POJO ( Plain Old Java Object )这种叫法 是 Martin Fowler 、 Rebecca Parsons 和 Josh MacKenzie 在 2000 年的一次演讲的时候提出来的。
我在做J2EE培训中发现我的很多学生问我什么是POJO,后来我在写书(《Spring2初学者实践教材》和《Spring3初学者实践教材》)的时候 发现POJO这个概念无法回避。现在网上对于POJO的解释很多,但是很多都是有错误的或者不够准确。对此我一开始也是存在误区的,我原来是这样理解的:
POJO 是这样的一种“纯粹的” JavaBean ,在它里面除了 JavaBean 规范的方法和属性没有别的东西,即 private 属性以及对这个属性方法的 public 的 get 和 set 方法。我们会发现这样的 JavaBean 很“单纯”,它只能装载数据,作为数据存储的载体,而不具有业务逻辑处理的能力。
package com.tongking.spring;
public class DbHello implements Hello {
private DictionaryDAO dao;
public void setDao(DictionaryDAO dao) {
this.dao = dao;
其实,这样的认为是错误的,我仔细阅读了《POJOs in Action》这本书的有关部分和 POJO的最原始的出处http://martinfowler.com/bliki/POJO.html,
The term was coined while Rebecca Parsons, Josh MacKenzie and I were preparing for a talk at a conference in September 2000. In the talk we were pointing out the many benefits of encoding business logic into regular java objects rather than using Entity Beans. We wondered why people were so against using regular objects in their systems and concluded that it was because simple objects lacked a fancy name. So we gave them one, and it''s caught on very nicely.
基本的意思是我们要给具有业务逻辑处理的规则的Java对象( regular java objects)起了一个名字——POJO,这些Java对象不是EntityBeans(EJB的一种)。
POJO , or Plain Old Java Object , is a normal Java object class (that is, not a JavaBean , EntityBean etc.) and does not serve any other special role nor does it implement any special interfaces of any of the Java frameworks. This term was coined by Martin Fowler, Rebbecca Parsons and Josh MacKenzie who believed that by creating the acronym POJO, such objects would have a "fancy name", thereby convincing people that they were worthy of use.
我觉得上面的解释很准确,POJO应该不是我们开始认为的JavaBean,当然更不是EJB,它不应该依赖于框架即继承或实现某些框架类或接口。例 如:Struts1中的Action和ActionForm当然不属于POJO了,而在Struts2中的Action由于可以不继承任何的接口,所以在 这种情况下Action是POJO,但是Struts2中的Action也可以继承ActionSupport类就不再属于POJO了。POJO里面是可 以包含业务逻辑处理和持久化逻辑,也可以包含类似与JavaBean属性和对属性访问的set和get方法的。