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  • 转 nagios监控oracle运行状况




    [root@dd]more install.sh 
    tar -xvzf nagios-plugins-1.4.13.tar.gz
    cd nagios-plugins-1.4.13
    make install
    groupadd nagios
    useradd -g nagios -s /sbin/nologin nagios
    echo !@NA#$gI%o^S | passwd nagios --stdin
    cd ..
    tar -xvzf nrpe-2.8.tar.gz
    cd nrpe-2.8
    make all
    make install-plugin
    make install-daemon
    make install-daemon-config
    echo "OK!"

    修改  nrpe文件

    vim /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg

    nrpe_user=oracle ---以oracle用户运行

    allowed_hosts=,  --添加监控允许IP


    vim /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle


    #! /bin/sh
    # 01/06/2000
    #  This Nagios plugin was created to check Oracle status

    vim +257 /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle

    257 ON a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name WHERE a.tablespace_name=upper('${5}');---方便监控

    修改 /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg 文件


    #Check Oracle

    command[check_oracle_tns]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle –tns orcl

    command[check_oracle_db]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle –db orcl

    command[check_oracle_login]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle –login orcl c

    ommand[check_oracle_cache]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle –cache orcl system lkjsdf 80 90

    command[check_oracle_tablespace]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle –tablespace orcl system lkjsdf tab 90 80

    具体参数写法请参考 check_oracle –help

    二、 配置 nrpe 服务
    修改 /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg 文件。加入以下内容:
    #Check Oracle
    command[check_oracle_tns]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle –tns orcl
    command[check_oracle_db]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle –db orcl
    command[check_oracle_login]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle –login orcl
    command[check_oracle_cache]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle –cache orcl system lkjsdf 80 90
    command[check_oracle_tablespace]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle –tablespace orcl system lkjsdf tab 90 80
    具体参数写法请参考 check_oracle –help。
    配置完成后,重启 xinetd 服务。
    三、配置 Nagios 服务端
    1.安装 nrpe 脚本支持。—参考官方文档。
    2.添加 nrpe 命令配置。修改 nagios/etc/objects/command.cfg 文件:
    define command {
    command_name check_nrpe
    command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$
    3.在 nagios/etc/objects 添加oracle 主机配置文件。oracle.cfg 。
    define host {
    use linux-server
    host_name oracle
    alias Oracle 10g
    define service {
    use generic-service
    host_name oracle
    service_description TNS Check
    check_command check_nrpe!check_oracle_tns
    define service {
    use generic-service
    host_name oracle
    service_description DB Check
    check_command check_nrpe!check_oracle_db
    define service {
    use generic-service
    host_name oracle
    service_description Login Check
    check_command check_nrpe!check_oracle_login
    define service {
    use generic-service
    host_name oracle
    service_description Cache Check
    check_command check_nrpe!check_oracle_cache
    define service {
    use generic-service
    host_name oracle
    service_description Tablespace Check
    check_command check_nrpe!check_oracle_tablespace

    NRPE 以及 Nagios-Plugin 安装文件见附件包内。NRPE 官方文档也包含在附件包呢。
    图中 Tablespace check 还没有细调,用了错误的 table 名。

     CRITICAL - ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER
    [root@dd]/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle --tablespace duxiu sys oracle USERS 90 80-------勿用sys用户



    个人分类: linux管理oracle
    ###参考如下文档做alert 日志监控

    Script to read Oracle's alert log

    The following script creates two tables: read_alert and read_alert_disk.
    read_alert_disk is an external table and contains the content of the alert log.
    read_alert will be empty after this script has been executed. It is used by the update_alert_log script, shown further below.
    define alert_length="2000"
    drop table alert_log;
    create table alert_log (
      alert_date date,
      alert_text varchar2(&&alert_length)
    storage (initial 512k next 512K pctincrease 0);
    create index alert_log_idx on alert_log(alert_date)
    storage (initial 512k next 512K pctincrease 0);
    column db    new_value _DB    noprint;
    column bdump new_value _bdump noprint;
    select instance_name db from v$instance;
    select value bdump from v$parameter 
     where name ='background_dump_dest';
    drop   directory BDUMP;
    create directory BDUMP as '&&_bdump';
    drop table alert_log_disk;
    create table alert_log_disk ( text varchar2(&&alert_length) )
    organization external (
      type oracle_loader
      default directory BDUMP
          access parameters (
              records delimited by newline nologfile nobadfile
              fields terminated by "&" ltrim
    reject limit unlimited;


    Now, after the two tables are created, the alert_log table can be filled with the following script. It only loads those records that are greater than the last time it loaded. And it loads the date/time on every line for convienance. It also helps when the alertlogs get rotated. You still keep the history within an Oracle table. Finally, it also strips out all the «crap» that is really not needed to see if you are looking for errors.
    set serveroutput on 
      isdate         number := 0;
      start_updating number := 0;
      rows_inserted  number := 0;
      alert_date     date;
      max_date       date;
      alert_text     alert_log_disk.text%type;
      /* find a starting date */
      select max(alert_date) into max_date from alert_log;
      if (max_date is null) then
        max_date := to_date('01-jan-1980', 'dd-mon-yyyy');
      end if;
      for r in (
        select substr(text,1,180) text from alert_log_disk
         where text not like '%offlining%' 
           and text not like 'ARC_:%' 
           and text not like '%LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1%'
           and text not like '%Thread 1 advanced to log sequence%'
           and text not like '%Current log#%seq#%mem#%'
           and text not like '%Undo Segment%lined%'
           and text not like '%alter tablespace%back%'
           and text not like '%Log actively being archived by another process%'
           and text not like '%alter database backup controlfile to trace%'
           and text not like '%Created Undo Segment%'
           and text not like '%started with pid%'
           and text not like '%ORA-12012%'
           and text not like '%ORA-06512%'
           and text not like '%ORA-000060:%'
           and text not like '%coalesce%'
           and text not like '%Beginning log switch checkpoint up to RBA%'
           and text not like '%Completed checkpoint up to RBA%'
           and text not like '%specifies an obsolete parameter%'
           and text not like '%BEGIN BACKUP%'
           and text not like '%END BACKUP%'
        isdate     := 0;
        alert_text := null;
        select count(*) into isdate 
          from dual 
         where substr(r.text, 21) in ('2003','2004','2005','2006','2007')
           and r.text not like '%cycle_run_year%';
        if (isdate = 1) then  
          select to_date(substr(r.text, 5),'Mon dd hh24:mi:ss rrrr') 
            into alert_date 
            from dual;
          if (alert_date > max_date) then
            start_updating := 1;
          end if;
          alert_text := r.text;
        end if;
        if (alert_text is not null) and (start_updating = 1) then
          insert into alert_log values (alert_date, substr(alert_text, 1, 180));
          rows_inserted := rows_inserted + 1;
        end if;
      end loop;
      sys.dbms_output.put_line('Inserting after date '||to_char(max_date, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'));
      sys.dbms_output.put_line('Rows Inserted: '||rows_inserted);
    Let's execute the script:
    SQL> @update_alert_log
    Inserting after date 01/01/80 00:00:00
    Rows Inserted: 17361
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    The alert_log table now contains the errors as recorded in the alert.log file:
    select alert_date, substr(alert_text,1, 69) 
      from alert_log;
    12-JUL-06 Error stack returned to user:
    12-JUL-06 ORA-02049: timeout: distributed transaction waiting for lock
    16-JUL-06 Errors in file /usr/local/opt/oracle/admin/P2BL36A/udump/p2bl36a_ora_
    18-JUL-06 ORACLE Instance P2BL36A - Can not allocate log, archival required
    18-JUL-06 Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 265396 
    18-JUL-06 All online logs needed archiving
    18-JUL-06 ORACLE Instance P2BL36A - Can not allocate log, archival required
    18-JUL-06 Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 265397
    18-JUL-06 All online logs needed archiving
    18-JUL-06 ORACLE Instance P2BL36A - Can not allocate log, archival required
    18-JUL-06 Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 265398
    18-JUL-06 All online logs needed archiving
    23-JUL-06 Errors in file /usr/local/opt/oracle/admin/P2BL36A/udump/p2bl36a_ora_
    25-JUL-06 Errors in file /usr/local/opt/oracle/admin/P2BL36A/bdump/p2bl36a_s001
    25-JUL-06 ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kpnrls()+148] [SIGBUS] [
    25-JUL-06 ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    25-JUL-06 ORA-02063: preceding line from FRD01
    25-JUL-06 found dead shared server 'S001', pid = (21, 1)
    27-JUL-06 alter tablespace TBS01
    27-JUL-06 add datafile '/ora106/ORACLE/P2BL36A/dbf/tbs01P2BL36A_32.dbf' size 20
    27-JUL-06 ORA-1119 signalled during: alter tablespace TBS01
    27-JUL-06 add datafile '/ora106/ORACL...
    27-JUL-06 alter tablespace TBS01
    27-JUL-06 add datafile '/ora106/ORACLE/P2BL36A/dbf/tbs01P2BL36A_32.dbf' size 20
    27-JUL-06 Completed: alter tablespace TBS01
    27-JUL-06 add datafile '/ora106/ORACL
    28-JUL-06 ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (Query Duration=59968 sec, SC


    The scripts above are provided by Shawn M Ellinger.


  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/feiyun8616/p/9035935.html
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