输入文件 dbfmondblist 输出文件 ${DATABASE}_dbfmon_statistics,TMP1,TMP2,TMP3,login,dbname,run_dt,compare_flag 输入参数: db_name,minutes 输出参数: 流程序:3if 。2for $? 代表上一个命令执行是否成功的标志,如果执行成功则$? 为0,否则不为0 echo " " date . $HOME/utility/macro/macro.env cd $SCRIPT_DIR export LOGIN=oper/stat_4102 EMAIL_LST=$ADMIN_DIR/email.dba #EMAIL_LST=$ADMIN_DIR/email_rpt.lst lower_bound=2000000 export LOGFILE=$TMP_DIR/dbfmon.lst_`date '+%y%m%d'` rm -f $LOGFILE grep -v '^#' $SCRIPT_DIR/dbfmondblist | while read dbname incr_percent max_threshold pct_free do export DB_CON_STR=${login} export DATABASE=${dbname} export TMP1=$TMP_DIR/chk_dbfmon.${DATABASE}_tmp1 export TMP2=$TMP_DIR/chk_dbfmon.${DATABASE}_tmp2 export TMP3=$TMP_DIR/chk_dbfmon.${DATABASE}_tmp3 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus ${LOGIN} <<! spool $TMP1 desc ${DATABASE}_dbfmon_statistics spool off exit ! grep -i "ORA-04043" ${TMP1} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Build the last statistics table, then wait for next checking $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus ${LOGIN} <<!! create table ${DATABASE}_dbfmon_statistics as select trunc(sysdate,'MI') run_date, b.tablespace_name,b.file_id,file_name,bytes, maxbytes,'N' compare_flag, b.free_bytes from dba_data_files@${DATABASE} a , (select tablespace_name,file_id,sum(bytes) free_bytes from dba_free_space@${DATABASE} group by tablespace_name,file_id) b where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name(+) and a.file_id = b.file_id(+) ; exit !! rm ${TMP1} else $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus ${LOGIN} <<!!! variable run_dt varchar2(17); begin select to_char(max(run_date), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') into :run_dt from ${DATABASE}_dbfmon_statistics where compare_flag = 'N' ; end; / set echo off termout off pagesize 1000 spool ${TMP2} select 'Last Run Time : ' || :run_dt from dual; spool off col set linesize 120 set pagesize 10000 set linesize 120 spool ${TMP1} col file_name format a50 col "Last_Bytes" format 9999999999 col "Current_Bytes" format 9999999999 col "Last_Bytes" format 9999999999 col "%chg" format 9999.99 col "%free" format 999.99 select f1.tablespace_name, f1.file_name, round ((f3.free_bytes/f4.bytes) *100,2) "%free", f1.bytes "Last_Bytes", f2.bytes "Current_Bytes", f2.maxbytes "Max.Bytes", round(((f2.bytes - f1.bytes)/f1.bytes)*100,2) "%chg" from ${DATABASE}_dbfmon_statistics f1, dba_data_files@${DATABASE} f2, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) free_bytes from dba_free_space@${DATABASE} group by tablespace_name) f3, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_data_files@${DATABASE} group by tablespace_name) f4 where f1.file_id = f2.file_id and --( (((f2.bytes - f1.bytes)/f1.bytes)*100) > ${incr_percent} --or --(f2.bytes/decode(f2.maxbytes,0,2097152000,f2.maxbytes)*100) -- > ${max_threshold} --) and f1.tablespace_name = f4.tablespace_name and f1.tablespace_name = f3.tablespace_name --and (f3.free_bytes/f4.bytes) *100 <= ${pct_free} and f1.tablespace_name not in ('RBS','TEMP') and f1.compare_flag = 'N' and f1.run_date = to_date(:run_dt,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') and f1.tablespace_name = f2.tablespace_name ; spool off update ${DATABASE}_dbfmon_statistics set compare_flag = 'Y' where run_date = to_date(:run_dt,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') ; insert into ${DATABASE}_dbfmon_statistics select trunc(sysdate,'MI') run_date, a.tablespace_name,a.file_id,file_name,bytes,maxbytes,'N' , b.free_bytes from dba_data_files@${DATABASE} a , (select tablespace_name,file_id,sum(bytes) free_bytes from dba_free_space@${DATABASE} group by tablespace_name,file_id) b where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_Name (+) and a.file_id = b.file_id(+) / exit !!! grep -i "^Last RUN Time :" ${TMP2} > $TMP3 grep -i "no rows selected" ${TMP1} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo " Database : "${DATABASE} >> $LOGFILE echo "Threshold : >"${incr_percent}"% Growth" >> $LOGFILE echo "Current Size / Max. Bytes : <="${max_threshold}"%" >> $LOGFILE cat ${TMP3} >> $LOGFILE echo "Current RUN Time :"`date '+%d-%b-%y'` >> $LOGFILE lno=`grep -n ";" ${TMP1} | cut -d":" -f 1 | more` sed -e "1,${lno}d" ${TMP1} >> $LOGFILE fi # rm -f $TMP1 $TMP2 $TMP3 fi done if [ -f $LOGFILE ]; then echo "Tablespace Growth Monitoring " > $TMP1 cat $LOGFILE >> $TMP1 mv $TMP1 $LOGFILE echo "Information: Tablespace size is " ${max_threshold} "% of its maxsize" >> $LOGFILE echo "Impact: No Immediate Impact to Users" >> $LOGFILE echo "Action: Please inform DBA to perform checking," >> $LOGFILE echo "and make sure the above tablespace(s) not reaching its maxsize" >> $LOGFILE for iname in `cat $EMAIL_LST` do /bin/mailx -s "Tablespace Growth Monitoring " $iname < $LOGFILE done else echo "No Problem found. " > $TMP1 for iname in `cat $EMAIL_LST` do /bin/mailx -s "Tablespace Growth Monitoring " $iname < $TMP1 done fi rm -f $TMP1 $TMP2 $TMP3