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  • AutoIT转


    AutoIt is a very useful automation scripting language for Microsoft Windows. It allows for GUI automation using a very simple syntax and can be useful for testing Windows applications. It is packaged with AutoItX which supports accessing AutoIt functions through COM objects.

    AutoItX4Java uses JACOB to access AutoItX through COM and strives to provide a native Java interface while maintaining the simplicity of AutoIt. Getting started is simple.

    1. Download JACOB.
    2. Download and install AutoIt.
    3. Add jacob.jar and autoitx4java.jar to your library path.
    4. Place the jacob-1.15-M4-x64.dll file in your library path.
    5. Start using AutoItX.


            File file = new File("lib", "jacob-1.15-M4-x64.dll"); //path to the jacob dll
            System.setProperty(LibraryLoader.JACOB_DLL_PATH, file.getAbsolutePath());
            AutoItX x = new AutoItX();
            String notepad = "Untitled - Notepad";
            String testString = "this is a test.";
            Assert.assertTrue(x.winExists(notepad, testString));
            x.winClose(notepad, testString);
            Assert.assertFalse(x.winExists(notepad, testString));


    Both AutoItX3 and Jacob dll's come in x86 and x64 versions. Ensure you use the correct dlls.

    If AutoItX isn't disposing itself properly make a call to ComThread.Release() when you are done using AutoItX. Refer to JACOB documentation: JacobThreading and Object Lifetime


    If you do not want to install AutoIt, you can just grab AutoItX3.dll and register it with: regsvr32.exe AutoItX3.dll

    AutoItX4Java is comprised of one file so you can either use the jar or copy the .java file into your source.

    If you get errors like: "Can’t co-create object" then ensure you have the AuotItX dll registered. If you need to manually register the 64 bit version, use: "WindowsSysWOW64 egsvr32.exe AutoItX3_x64.dll" otherwise use "regsrv32.exe AutoItX3.dll".


    AutoItX4Java is not completely tested. Use at your own risk.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fatfatdachao/p/3867237.html
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