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  • 王垠-40行代码 -cps.ss

    ;; A simple CPS transformer which does proper tail-call and does not 

    ;; duplicate contexts for if-expressions.

    ;;author : Yin Wang(yw21@cs.indiana.edu)

    (load "pmatch.scm")

    (define cps
      (lambda (exp)
          ([trivial? (lambda (x) (memq x '(zero? add1 sub1)))]
           [id (lambda (v) v)]
           [ctx0 (lambda (v) `(k ,v))] ; tail context
           [fv (let ([n -1])
            (lambda ()
              (set! n (+ 1 n))
              (string->symbol (string-append "v" (number->string n)))))]
            (lambda (exp ctx)
            (pmatch exp
              [,x (guard (not (pair? x))) (ctx x)]
              [(if ,test ,conseq ,alt)
               (cps1 test
                (lambda (t)

                    [(memq ctx (list ctx0 id))

                    `(if ,t ,(cps1 conseq ctx) ,(cps1 alt ctx))]
                      (let ([u (fv)])
                      `(let ([k (lambda (,u) ,(ctx u))])
                        (if ,t ,(cps1 conseq ctx0) ,(cps1 alt ctx0))))])))]
          [(lambda (,x) ,body)
            (ctx `(lambda (,x k) ,(cps1 body ctx0)))]
          [(,op ,a ,b)
            (cps1 a (lambda (v1)
              (cps1 b (lambda (v2)
                 (ctx `(,op ,v1 ,v2))))))]
          [(,rator ,rand)
           (cps1 rator
            (lambda (r)
              (cps1 rand
                (lambda (d)
                  [(trivial? r) (ctx `(,r ,d))]
                  [(eq? ctx ctx0) `(,r ,d k)]     ; ;tail call
                      (let ([u (fv)])
                        `(,r ,d (lambda (,u) ,(ctx u))))])))))]))])
          (cps1 exp id))))

    ;;; tests

    ;; var
    (cps 'x)
    (cps '(lambda (x) x))
    (cps '(lambda (x) (x 1)))

    ;; no lambda (will generate identity functions to return to the toplevel)
    (cps '(if (f x) a b))
    (cps '(if x (f a) b))

    ;; if stand-alone (tail)
    (cps '(lambda (x) (if (f x) a b)))

    ;; if inside if-test (non-tail)
    (cps '(lambda (x) (if (if x (f a) b) c d)))

    ;; both branches are trivial, should do some more optimizations
    (cps '(lambda (x) (if (if x (zero? a) b) c d)))

    ;; if inside if-branch (tail)
    (cps '(lambda (x) (if t (if x (f a) b) c)))

    ;; if inside if-branch, but again inside another if-test (non-tail)
    (cps '(lambda (x) (if (if t (if x (f a) b) c) e w)))

    ;; if as operand (non-tail)
    (cps '(lambda (x) (h (if x (f a) b))))

    ;; if as operator (non-tail)
    (cps '(lambda (x) ((if x (f g) h) c)))

    ;; why we need more than two names
    (cps '(((f a) (g b)) ((f c) (g d))))

    ;; factorial
    (define fact-cps
    '(lambda (n)
    ((lambda (fact)
    ((fact fact) n))
    (lambda (fact)
    (lambda (n)
    (if (zero? n)
    (* n ((fact fact) (sub1 n))))))))))

    ;; print out CPSed function
    (pretty-print fact-cps)
    ;; =>
    ;; '(lambda (n k)
    ;; ((lambda (fact k) (fact fact (lambda (v0) (v0 n k))))
    ;; (lambda (fact k)
    ;; (k
    ;; (lambda (n k)
    ;; (if (zero? n)
    ;; (k 1)
    ;; (fact
    ;; fact
    ;; (lambda (v1) (v1 (sub1 n) (lambda (v2) (k (* n v2))))))))))
    ;; k))

    ((eval fact-cps) 5 (lambda (v) v))
    ;; => 120

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/feecy/p/9455378.html
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