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  • 430. Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List

    You are given a doubly linked list which in addition to the next and previous pointers, it could have a child pointer, which may or may not point to a separate doubly linked list. These child lists may have one or more children of their own, and so on, to produce a multilevel data structure, as shown in the example below.

    Flatten the list so that all the nodes appear in a single-level, doubly linked list. You are given the head of the first level of the list.



    Explanation for the above example:

    Given the following multilevel doubly linked list:

    We should return the following flattened doubly linked list:

    M1: straight forward

    用一个pointer遍历linked list,遇到有child的节点,就把整个child linked list加入linked list,再继续遍历,直到走到null为止

    time: O(n)  -- n: total # of nodes, space: O(1)

    // Definition for a Node.
    class Node {
        public int val;
        public Node prev;
        public Node next;
        public Node child;
        public Node() {}
        public Node(int _val,Node _prev,Node _next,Node _child) {
            val = _val;
            prev = _prev;
            next = _next;
            child = _child;
    class Solution {
        public Node flatten(Node head) {
            if(head == null) {
                return head;
            Node cur = head;
            while(cur != null) {
                if(cur.child == null) {
                    cur = cur.next;
                Node childTail = cur.child;
                while(childTail.next != null) {
                    childTail = childTail.next;
                if(cur.next != null) {
                    cur.next.prev = childTail;
                childTail.next = cur.next;
                cur.next = cur.child;
                cur.child.prev = cur;
                cur.child = null;
                cur = cur.next;
            return head;

    M2: recursion, dfs

    1. head = null,或者只有head一个节点,没next/child,return;

    2. 没child, next;

    3. 有child,没next,flatten即可;

    4. 有child,有next,flatten完,把cur.next和child的tail连接起来

    time: O(n)  -- n: total # of nodes, space: O(k)  -- k: total # of child

    // Definition for a Node.
    class Node {
        public int val;
        public Node prev;
        public Node next;
        public Node child;
        public Node() {}
        public Node(int _val,Node _prev,Node _next,Node _child) {
            val = _val;
            prev = _prev;
            next = _next;
            child = _child;
    class Solution {
        public Node flatten(Node head) {
            return head;
        private Node dfs(Node head) {
            if(head == null) {
                return head;
            } else if(head.child == null) {
                if(head.next == null) {
                    return head;
                return dfs(head.next);
            } else {
                Node child = head.child;
                head.child = null;
                Node next = head.next;
                Node childTail = dfs(child);
                head.next = child;
                child.prev = head;
                if(next != null) {
                    childTail.next = next;
                    next.prev = childTail;
                    return dfs(next);
                return childTail;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fatttcat/p/10183095.html
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