比较懒直接用git clone了一个html5-boilerplate 下来做框架,
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main.css CSS文件
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main.js JS文件,
(function () { /*add your js code here*/ //var initialization var p_i_w = 640;//default page width var p_i_h = 1136;//default page height var p_n = 7;//default page number var sd_f = true; var p_w = p_i_w; var p_h = p_i_h; //Mobile detection object var isMobile = { Android: function () { return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i); }, BlackBerry: function () { return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i); }, iOS: function () { return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i); }, Opera: function () { return navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i); }, Windows: function () { return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i); }, any: function () { return (isMobile.Android() || isMobile.BlackBerry() || isMobile.iOS() || isMobile.Opera() || isMobile.Windows()); } }; //UI initialization here $(document).ready(function () { if ($(window).width() >= p_i_w && !isMobile.any()) { //do nothing } else { var scale=gbs(p_i_w); init(scale); p_w = $(window).width(); p_h = p_h * scale; } }); //Add the browser resizing listener $(window).resize(function () { if ($(window).width() < p_i_w) { var scale = gbs(p_w); init(scale); p_w = $(window).width(); p_h = p_h * scale; } else { init(p_i_w / p_w); p_w = p_i_w; p_h = p_i_h; } }); //Add the scroll bar listener $(window).scroll(function () { var p_Y = $(window).scrollTop(); var b_h = $(window).height(); if (p_h >= b_h) { if (p_Y < (p_h - b_h)) { ors($(".container").children().eq(0).children()); } else if (p_Y > (p_n - 1) * p_h) { ors($(".container").children().eq(p_n - 1).children()); } else { for (i = 0; i < p_n; i++) { if ((i + 1) * p_h > p_Y && ((i + 1) * p_h - p_Y) < b_h) { var ts = ((i + 1) * p_h - p_Y) / b_h; ofo($(".container").children().eq(i).children(), ts); ofi($(".container").children().eq(i + 1).children(), ts); break; } else if ((i + 1) * p_h - (p_h - b_h) == p_Y || (i + 1) * p_h == p_Y) { ors($(".container").children().eq(i).children()); break; } /*else if ((i + 1) * p_h > p_Y && ((i + 1) * p_h - p_Y) > b_h) { ors($(".container").children().eq(i).children()); break; }*/ } } } else { for (i = 0; i < p_n-2; i++) { if ((i + 1) * p_h > p_Y) { var ts = ((i + 1) * p_h - p_Y) / p_h; ofos($(".container").children().eq(i).children(), ts); ofi($(".container").children().eq(i + 1).children(), ts); break; } } } }); /* ========================================================================== Add the custom function here ========================================================================== */ function gbs(p_w)//get the scale of browser width / page width { return $(window).width() / p_w; } function init(scale)//initialization { sobs($(".container"), scale, true, false, false); sobs($(".container").children().children(), scale, true, true, false); sobs($(".container").children(), scale, true, true, false); ors($(".container").children().children()); sobs($(".inner-desc"), scale, false, false, true); $(document).scrollTop(0); } function sobs($obj, scale,w,h,pt)// set the obj css style by scale { if(w) { $obj.css("width", $obj.width() * scale + "px"); } if(h) { $obj.css("height", $obj.height() * scale + "px"); } if(pt) { $obj.css("padding-top", ($obj.css("padding-top").replace("px","")) * scale + "px"); } } function ofi($obj, ts) {//Add fade-in effect to a obj $obj.css({ "position": "relative", "z-index": 2, "left": "0px", "top": "0px" }); } function ofo($obj, ts) {//Add fade-out effect to a obj ,ts is the transparency scale $obj.css({ "position": "fixed", "left": ($(window).width() - p_w) / 2 + "px", "top": $(window).height() - p_h, "opacity": ts, "z-index": 1 }); } function ors($obj) {//reset the css style for the obj $obj.css({ "position": "relative", "left": "0px", "top": "0px", "opacity": "1","z-index": 1 }); } function ofos($obj, ts) {//Add special fade-out effect to a obj ,ts is the transparency scale $obj.css({ "position": "fixed", "left": ($(window).width() - p_w) / 2 + "px", "top": "0px", "opacity": ts, "z-index": 1 }); } })();