Differences Between MBR and GPT Disks:
- MBR disks are supported (readable) by all Windows operating systems.
- GPT disks are only supported (readable) by Windows server 2003 SP1 +, XP 64-bit, Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008.
- MBR disks use the standard BIOS partition table.
- GPT disks use UEFI.
- MBR disks supports up to 2TB per single partition.
- GPT disks supports up to 256TB per single partition in Windows.
- MBR disks supports up to 4 Primary partitions or 3 Primary partitions and 1 Extended partition with up to 128 logical volumes in the extended partition.
- GPT disks supports up to 128 Primary partitions.
- Removable disks are MBR disks by default.
- Removable disks cannot be converted into a GPT disk
Disk - Clean and Clean All with Diskpart Command
Clean : Removes any and all partitions or volume formatting from the disk with focus.
-> The first and last 1MB of the disk are zeroed.
Clean al : Specifies tha teach and every byte\sector on the disk is set to zero,which completly deletes all data contained on the disk.
-> On MBR(master boot record) disks, only the MBR partitioning infomration and hidden sector inormation are overwritten. On GPT( GUID partition table disks, the GPT partitioning information, including the Protecteive MBR , is overwritten.