1、failed to set __main__.__loader__
对于eclipse下使用PyDev的情况,可以用File->Switch Workspace的方法来切换到一个英文路径工作空间目录
2、_csv.Error: iterator should return strings, not bytes (did you open the file in text mode?)
在用下面的代码处理csv文件时出现这个错误(Python 3)
import csv
def main():
reader=csv.reader(open('userid.csv', 'rb'))
for item in reader:
if __name__ == '__main__':
经过万能的Google搜索,找到了问题所在:http://bugs.python.org/msg82661 ,下面是部分摘录:
Sorry, folks, we've got an understanding problem here. CSV files are
typically NOT created by text editors. They are created e.g. by "save as
csv" from a spreadsheet program, or as an output option by some database
query program. They can have just about any character in a field,
including \r and \n. Fields containing those characters should be quoted
(just like a comma) by the csv file producer. A csv reader should be
capable of reproducing the original field division. Here for example is
a dump of a little file I just created using Excel 2003:
This sentence in the documentation is NOT an error: """If csvfile is a
file object, it must be opened with the ‘b’ flag on platforms where that
makes a difference."""
import csv
def main():
reader=csv.reader(open('userid.csv', 'r'))
for item in reader:
if __name__ == '__main__':
3、UnboundLocalError: local variable 'f' referenced before assignment(f.close())
# Errors and Exceptions # 详细文档参考:http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/errors.html try: f = codecs.open("noexistfile.txt", "rU", "utf-8") text = f.read() except Exception: sys.stderr.write('读取文件发生IO异常!\n') finally: f.close() sys.stderr.write('finnaly执行!\n')
# Errors and Exceptions # 详细文档参考:http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/errors.html try: f = codecs.open("noexistfile.txt", "rU", "utf-8") text = f.read() f.close() except Exception: sys.stderr.write('读取文件发生IO异常!\n') finally: sys.stderr.write('finnaly执行!\n')
with open("test.txt", "r") as file_handle: for line in file_handle: # ...