stu_w = open(stu_path, "wb") stu_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(stu_data, stu_w) with open(sch_path, "rb") as f: # school sch_data = pickle.load(f) flag = False if len(sch_data.students) == 0: flag = True else: for x in sch_data.students: if x["login_name"] == self.name: pass else: flag =True if flag: # 学校加入学生 sch_data.students.append({"name": stu_data.name, "login_name": self.name}) for n in sch_data.courses: if n["course"] == course_name: n["students"].append({"name": stu_data.name, "login_name": self.name}) with open(sch_path, "wb") as f: f.truncate(0) pickle.dump(sch_data, f) print("%s课程缴费完成,请前往选择班级" % course_name) return else: print("金额不足") else: print("输入错误") else: print("没有需缴费课程") def choice_classes(self): # 选择课程重复 """ 选择班级 :return: """ stu_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "student"), self.name) # sch_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area"), self.area) with open(stu_path, "rb") as stu: stu_data = pickle.load(stu) if len(stu_data.course) == 0: print("当前没有课程") return else: for i, j in enumerate(stu_data.course, 1): print("序号:%s,课程:%s" % (i, j["course"])) stu_cou_num = input("输入选择课程的序号:") if stu_cou_num.isdigit() and int(stu_cou_num) <= len(stu_data.course)+1: stu_cou = stu_data.course[int(stu_cou_num)-1] stu_cou_name = stu_cou["course"] if stu_cou["class"] != "none": print("该课程已选择班级") return else: cou_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "course"), stu_cou_name) with open(cou_path, "rb") as cou: cou_data = pickle.load(cou) if len(cou_data.classes) == 0: print('当前课程没有开设班级') return else: for m, n in enumerate(cou_data.classes, 1): print("序号:%s,班级:%s" % (m, n.name)) cla_num = input("输入选择班级的序号:") if cla_num.isdigit() and int(cla_num) <= len(cla_num) + 1: cla_data = cou_data.classes[int(cla_num)-1] # 课程中添加学生 cla_data.students.append({"name": stu_data.name, "login_name": self.name, "score": ""}) stu_cou["class"] = cla_data.name # 学生信息中加入班级 with open(cou_path, "wb") as cou_w: cou_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(cou_data, cou_w) with open(stu_path, "wb") as stu_w: stu_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(stu_data, stu_w) print("班级选择成功") else: print("输入错误") else: print("输入错误") def view_select(self): """ 查看所选课程 :return: """ stu_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "student"), self.name) with open(stu_path, "rb") as stu: stu_data = pickle.load(stu) if len(stu_data.course) != 0: print("所选课程为:") for i, j in enumerate(stu_data.course, 1): print("序号:%s,课程名:%s,班级:%s" % (i, j["course"], j["class"])) else: print("当前无课程") def view_score(self): """ 查看成绩 :return: """ stu_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "student"), self.name) with open(stu_path, "rb") as stu: stu_data = pickle.load(stu) if len(stu_data.course) != 0: for i, j in enumerate(stu_data.course, 1): print("序号:%s,课程名:%s,成绩:%s" % (i, j["course"], j["score"])) else: print("当前无课程") # 选择班级,查看学生列表,修改成绩 class Teacher(Common): opt_list = [("选择课程", "choice_grade"), ("选择班级", "choice_classes"), ("查看学生详情", "view_student"), ("修改成绩", "change_score"), ("退出", "exit")] def __init__(self, name, area): self.name = name self.area = area self.msg = {"login_name": "name", "age": 0, "sex": "male", "salary": "10"} self.course = [] def choice_grade(self): """ 选择课程 :return: """ sch_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area"), self.area) teach_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "teacher"), self.name) with open(teach_path, "rb") as teach: # 读取老师文件信息(pickle) teach_data = pickle.load(teach) school = self.view_courses_n(self.area) sch_data = school["data"] # 读取学校文件信息(pickle) num = input("输入选课序号,添加结束请输“0”").strip() if num != "0" and num.isdigit(): sch_curriculum = sch_data.courses[int(num) - 1] course_name = sch_curriculum["course"] c_flag1 = False if len(teach_data.course) != 0: for i in teach_data.course: if i["course"] == course_name: print("该课程已添加") return else: c_flag1 = True else: c_flag1 = True if c_flag1: cou_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "course"), course_name) teach_data.course.append({"course": course_name, "class": []}) # 老师信息中加入课程 with open(cou_path, "rb") as cou_r: cou_data = pickle.load(cou_r) cou_data.teachers.append({"name": teach_data.name, "login_name": self.name}) # 课程中添加老师信息 with open(cou_path, "wb") as cou_w: cou_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(cou_data, cou_w) stu_w = open(teach_path, "wb") stu_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(teach_data, stu_w) flag = False for x in sch_data.teachers: if x["login_name"] == self.name: pass else: flag = True if flag: sch_data.teachers.append({"name": teach_data.name, "login_name": self.name}) # 学校中加入老师 for n in sch_data.courses: if n["course"] == course_name: n["teachers"].append({"name": teach_data.name, "login_name": self.name}) # 学校课程中加入老师 with open(sch_path, "wb") as f: f.truncate(0) pickle.dump(sch_data, f) print("%s课程添加完成,请前往选择班级" % course_name) return else: return def choice_classes(self): """ 选择班级 :return: """ teach_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "teacher"), self.name) with open(teach_path, "rb") as teach: teach_data = pickle.load(teach) if len(teach_data.course) == 0: print("当前没有课程") return else: for i, j in enumerate(teach_data.course, 1): print("序号:%s,课程:%s" % (i, j["course"])) teach_cou_num = input("输入选择课程的序号:") if teach_cou_num.isdigit() and int(teach_cou_num) <= len(teach_data.course)+1: teach_cou = teach_data.course[int(teach_cou_num)-1] cou_name = teach_cou["course"] cou_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "course"), cou_name) with open(cou_path, "rb") as cou: cou_data = pickle.load(cou) if len(cou_data.classes) == 0: print('当前课程没有开设班级') return else: for m, n in enumerate(cou_data.classes, 1): print("序号:%s,班级:%s" % (m, n.name)) cla_num = input("输入选择班级的序号:") c_flag = False if cla_num.isdigit() and int(cla_num) <= len(cla_num) + 1: cla_data = cou_data.classes[int(cla_num)-1] if len(cla_data.teachers) != 0: for i in cla_data.teachers: if i["login_name"] == self.name: print("该班级已添加!") return else: c_flag = True else: c_flag = True if c_flag: cla_data.teachers.append({"name": teach_data.name, "login_name": self.name}) # 课程班级中添加老师 teach_cou["class"].append(cla_data.name) # 老师信息中加入班级 with open(cou_path, "wb") as cou_w: cou_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(cou_data, cou_w) with open(teach_path, "wb") as teach_w: teach_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(teach_data, teach_w) print("班级选择成功") else: print("输入错误") def view_student(self): """ 查看学生详情 :return: """ teach_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "teacher"), self.name) with open(teach_path, "rb") as teach: teach_data = pickle.load(teach) if len(teach_data.course) == 0: print("教师当前未选课程") else: for i, j in enumerate(teach_data.course, 1): print("序号:%s,课程:%s" % (i, j["course"])) cou_num = input("选择课程的序号:") # print(teach_data.course) if cou_num.isdigit() and int(cou_num) <= len(teach_data.course) + 1: t_cou_msg = teach_data.course[int(cou_num) - 1] if len(t_cou_msg["class"]) == 0: print("该课程未选择班级") return else: # print(t_cou_msg["class"]) for q in t_cou_msg["class"]: print("序号:%s,班级:%s" % (t_cou_msg["class"].index(q)+1, q)) cla_num = input("选择班级的序号:") if cla_num.isdigit() and int(cla_num) <= len(t_cou_msg["class"]) + 1: cla_name = t_cou_msg["class"][int(cla_num)-1] cou_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "course"), t_cou_msg["course"]) with open(cou_path, "rb")as cou: cou_data = pickle.load(cou) for m in cou_data.classes: if m.name == cla_name: cla_data = cou_data.classes[int(cla_num) - 1] if len(cla_data.students) == 0: print("该班级当前没有学生") break else: for a, b in enumerate(cla_data.students, 1): print("序号:%s,学生:%s" % (a, b["name"])) stu_num = input("选择学生的序号:") if stu_num.isdigit() and int(stu_num) <= len(cla_data.students) + 1: stu_msg = cla_data.students[int(stu_num) - 1] stu_lname = stu_msg["login_name"] stu_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "student"), stu_lname) with open(stu_path, "rb") as stu: stu_data = pickle.load(stu) cou_list = [] for k in cla_data.students: if k["login_name"] == stu_lname: score = k["score"] msg = "课程:" + t_cou_msg[ "course"] + ",班级:" + cla_data.name + ",成绩:" + score else: msg = "课程:" + t_cou_msg[ "course"] + ",班级:" + cla_data.name + ",成绩:none" cou_list.append(msg) course_msg = " ".join(cou_list) print("姓名:%s,登录名称:%s, 性别:%s,年龄:%s,电话:%s" % (stu_data.name, stu_data.msg["login_name"], stu_data.msg["sex"], stu_data.msg["age"], stu_data.msg["phone_num"])) print(course_msg) msg = {"student": stu_data.msg["login_name"], "course": t_cou_msg["course"], "class": cla_data.name} return msg else: print("该班级当前没有学生") else: print("输入错误") else: print("输入错误") def change_score(self): """ 更改学生成绩 :return: """ try: msg = self.view_student() stu_name = msg["student"] cou_name = msg["course"] cla_name = msg["class"] cou_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "course"), cou_name) stu_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, self.area), "student"), stu_name) with open(stu_path, "rb") as stu: stu_data = pickle.load(stu) with open(cou_path, "rb") as cou: cou_data = pickle.load(cou) score = input("请输入%s的成绩:" % cou_name) if score.isdigit() and 0 <= int(score) <= 100: for i in stu_data.course: if i["course"] == cou_name: i["score"] = score for j in cou_data.classes: if j.name == cla_name: for m in j.students: if m["login_name"] == stu_name: m["score"] = score with open(stu_path, "wb") as stu_w: stu_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(stu_data, stu_w) with open(cou_path, "wb") as cou_w: cou_w.truncate(0) pickle.dump(cou_data, cou_w) print("%s学生%s课程成绩修改成功" % (stu_name, cou_name)) return else: print("成绩输入错误") except TypeError: print("成绩修改失败")
class School: def __init__(self, name, addr): self.name = name self.addr = addr self.courses = [] self.teachers = [] self.students = [] class Course(object): def __init__(self, name, price, period): self.name = name self.price = price self.period = period self.classes = [] self.teachers = [] self.students = [] class Classes(object): def __init__(self, name, start_time): self.name = name self.start_time = start_time self.teachers = [] self.students = []
import os import pickle from conf.settings import DB_PATH, LOGIN_PATH from src.school import School, Course msg = "Manager,admin,123,area " with open(LOGIN_PATH, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.truncate(0) f.write(msg) name = "luffycity" address = "beijing" address2 = "shanghai" AREA_PATH = os.path.join(DB_PATH, "area") area_path = os.path.join(AREA_PATH, address) area_path2 = os.path.join(AREA_PATH, address2) school = School(name, address) school2 = School(name, address2) name1 = "python" price1 = "10000" period1 = "6mons" name2 = "linux" price2 = "20000" period2 = "7mons" name = "go" price = "30000" period= "8mons" course = Course(name, price, period) # 实例化 course1 = Course(name1, price1, period1) course2 = Course(name2, price2, period2) sch_cou1 = {"course": course1.name, "price": course1.price, "classes": "none", "students": [], "teachers": []} sch_cou2 = {"course": course2.name, "price": course2.price, "classes": "none", "students": [], "teachers": []} sch_cou = {"course": course.name, "price": course.price, "classes": "none", "students": [], "teachers": []} school.courses.append(sch_cou1) # 课程名加入学校信息中 school.courses.append(sch_cou2) # 课程名加入学校信息中 school2.courses.append(sch_cou) # 课程名加入学校信息中 with open(area_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(school, f) f.close() with open(area_path2, "wb") as f1: pickle.dump(school2, f1) f1.close() path1 = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, address)), "course"), name1) path2 = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, address)), "course"), name2) path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(DB_PATH, address2)), "course"), name) with open(path1, "wb") as f1: pickle.dump(course1, f1) with open(path2, "wb") as f2: pickle.dump(course2, f2) with open(path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(course, f)
from bin.main import run if __name__ == "__main__": run()
数据初始化在“初始化.py”中(两个校区,北京:linux、python,上海:go) 程序开始,运行start.py 初始带有一个管理员(账号:admin,密码:123) 数据信息都在db中,登录信息存在login_info,其余信息通过pickle保存在文件中 老师的登陆信息及信息详情由管理员创建