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    参考文档        RDA - Health Check / Validation Engine Guide (文档 ID 250262.1)
    先下载 RDA 补丁包。  Download HCVE/RDA 
    安装RDA : 
    tar xvf rda.tar
    gunzip rda.tar.gz
    tar xvf rda.tar
    unzip rda.zip
    Note: Each rda package (.zip, .tar, and .tar.gz) will create a directory named " rda" containing all files for you when you extract it.

    Make sure the RDA command (rda.sh and rda.pl, noted as from now on) is executable. To verify, enter the following command:

    chmod +x 

    进入rda目录, 运行RDA (unix下一般是rda.sh): 

    [applmgr@soatest rda]$ ./rda.sh  -T  hcve  

    ##sample 1:

    step :

    1.in admin user ,upload zip file to /orabak/rda

    su admin
    chown -R opbcds:dba p21769913_18318710_Linux-x86-64.zip
    unzip p21769913_18318710_Linux-x86-64.zip

    2.su - oracle user

    ##init cfg.file

    cd /orabak/rda/rda
    chmod +x *.sh
    ./rda.sh -Sy -p DB11g

    ## use dbgmr to collect db info
    sed -i 's/"system"/"dbmgr/db1234DBA"/g' output.cfg

    ###begin to collect

    3.upload RDA_output_pbcdsdb01.zip to local, view

    ###参考 1

    RDA Manual Page (rda)

    Interface Manual Page

    rda - Oracle Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA)


     rda.sh [-bcdfilnqvwy] [-SCRP|A|B|D|E|G|H|I|K|L|M|Q|V|T] [-e list] [-m dir] [-o out] [-p prof] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [mod ...] 

     rda.cmd [-bcdfilnqvwy] [-SCRP|A|B|D|E|G|H|I|K|L|M|Q|V|T] [-e list] [-m dir] [-o out] [-p prof] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [mod ...] 

     rda.pl [-bcdfilqtvwy] [-SCRP|A|B|D|E|G|H|I|K|L|M|Q|V|T] [-e list] [-m dir] [-o out] [-p prof] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [mod ...] 

     rda.sh [-bilnqvy] [-e list] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [-u lng] [-X pkg] [fct arg...] 

     rda.cmd [-bilnqvy] [-e list] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [-u lng] [-X pkg] [fct arg...] 

     rda.pl [-bilnqvy] [-e list] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [-u lng] [-X pkg] [fct arg...] 

    See the following sections for additional information about the switches.


    The purpose of RDA is to assist in problem analysis and troubleshooting of local and remote databases, file systems, and operating system environments in relation to Oracle products. This tool helps automate the task of gathering information about an Oracle environment for the Oracle Support and Development teams and customers to analyze the Oracle technology stacks quickly.

    For example, if a customer has problems with SQL*NET, then Oracle Support may want to view the configuration files and the environment related to the problems. This can include information about the operating system, database, and file system. The RDA Development team adds content to the tool regularly to gather information about more products.

    You can run RDA concurrently as long as each execution refers to a different setup file. You can share the same report directory if you specify different report groups during the setup phase. However, usually the compiled versions of the RDA engine do not allow concurrent executions.

    For more information about this tool or to download the latest version, see My Oracle Support documents 314422.1 and 330363.1.


    rda.sh UNIX shell RDA launcher, which attempts to locate Perl in the Oracle home directory structure when it is not available in the PATH environment variable.
    rda.cmd Microsoft RDA launcher, which attempts to locate Perl in the Oracle home directory structure.
    rda.com VMS RDA launcher, which checks the user environment and locates Perl and Zip.
    rda.pl RDA main script, which can be used directly if Perl is available in the PATH environment variable (for UNIX) or if the .pl suffix is registered (for Windows).


    Mode Options
    -A Adds or deletes passwords in the collector definition file to enable batch execution of data collections. Because the passwords are encoded in the file, you cannot enter them in the file manually. The supported account types are hostjdbcodbcoraclepseudowls, and wsp. Default account type is oracle.
    Typically, you can provide <username>/<password><username>@<sid><username>@oracle@<sid><username>@host@<hostname><username>@jdbc@<driver>|<url><username>@odbc@<dsn>,<username>@pseudo@<id><username>@wls@<domain>, or <username>@wsp@<domain> as arguments.
    When an asterisk (*) prefixes the user name, RDA deletes the entry instead of adding it. If the password is missing when you add authentication, then RDA prompts you to specify it interactively.
    -B Starts a background data collection process. When forking capability is available within the Perl implementation, RDA collects the information in a child process with a different session identifier. RDA uses an exclusive lock to prevent concurrent executions and redirects standard input and output to /dev/null by default. However, you can specify an output file with the -o option. If you specify the -f option, then RDA issues a halt request and the process performs the initial data collection and sample archiving tasks only.
    -C Collects the diagnostic information for modules specified as arguments. When no modules are specified as arguments, the data is collected for all configured modules. Unless you specify the -f option, RDA collects the data that was previously uncollected only.
    To set the trace mode at the module level, prefix the module name with t: or T:, respectively for tracing the execution or for tracing both the execution and the variable assignment.
    -D Deletes the modules that are specified as arguments from the setup. It is possible only to delete modules that do not have reports. When you specify the -f option, RDA removes the associated reports first.
    Note: You cannot delete the modules that are executed at each data collection run.
    -E Displays an explanation of the error numbers that are specified as arguments.
    -G Converts reports or a group of reports to XML format.
    -H Sends a halt request to the current background data collection. The collection process stops when the current task is complete or at the next wake up.
    -I Regenerates the report index. When you specify the -f option, RDA reloads the cascading style sheet in the output directory.
    -K Kills the current background data collection process. This option is possible only in Perl versions with fork and signals implemented.
    -L Lists the available data collection modules, tools or test modules, conversion groups, setting levels, and profiles. You can restrict the list by specifying list types as arguments. When you specify the -f option, RDA displays the data collection modules that are always executed.
    -M Displays the related manual pages associated with the arguments. You can replace the arguments by a -p option, to get profile manual pages. By default, RDA displays this manual page. The operating system "pager" mechanism must be configured to pause at the end of the page to support multiple arguments in interactive mode.
    -P Packages all reports that belong to the report group using zippaxtar or jar. When several commands are available, preference is first given to zip, then to pax, and then to tar. When possible, it uses compress or gzip to compress tar files.
    -Q Displays the setup questions for the modules that are specified as arguments. When you specify a higher setting level, you can list additional questions. To support multiple arguments in interactive mode, you must configure the pager to pause at the end of the file.
    -R Generates the HTML reports. By default, RDA generates out-dated and missing reports only. When you specify the -f option, RDA generates all reports. RDA regenerates the index automatically when reports are produced.
    -S Configures all modules that are specified as arguments. When you do not specify any module, then RDA configures all available modules. Unless you specify the -f option, RDA considers modules that are not yet configured only.
    -T Executes tools or test modules that are specified as arguments. When you do not specify any module, RDA runs the default modules.
    To set the trace mode at the module level, prefix the module name with t: or T:, respectively for tracing the execution or for tracing both the execution and the variable assignment.
    -V Displays the version of the RDA components and previously loaded Perl modules. The Perl module list is not exhaustive as additional packages can be loaded dynamically during the execution of other functions.
    -b Does not back up the setup file. By default, RDA renames the setup file with a .bak suffix before rewriting the file.
    -c Verifies that RDA was installed correctly and still exists. When you do not specify any arguments, RDA verifies file permissions and check sums. Otherwise, RDA checks the syntax of the configuration and definition files that are specified as arguments. RDA skips all other files. RDA returns a 0 (zero) exit status when no errors are detected. Otherwise, it returns a nonzero exit status.
    -e key=value[,...] Specifies a temporary value for one or more settings. RDA converts the setting names automatically to upper case and separates the different assignments by commas.
    For example, the following value enables some ping tests and allows a maximum of 120 seconds for executing each SQL request.

    You can use this mechanism also to alter the default setting values when making non-interactive setups.
    -f Sets the force mode, which influences the Background, Collect, Delete, Index, List, Report, and Setup modes. For more information about these modes, see the Mode Options section.
    -g grp Specifies the conversion group for converting reports in XML.
    -h Displays the command usage and exits.
    -i Reads settings from the standard input. Therefore, this option suppresses all interactive dialogues in setup and all user acknowledge requests in the data collection or tests.
    -l Uses a lock file to prevent concurrent usage of a setup file. RDA derives the name of the lock file from the setup file name. RDA generates an error if the lock cannot be acquired immediately.
    -m dir Specifies the module directory (modules by default).
    -n Ignores the content of any existing setup file. This option enables you to start a new collection without any manual operation on existing setup files.
    -o out Specifies an output file for a background data collection.
    -p prof Specifies the setting level and/or the setup profiles to use during the setup operations. When you specify both, use a hyphen (-) to separate them. By default, RDA considers the basic setting level and all existing modules. Use the advanced setting level to specify more settings interactively.
    When you specify a new profile at collection time, RDA performs an implicit setup of the corresponding modules.
    -q Sets the quiet mode.
    -s nam Specifies the name of the setup file (output by default). You can maintain multiple setup configurations in the same directory structure. The name of the setup file must start with a letter followed by alphanumeric characters or underscores and cannot exceed 32 characters. It can also include a directory part. That directory must exist and will be used as the default location for other files (such as lock files and the report directory).
    -u lng Specifies the language and the character set to use for the engine error messages and texts. For example,
      -l es.88591

    gives the preference to Spanish when available. SDCI will encode them with the ISO 8859-P1 character set.
    -v Sets the verbose mode.
    -w Prevents the current RDA job from running when the background collection daemon is active. The process waits until the current daemon task is complete. RDA does not update the setup file when you specify this option.
    -x Produces a cross reference for the specified arguments or profiles.
    -y Accepts all setting defaults in the module configuration. This option suppresses all interactive dialogues in setup and all user acknowledge requests in the data collection or tests.
    Debugging Options
    -t lvl Enables RDA tracing and specifies the global trace level. The trace level is an integer number between 0 and 99. The upper digit is dedicated to the agent operations, while the lower digit is more used by the functional layers.
    Specialized dump and trace mechanisms requires the presence of this option, regardless its value.


    You can combine the -S-C-R, and -P mode flags. Other modes are exclusive. Regroup the module names by using a hyphen (-) as separator when -C-D-Q, or -S mode flags are used.

    When you execute the RDA command without specifying any mode or module, RDA performs the complete data collection, report generation, and report packaging. RDA sets up the data collection at its first execution.

    The setup step must be done explicitly for profile based data collection.

    By default, RDA creates collector definition files and their corresponding diagnostic data directories in the current working directory. The name of the diagnostic data directory is derived from the collector name. Use the -s option or the RDA_SETUP environment variable to store them in another directory.


    The following environment variables influence the execution of RDA:

    COLUMNS Used to adjust the page width when displaying manual pages (78 by default).
    HOME User home directory.
    ORACLE_BASE Oracle base directory.
    ORACLE_HOME Oracle home directory.
    ORACLE_SID Oracle system identifier.
    PAGER Pager that RDA uses to display the manual pages. RDA uses more by default.
    PATH Command execution path.
    RDA_BUNDLE Path of a complementary XML conversion bundle definition file (none by default). RDA ignores the environment variable when the corresponding file does not exist or cannot be read.
    RDA_CHARSET Character set to use when displaying engine message (utf8 by default)
    RDA_CONVERT Alternative location for the XML conversion plug-in directory structure (Convert by default).
    RDA_CWD Alternative working directory for the setup files or for relative paths to setup files. When you do not specify this variable, RDA uses the current working directory.
    RDA_DOMAIN Default domain name used to bypass the domain detection. RDA performs this detection at setup when the domain name is not available from the setup file and not included in the host name.
    RDA_EDIT Specifies a temporary value for one or more settings as for the -e option.
    RDA_FILTER Specifies a filter definition file to load when creating a new setup file.
    RDA_LANG Preferred language to use by the engine (en by default).
    RDA_LEVEL Sets the global trace level.
    RDA_LOCK Directory where the RDA lock files are stored. By default, they are stored in the directory that contains the setup file.
    RDA_MAN When specified, it does not use Pod::Text to display manual pages.
    RDA_MRC Path of a complementary multi-run collection definition file. RDA ignores the environment variable when the corresponding file does not exist or cannot be read.
    RDA_NO_7ZIP When specified, it disables the search and the use of the 7zip command.
    RDA_NO_COMPRESS When specified, it disables the search and the use of the compress command.
    RDA_NO_DBD_ORACLE When set to a nonzero value, disables the usage of DBD::Oracle. The command wrappers do not verify that Perl can load this package without errors when a value is set.
    RDA_NO_GZIP When specified, it disables the search and the use of the gzip command.
    RDA_NO_JAR When specified, it disables the search and the use of the jar command.
    RDA_NO_PAX When specified, it disables the search and the use of the pax command.
    RDA_NO_TAR When specified, it disables the search and the use of the tar command.
    RDA_NO_XZ When specified, it disables the search and the use of the xz command.
    RDA_NO_ZIP When specified, it disables the search and the use of the zip command.
    RDA_PID Directory where the control files for the background collection are stored. By default, they are stored in the directory that contains the setup file.
    RDA_PROFILE Specifies the path of an alternative profile definition file. RDA ignores the environment variable when the corresponding file does not exist or cannot be read.
    RDA_SETUP Specifies the setup name to be used when the -s option is not specified. The name can contain a directory part. That directory must exist and is used as a default location for other files (such as the lock files and the report directory).
    SHELL For UNIX, the command interpreter (shell) to use.
    TERM Terminal name. When supported by the platform, it identifies the escape sequences used for controlling the display.


    For UNIX, rda.sh creates a .config file to cache where Perl is located in the Oracle home directory structure.

    RDA collects execution events and statistics in an RDA.log file in the report directory. Use this file to retrieve the execution history. For security reasons, it does not contain any setting or command arguments. The report packages contain the RDA.log file to identify further product improvements.

    The RDA engine can create three lock files. The names are derived from the setup file name:

    <setup>.lck To avoid concurrent usage of a setup file (see options -B and -l)
    -B-<setup>.lck To serialize file manipulation tasks between foreground and background RDA processes.
    -T-<setup>.lck To monitor thread execution completion.

    The RDA_LOCK environment variable influences the location of the lock files.


    An RDA data collection explicitly calls the following Perl packages:

    · strict  
    · vars  
    · Cwd  
    · Exporter  
    · File::Basename  
    · File::Copy  
    · File::Spec  
    · Getopt::Std  
    · IO::File  
    · IO::Handle  
    · POSIX  
    · Socket  
    · Symbol  
    · Time::Local  

    The following packages are used but they are not required for the data collection:

    · Compress::Zlib (used for accessing archives)  
    · DBD::ODBC (used for alternative ODBC accesses)  
    · DBD::Oracle (used for alternative accesses to Oracle databases)  
    · DBI (used for alternative database accesses)  
    · Digest::MD5 (used for check sums)  
    · Fcntl (used in locking context)  
    · Sys::Hostname (used as help for determining the domain name)  
    · Term::Cap (used to enhance the display)  
    · Time::HiRes (used for clock checks)  
    · Win32 (used for spawning processes)  
    · Win32::Console (used for disabling echo)  
    · Win32::ODBC (used for ODBC accesses)  
    · Win32::Process (used for spawning processes)  

    Back to Main Menu

    RDA Manual Page (sdci)

    Interface Manual Page

    sdci - Support Diagnostic Command-line Interface (SDCI)


     sdci.sh [-bilnqvy] [-X pkg|-M|-V] [-e edt] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [-u lng] [fct arg...] 

     sdci.cmd [-bilnqvy] [-X pkg|-M|-V] [-e edt] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [-u lng] [fct arg...] 

     sdci.pl [-bilnqvy] [-X pkg|-M|-V] [-e edt] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [-u lng] [fct arg...] 

    See the following sections for additional information about the switches.


    SDCI is a command-line tool to manage Oracle diagnostic data collectors and, more particularly, the Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA).

    The purpose of RDA is to assist in problem analysis and troubleshooting of local and remote databases, file systems, and operating system environments in relation to Oracle products. This tool helps automate the task of gathering information about an Oracle environment for the Oracle Support and Development teams and customers to analyze the Oracle technology stacks quickly.

    For example, if a customer has problems with Oracle Net, then Oracle Support may want to view the configuration files and the environment related to the problems. This can include information about the operating system, database, and file system. The RDA Development team adds content to the tool regularly to gather information about more products.

    You can run RDA concurrently as long as each execution refers to a different setup file. You can share the same report directory if you specify different report groups during the setup phase. However, usually the compiled versions of the RDA engine do not allow concurrent executions.

    For more information about this tool, or to download the latest version, see My Oracle Support documents 314422.1 and 330363.1.


    sdci.sh UNIX shell SDCI launcher, which attempts to locate Perl in the Oracle home directory structure when it is not available in the PATH environment variable.
    sdci.cmd Microsoft SDCI launcher, which attempts to locate Perl in the Oracle home directory structure.
    sdci.com VMS SDCI launcher, which checks the user environment and locates Perl and Zip.
    sdci.pl SDCI main script, which can be used directly if Perl is available in the PATH environment variable (for UNIX) or if the .pl suffix is registered (for Windows).


    Mode Options
    -M Displays the command manual pages.
    -V Displays the software and engine builds.
    -X pkg Invokes the specified user interface. The default user interface is Rda.
    -b Does not back up the setup file. By default, SDCI renames the setup file with a .bak suffix before rewriting the file.
    -e key=value[,...] Specifies a temporary value for one or more settings. SDCI converts the setting names automatically to upper case and separates the different assignments by commas.
    For example, the following value enables some ping tests and allows a maximum of 120 seconds for executing each SQL request.

    You can use this mechanism also to alter the default setting values when making non-interactive setups.
    -h Displays the command usage and exits.
    -i Reads settings from the standard input. Therefore, this option suppresses all interactive dialogues in setup and all user acknowledge requests in the data collection or tests.
    -l Uses a lock file to prevent concurrent usage of a setup file. RDA derives the name of the lock file from the setup file name. RDA generates an error if the lock cannot be acquired immediately.
    -n Ignores the content of any existing setup file. This option enables you to start a new collection without any manual operation on existing setup files.
    -q Sets the quiet mode.
    -s nam Specifies the name of the setup file (output by default). You can maintain multiple setup configurations in the same directory structure. The name of the setup file must start with a letter followed by alphanumeric characters or underscores and cannot exceed 32 characters. It can also include a directory part. That directory must exist and will be used as the default location for other files (such as lock files and the report directory).
    -u lng Specifies the language and the character set to use for the engine error messages and texts. For example,
      -l es.88591

    gives the preference to Spanish when available. SDCI will encode them with the ISO 8859-P1 character set.
    -v Sets the verbose mode.
    -y Accepts all setting defaults in the module configuration. This option suppresses all interactive dialogues in setup and all user acknowledge requests in the data collection or tests.
    Debugging Options
    -t lvl Enables RDA tracing and specifies the global trace level. The trace level is an integer number between 0 and 99. The upper digit is dedicated to the agent operations, while the lower digit is more used by the functional layers.
    Specialized dump and trace mechanisms requires the presence of this option, regardless its value.


    The mode flags are exclusive.

    By default, SDCI creates collector definition files and their corresponding diagnostic data directories in the current working directory. The name of the diagnostic data directory is derived from the collector name. Use the -s option or the RDA_SETUP environment variable to store them in another directory.


    The following environment variables influence the execution of RDA:

    COLUMNS Used to adjust the page width when displaying manual pages (78 by default).
    HOME User home directory.
    ORACLE_BASE Oracle base directory.
    ORACLE_HOME Oracle home directory.
    ORACLE_SID Oracle system identifier.
    PAGER Pager that RDA uses to display the manual pages. RDA uses more by default.
    PATH Command execution path.
    RDA_BUNDLE Path of a complementary XML conversion bundle definition file (none by default). SDCI ignores the environment variable when the corresponding file does not exist or cannot be read.
    RDA_CHARSET Character set to use when displaying engine message (utf8 by default)
    RDA_CONVERT Alternative location for the XML conversion plug-in directory structure (Convert by default).
    RDA_CWD Alternative working directory for the setup files or for relative paths to setup files. When you do not specify this variable, RDA uses the current working directory.
    RDA_DOMAIN Default domain name used to bypass the domain detection. RDA performs this detection at setup when the domain name is not available from the setup file and not included in the host name.
    RDA_EDIT Specifies a temporary value for one or more settings as for the -e option.
    RDA_FILTER Filter definition file to load when creating a new setup file.
    RDA_LANG Preferred language to use by the engine (en by default).
    RDA_LEVEL Sets the global trace level.
    RDA_LOCK Directory where the RDA lock files are stored. By default, they are stored in the directory that contains the setup file.
    RDA_MAN When specified, it does not use Pod::Text to display manual pages.
    RDA_MRC Path of a complementary multi-run collection definition file. RDA ignores the environment variable when the corresponding file does not exist or cannot be read.
    RDA_NO_7ZIP When specified, it disables the search and the use of the 7zip command.
    RDA_NO_COMPRESS When specified, it disables the search and the use of the compress command.
    RDA_NO_DBD_ORACLE When set to a nonzero value, disables the usage of DBD::Oracle. The command wrappers do not verify that Perl can load this package without errors when a value is set.
    RDA_NO_GZIP When specified, it disables the search and the use of the gzip command.
    RDA_NO_JAR When specified, it disables the search and the use of the jar command.
    RDA_NO_PAX When specified, it disables the search and the use of the pax command.
    RDA_NO_TAR When specified, it disables the search and the use of the tar command.
    RDA_NO_ZIP When specified, it disables the search and the use of the zip command.
    RDA_PID Directory where the control files for the background collection are stored. By default, they are stored in the directory that contains the setup file.
    RDA_PROFILE Path of a complementary profile definition file. RDA ignores the environment variable when the corresponding file does not exist or cannot be read.
    RDA_SETUP Specifies the setup name to be used when the -s option is not specified. The name can contain a directory part. That directory must exist and is used as a default location for other files (such as the lock files and the report directory).
    SHELL For UNIX, the command interpreter (shell) to use.
    TERM Terminal name. When supported by the platform, it identifies the escape sequences used for controlling the display.


    For UNIX, sdci.sh or rda.sh creates a .config file to cache where Perl is located in the Oracle home directory structure.

    RDA collects execution events and statistics in an RDA.log file in the data diagnostic data directory. Use this file to retrieve the execution history. For security reasons, it does not contain any setting or command arguments. The report packages contain the RDA.log file to identify further product improvements.

    The RDA engine can create three lock files. The names are derived from the setup file name:

    <setup>.lck To avoid concurrent usage of a setup file (see options -B and -l)
    -B-<setup>.lck To serialize file manipulation tasks between foreground and background RDA processes.
    -T-<setup>.lck To monitor thread execution completion.

    The RDA_LOCK environment variable influences the location of the lock files.


    An RDA data collection explicitly calls the following Perl packages:

    · strict  
    · vars  
    · Cwd  
    · Exporter  
    · File::Basename  
    · File::Copy  
    · File::Spec  
    · Getopt::Std  
    · IO::File  
    · IO::Handle  
    · POSIX  
    · Socket  
    · Symbol  
    · Time::Local  

    The following packages are used but they are not required for the data collection:

    · Compress::Zlib (used for accessing archives)  
    · DBD::ODBC (used for alternative ODBC accesses)  
    · DBD::Oracle (used for alternative accesses to Oracle databases)  
    · DBI (used for alternative database accesses)  
    · Digest::MD5 (used for check sums)  
    · Fcntl (used in locking context)  
    · Sys::Hostname (used as help for determining the domain name)  
    · Term::Cap (used to enhance the display)  
    · Time::HiRes (used for clock checks)  
    · Win32 (used for spawning processes)  
    · Win32::Console (used for disabling echo)  
    · Win32::ODBC (used for ODBC accesses)  
    · Win32::Process (used for spawning processes)  

    RDA Manual Page (rda)

    Interface Manual Page

    rda - Oracle Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA)


     rda.sh [-bcdfilnqvwy] [-SCRP|A|B|D|E|G|H|I|K|L|M|Q|V|T] [-e list] [-m dir] [-o out] [-p prof] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [mod ...] 

     rda.cmd [-bcdfilnqvwy] [-SCRP|A|B|D|E|G|H|I|K|L|M|Q|V|T] [-e list] [-m dir] [-o out] [-p prof] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [mod ...] 

     rda.pl [-bcdfilqtvwy] [-SCRP|A|B|D|E|G|H|I|K|L|M|Q|V|T] [-e list] [-m dir] [-o out] [-p prof] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [mod ...] 

     rda.sh [-bilnqvy] [-e list] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [-u lng] [-X pkg] [fct arg...] 

     rda.cmd [-bilnqvy] [-e list] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [-u lng] [-X pkg] [fct arg...] 

     rda.pl [-bilnqvy] [-e list] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [-u lng] [-X pkg] [fct arg...] 

    See the following sections for additional information about the switches.


    The purpose of RDA is to assist in problem analysis and troubleshooting of local and remote databases, file systems, and operating system environments in relation to Oracle products. This tool helps automate the task of gathering information about an Oracle environment for the Oracle Support and Development teams and customers to analyze the Oracle technology stacks quickly.

    For example, if a customer has problems with SQL*NET, then Oracle Support may want to view the configuration files and the environment related to the problems. This can include information about the operating system, database, and file system. The RDA Development team adds content to the tool regularly to gather information about more products.

    You can run RDA concurrently as long as each execution refers to a different setup file. You can share the same report directory if you specify different report groups during the setup phase. However, usually the compiled versions of the RDA engine do not allow concurrent executions.

    For more information about this tool or to download the latest version, see My Oracle Support documents 314422.1 and 330363.1.


    rda.sh UNIX shell RDA launcher, which attempts to locate Perl in the Oracle home directory structure when it is not available in the PATH environment variable.
    rda.cmd Microsoft RDA launcher, which attempts to locate Perl in the Oracle home directory structure.
    rda.com VMS RDA launcher, which checks the user environment and locates Perl and Zip.
    rda.pl RDA main script, which can be used directly if Perl is available in the PATH environment variable (for UNIX) or if the .pl suffix is registered (for Windows).


    Mode Options
    -A Adds or deletes passwords in the collector definition file to enable batch execution of data collections. Because the passwords are encoded in the file, you cannot enter them in the file manually. The supported account types are hostjdbcodbcoraclepseudowls, and wsp. Default account type is oracle.
    Typically, you can provide <username>/<password><username>@<sid><username>@oracle@<sid><username>@host@<hostname><username>@jdbc@<driver>|<url><username>@odbc@<dsn>,<username>@pseudo@<id><username>@wls@<domain>, or <username>@wsp@<domain> as arguments.
    When an asterisk (*) prefixes the user name, RDA deletes the entry instead of adding it. If the password is missing when you add authentication, then RDA prompts you to specify it interactively.
    -B Starts a background data collection process. When forking capability is available within the Perl implementation, RDA collects the information in a child process with a different session identifier. RDA uses an exclusive lock to prevent concurrent executions and redirects standard input and output to /dev/null by default. However, you can specify an output file with the -o option. If you specify the -f option, then RDA issues a halt request and the process performs the initial data collection and sample archiving tasks only.
    -C Collects the diagnostic information for modules specified as arguments. When no modules are specified as arguments, the data is collected for all configured modules. Unless you specify the -f option, RDA collects the data that was previously uncollected only.
    To set the trace mode at the module level, prefix the module name with t: or T:, respectively for tracing the execution or for tracing both the execution and the variable assignment.
    -D Deletes the modules that are specified as arguments from the setup. It is possible only to delete modules that do not have reports. When you specify the -f option, RDA removes the associated reports first.
    Note: You cannot delete the modules that are executed at each data collection run.
    -E Displays an explanation of the error numbers that are specified as arguments.
    -G Converts reports or a group of reports to XML format.
    -H Sends a halt request to the current background data collection. The collection process stops when the current task is complete or at the next wake up.
    -I Regenerates the report index. When you specify the -f option, RDA reloads the cascading style sheet in the output directory.
    -K Kills the current background data collection process. This option is possible only in Perl versions with fork and signals implemented.
    -L Lists the available data collection modules, tools or test modules, conversion groups, setting levels, and profiles. You can restrict the list by specifying list types as arguments. When you specify the -f option, RDA displays the data collection modules that are always executed.
    -M Displays the related manual pages associated with the arguments. You can replace the arguments by a -p option, to get profile manual pages. By default, RDA displays this manual page. The operating system "pager" mechanism must be configured to pause at the end of the page to support multiple arguments in interactive mode.
    -P Packages all reports that belong to the report group using zippaxtar or jar. When several commands are available, preference is first given to zip, then to pax, and then to tar. When possible, it uses compress or gzip to compress tar files.
    -Q Displays the setup questions for the modules that are specified as arguments. When you specify a higher setting level, you can list additional questions. To support multiple arguments in interactive mode, you must configure the pager to pause at the end of the file.
    -R Generates the HTML reports. By default, RDA generates out-dated and missing reports only. When you specify the -f option, RDA generates all reports. RDA regenerates the index automatically when reports are produced.
    -S Configures all modules that are specified as arguments. When you do not specify any module, then RDA configures all available modules. Unless you specify the -f option, RDA considers modules that are not yet configured only.
    -T Executes tools or test modules that are specified as arguments. When you do not specify any module, RDA runs the default modules.
    To set the trace mode at the module level, prefix the module name with t: or T:, respectively for tracing the execution or for tracing both the execution and the variable assignment.
    -V Displays the version of the RDA components and previously loaded Perl modules. The Perl module list is not exhaustive as additional packages can be loaded dynamically during the execution of other functions.
    -b Does not back up the setup file. By default, RDA renames the setup file with a .bak suffix before rewriting the file.
    -c Verifies that RDA was installed correctly and still exists. When you do not specify any arguments, RDA verifies file permissions and check sums. Otherwise, RDA checks the syntax of the configuration and definition files that are specified as arguments. RDA skips all other files. RDA returns a 0 (zero) exit status when no errors are detected. Otherwise, it returns a nonzero exit status.
    -e key=value[,...] Specifies a temporary value for one or more settings. RDA converts the setting names automatically to upper case and separates the different assignments by commas.
    For example, the following value enables some ping tests and allows a maximum of 120 seconds for executing each SQL request.

    You can use this mechanism also to alter the default setting values when making non-interactive setups.
    -f Sets the force mode, which influences the Background, Collect, Delete, Index, List, Report, and Setup modes. For more information about these modes, see the Mode Options section.
    -g grp Specifies the conversion group for converting reports in XML.
    -h Displays the command usage and exits.
    -i Reads settings from the standard input. Therefore, this option suppresses all interactive dialogues in setup and all user acknowledge requests in the data collection or tests.
    -l Uses a lock file to prevent concurrent usage of a setup file. RDA derives the name of the lock file from the setup file name. RDA generates an error if the lock cannot be acquired immediately.
    -m dir Specifies the module directory (modules by default).
    -n Ignores the content of any existing setup file. This option enables you to start a new collection without any manual operation on existing setup files.
    -o out Specifies an output file for a background data collection.
    -p prof Specifies the setting level and/or the setup profiles to use during the setup operations. When you specify both, use a hyphen (-) to separate them. By default, RDA considers the basic setting level and all existing modules. Use the advanced setting level to specify more settings interactively.
    When you specify a new profile at collection time, RDA performs an implicit setup of the corresponding modules.
    -q Sets the quiet mode.
    -s nam Specifies the name of the setup file (output by default). You can maintain multiple setup configurations in the same directory structure. The name of the setup file must start with a letter followed by alphanumeric characters or underscores and cannot exceed 32 characters. It can also include a directory part. That directory must exist and will be used as the default location for other files (such as lock files and the report directory).
    -u lng Specifies the language and the character set to use for the engine error messages and texts. For example,
      -l es.88591

    gives the preference to Spanish when available. SDCI will encode them with the ISO 8859-P1 character set.
    -v Sets the verbose mode.
    -w Prevents the current RDA job from running when the background collection daemon is active. The process waits until the current daemon task is complete. RDA does not update the setup file when you specify this option.
    -x Produces a cross reference for the specified arguments or profiles.
    -y Accepts all setting defaults in the module configuration. This option suppresses all interactive dialogues in setup and all user acknowledge requests in the data collection or tests.
    Debugging Options
    -t lvl Enables RDA tracing and specifies the global trace level. The trace level is an integer number between 0 and 99. The upper digit is dedicated to the agent operations, while the lower digit is more used by the functional layers.
    Specialized dump and trace mechanisms requires the presence of this option, regardless its value.


    You can combine the -S-C-R, and -P mode flags. Other modes are exclusive. Regroup the module names by using a hyphen (-) as separator when -C-D-Q, or -S mode flags are used.

    When you execute the RDA command without specifying any mode or module, RDA performs the complete data collection, report generation, and report packaging. RDA sets up the data collection at its first execution.

    The setup step must be done explicitly for profile based data collection.

    By default, RDA creates collector definition files and their corresponding diagnostic data directories in the current working directory. The name of the diagnostic data directory is derived from the collector name. Use the -s option or the RDA_SETUP environment variable to store them in another directory.


    The following environment variables influence the execution of RDA:

    COLUMNS Used to adjust the page width when displaying manual pages (78 by default).
    HOME User home directory.
    ORACLE_BASE Oracle base directory.
    ORACLE_HOME Oracle home directory.
    ORACLE_SID Oracle system identifier.
    PAGER Pager that RDA uses to display the manual pages. RDA uses more by default.
    PATH Command execution path.
    RDA_BUNDLE Path of a complementary XML conversion bundle definition file (none by default). RDA ignores the environment variable when the corresponding file does not exist or cannot be read.
    RDA_CHARSET Character set to use when displaying engine message (utf8 by default)
    RDA_CONVERT Alternative location for the XML conversion plug-in directory structure (Convert by default).
    RDA_CWD Alternative working directory for the setup files or for relative paths to setup files. When you do not specify this variable, RDA uses the current working directory.
    RDA_DOMAIN Default domain name used to bypass the domain detection. RDA performs this detection at setup when the domain name is not available from the setup file and not included in the host name.
    RDA_EDIT Specifies a temporary value for one or more settings as for the -e option.
    RDA_FILTER Specifies a filter definition file to load when creating a new setup file.
    RDA_LANG Preferred language to use by the engine (en by default).
    RDA_LEVEL Sets the global trace level.
    RDA_LOCK Directory where the RDA lock files are stored. By default, they are stored in the directory that contains the setup file.
    RDA_MAN When specified, it does not use Pod::Text to display manual pages.
    RDA_MRC Path of a complementary multi-run collection definition file. RDA ignores the environment variable when the corresponding file does not exist or cannot be read.
    RDA_NO_7ZIP When specified, it disables the search and the use of the 7zip command.
    RDA_NO_COMPRESS When specified, it disables the search and the use of the compress command.
    RDA_NO_DBD_ORACLE When set to a nonzero value, disables the usage of DBD::Oracle. The command wrappers do not verify that Perl can load this package without errors when a value is set.
    RDA_NO_GZIP When specified, it disables the search and the use of the gzip command.
    RDA_NO_JAR When specified, it disables the search and the use of the jar command.
    RDA_NO_PAX When specified, it disables the search and the use of the pax command.
    RDA_NO_TAR When specified, it disables the search and the use of the tar command.
    RDA_NO_XZ When specified, it disables the search and the use of the xz command.
    RDA_NO_ZIP When specified, it disables the search and the use of the zip command.
    RDA_PID Directory where the control files for the background collection are stored. By default, they are stored in the directory that contains the setup file.
    RDA_PROFILE Specifies the path of an alternative profile definition file. RDA ignores the environment variable when the corresponding file does not exist or cannot be read.
    RDA_SETUP Specifies the setup name to be used when the -s option is not specified. The name can contain a directory part. That directory must exist and is used as a default location for other files (such as the lock files and the report directory).
    SHELL For UNIX, the command interpreter (shell) to use.
    TERM Terminal name. When supported by the platform, it identifies the escape sequences used for controlling the display.


    For UNIX, rda.sh creates a .config file to cache where Perl is located in the Oracle home directory structure.

    RDA collects execution events and statistics in an RDA.log file in the report directory. Use this file to retrieve the execution history. For security reasons, it does not contain any setting or command arguments. The report packages contain the RDA.log file to identify further product improvements.

    The RDA engine can create three lock files. The names are derived from the setup file name:

    <setup>.lck To avoid concurrent usage of a setup file (see options -B and -l)
    -B-<setup>.lck To serialize file manipulation tasks between foreground and background RDA processes.
    -T-<setup>.lck To monitor thread execution completion.

    The RDA_LOCK environment variable influences the location of the lock files.


    An RDA data collection explicitly calls the following Perl packages:

    · strict  
    · vars  
    · Cwd  
    · Exporter  
    · File::Basename  
    · File::Copy  
    · File::Spec  
    · Getopt::Std  
    · IO::File  
    · IO::Handle  
    · POSIX  
    · Socket  
    · Symbol  
    · Time::Local  

    The following packages are used but they are not required for the data collection:

    · Compress::Zlib (used for accessing archives)  
    · DBD::ODBC (used for alternative ODBC accesses)  
    · DBD::Oracle (used for alternative accesses to Oracle databases)  
    · DBI (used for alternative database accesses)  
    · Digest::MD5 (used for check sums)  
    · Fcntl (used in locking context)  
    · Sys::Hostname (used as help for determining the domain name)  
    · Term::Cap (used to enhance the display)  
    · Time::HiRes (used for clock checks)  
    · Win32 (used for spawning processes)  
    · Win32::Console (used for disabling echo)  
    · Win32::ODBC (used for ODBC accesses)  
    · Win32::Process (used for spawning processes)  

    Back to Main Menu

    RDA Manual Page (sdci)

    Interface Manual Page

    sdci - Support Diagnostic Command-line Interface (SDCI)


     sdci.sh [-bilnqvy] [-X pkg|-M|-V] [-e edt] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [-u lng] [fct arg...] 

     sdci.cmd [-bilnqvy] [-X pkg|-M|-V] [-e edt] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [-u lng] [fct arg...] 

     sdci.pl [-bilnqvy] [-X pkg|-M|-V] [-e edt] [-s nam] [-t lvl] [-u lng] [fct arg...] 

    See the following sections for additional information about the switches.


    SDCI is a command-line tool to manage Oracle diagnostic data collectors and, more particularly, the Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA).

    The purpose of RDA is to assist in problem analysis and troubleshooting of local and remote databases, file systems, and operating system environments in relation to Oracle products. This tool helps automate the task of gathering information about an Oracle environment for the Oracle Support and Development teams and customers to analyze the Oracle technology stacks quickly.

    For example, if a customer has problems with Oracle Net, then Oracle Support may want to view the configuration files and the environment related to the problems. This can include information about the operating system, database, and file system. The RDA Development team adds content to the tool regularly to gather information about more products.

    You can run RDA concurrently as long as each execution refers to a different setup file. You can share the same report directory if you specify different report groups during the setup phase. However, usually the compiled versions of the RDA engine do not allow concurrent executions.

    For more information about this tool, or to download the latest version, see My Oracle Support documents 314422.1 and 330363.1.


    sdci.sh UNIX shell SDCI launcher, which attempts to locate Perl in the Oracle home directory structure when it is not available in the PATH environment variable.
    sdci.cmd Microsoft SDCI launcher, which attempts to locate Perl in the Oracle home directory structure.
    sdci.com VMS SDCI launcher, which checks the user environment and locates Perl and Zip.
    sdci.pl SDCI main script, which can be used directly if Perl is available in the PATH environment variable (for UNIX) or if the .pl suffix is registered (for Windows).


    Mode Options
    -M Displays the command manual pages.
    -V Displays the software and engine builds.
    -X pkg Invokes the specified user interface. The default user interface is Rda.
    -b Does not back up the setup file. By default, SDCI renames the setup file with a .bak suffix before rewriting the file.
    -e key=value[,...] Specifies a temporary value for one or more settings. SDCI converts the setting names automatically to upper case and separates the different assignments by commas.
    For example, the following value enables some ping tests and allows a maximum of 120 seconds for executing each SQL request.

    You can use this mechanism also to alter the default setting values when making non-interactive setups.
    -h Displays the command usage and exits.
    -i Reads settings from the standard input. Therefore, this option suppresses all interactive dialogues in setup and all user acknowledge requests in the data collection or tests.
    -l Uses a lock file to prevent concurrent usage of a setup file. RDA derives the name of the lock file from the setup file name. RDA generates an error if the lock cannot be acquired immediately.
    -n Ignores the content of any existing setup file. This option enables you to start a new collection without any manual operation on existing setup files.
    -q Sets the quiet mode.
    -s nam Specifies the name of the setup file (output by default). You can maintain multiple setup configurations in the same directory structure. The name of the setup file must start with a letter followed by alphanumeric characters or underscores and cannot exceed 32 characters. It can also include a directory part. That directory must exist and will be used as the default location for other files (such as lock files and the report directory).
    -u lng Specifies the language and the character set to use for the engine error messages and texts. For example,
      -l es.88591

    gives the preference to Spanish when available. SDCI will encode them with the ISO 8859-P1 character set.
    -v Sets the verbose mode.
    -y Accepts all setting defaults in the module configuration. This option suppresses all interactive dialogues in setup and all user acknowledge requests in the data collection or tests.
    Debugging Options
    -t lvl Enables RDA tracing and specifies the global trace level. The trace level is an integer number between 0 and 99. The upper digit is dedicated to the agent operations, while the lower digit is more used by the functional layers.
    Specialized dump and trace mechanisms requires the presence of this option, regardless its value.


    The mode flags are exclusive.

    By default, SDCI creates collector definition files and their corresponding diagnostic data directories in the current working directory. The name of the diagnostic data directory is derived from the collector name. Use the -s option or the RDA_SETUP environment variable to store them in another directory.


    The following environment variables influence the execution of RDA:

    COLUMNS Used to adjust the page width when displaying manual pages (78 by default).
    HOME User home directory.
    ORACLE_BASE Oracle base directory.
    ORACLE_HOME Oracle home directory.
    ORACLE_SID Oracle system identifier.
    PAGER Pager that RDA uses to display the manual pages. RDA uses more by default.
    PATH Command execution path.
    RDA_BUNDLE Path of a complementary XML conversion bundle definition file (none by default). SDCI ignores the environment variable when the corresponding file does not exist or cannot be read.
    RDA_CHARSET Character set to use when displaying engine message (utf8 by default)
    RDA_CONVERT Alternative location for the XML conversion plug-in directory structure (Convert by default).
    RDA_CWD Alternative working directory for the setup files or for relative paths to setup files. When you do not specify this variable, RDA uses the current working directory.
    RDA_DOMAIN Default domain name used to bypass the domain detection. RDA performs this detection at setup when the domain name is not available from the setup file and not included in the host name.
    RDA_EDIT Specifies a temporary value for one or more settings as for the -e option.
    RDA_FILTER Filter definition file to load when creating a new setup file.
    RDA_LANG Preferred language to use by the engine (en by default).
    RDA_LEVEL Sets the global trace level.
    RDA_LOCK Directory where the RDA lock files are stored. By default, they are stored in the directory that contains the setup file.
    RDA_MAN When specified, it does not use Pod::Text to display manual pages.
    RDA_MRC Path of a complementary multi-run collection definition file. RDA ignores the environment variable when the corresponding file does not exist or cannot be read.
    RDA_NO_7ZIP When specified, it disables the search and the use of the 7zip command.
    RDA_NO_COMPRESS When specified, it disables the search and the use of the compress command.
    RDA_NO_DBD_ORACLE When set to a nonzero value, disables the usage of DBD::Oracle. The command wrappers do not verify that Perl can load this package without errors when a value is set.
    RDA_NO_GZIP When specified, it disables the search and the use of the gzip command.
    RDA_NO_JAR When specified, it disables the search and the use of the jar command.
    RDA_NO_PAX When specified, it disables the search and the use of the pax command.
    RDA_NO_TAR When specified, it disables the search and the use of the tar command.
    RDA_NO_ZIP When specified, it disables the search and the use of the zip command.
    RDA_PID Directory where the control files for the background collection are stored. By default, they are stored in the directory that contains the setup file.
    RDA_PROFILE Path of a complementary profile definition file. RDA ignores the environment variable when the corresponding file does not exist or cannot be read.
    RDA_SETUP Specifies the setup name to be used when the -s option is not specified. The name can contain a directory part. That directory must exist and is used as a default location for other files (such as the lock files and the report directory).
    SHELL For UNIX, the command interpreter (shell) to use.
    TERM Terminal name. When supported by the platform, it identifies the escape sequences used for controlling the display.


    For UNIX, sdci.sh or rda.sh creates a .config file to cache where Perl is located in the Oracle home directory structure.

    RDA collects execution events and statistics in an RDA.log file in the data diagnostic data directory. Use this file to retrieve the execution history. For security reasons, it does not contain any setting or command arguments. The report packages contain the RDA.log file to identify further product improvements.

    The RDA engine can create three lock files. The names are derived from the setup file name:

    <setup>.lck To avoid concurrent usage of a setup file (see options -B and -l)
    -B-<setup>.lck To serialize file manipulation tasks between foreground and background RDA processes.
    -T-<setup>.lck To monitor thread execution completion.

    The RDA_LOCK environment variable influences the location of the lock files.


    An RDA data collection explicitly calls the following Perl packages:

    · strict  
    · vars  
    · Cwd  
    · Exporter  
    · File::Basename  
    · File::Copy  
    · File::Spec  
    · Getopt::Std  
    · IO::File  
    · IO::Handle  
    · POSIX  
    · Socket  
    · Symbol  
    · Time::Local  

    The following packages are used but they are not required for the data collection:

    · Compress::Zlib (used for accessing archives)  
    · DBD::ODBC (used for alternative ODBC accesses)  
    · DBD::Oracle (used for alternative accesses to Oracle databases)  
    · DBI (used for alternative database accesses)  
    · Digest::MD5 (used for check sums)  
    · Fcntl (used in locking context)  
    · Sys::Hostname (used as help for determining the domain name)  
    · Term::Cap (used to enhance the display)  
    · Time::HiRes (used for clock checks)  
    · Win32 (used for spawning processes)  
    · Win32::Console (used for disabling echo)  
    · Win32::ODBC (used for ODBC accesses)  
    · Win32::Process (used for spawning processes)  
    ###### 参考3
    将下载到的rda zip包解压
    [oracle@vrh8 ~]$ unzip /tmp/p9079828_418_LINUX.zip 
    [oracle@vrh8 ~]$ cd rda
    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -h
    Usage: rda.pl [-bcdflntvwxy] [-ABCDEHIKLMPQRSTV] [-e list] [-m dir]
                  [-s name] [-o out] [-p prof] arg ...
            -A      Authentify user through the setup file
            -B      Start background collection
            -C      Collect diagnostic information
            -D      Delete specified modules from the setup
            -E      Explain specified error numbers
            -H      Halt background collection
            -I      Regenerate the index
            -K      Kill background collection
            -L      List the modules available
            -M      Display the related manual pages
            -O      Render output specifications from STDIN
            -P      Package the reports (tar or zip)
            -Q      Display the related setup questions
            -R      Generate specified reports
            -S      Setup specified modules
            -T      Execute test modules
            -V      Display component version numbers
            -b      Don't backup setup file before saving
            -c      Check the RDA installation and exit
            -d      Set debug mode
            -e list Specify a list of alternate setting definitions (var=val,...)
            -f      Set force mode
            -h      Display the command usage and exit
            -l      Use a lock file to prevent concurrent usage of a setup file
            -m dir  Specify the module directory ('modules' by default)
            -n      Start a new data collection
            -o out  Specify the file for background collection output redirection
            -p prof Specify the setup profile ('Default' by default)
            -q      Set quiet mode
            -s name Specify the setup name ('setup' by default)
            -t      Set trace mode
            -v      Set verbose mode
            -w      Wait as long as the background collection daemon is active
            -x      Produce module cross reference
            -y      Accept all defaults and skip all pauses
    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -L Module
    Available data collection modules are:
      ACFS     Collects ASM Cluster File System Information
      ACT      Collects Oracle E-Business Suite Application Information
      ADBA     Collects ACS Oracle Database Assessment
      ADX      Collects AutoConfig and Rapid Clone Information
      AGT      Collects Enterprise Manager Agent Information
      APEX     Collects APEX Information
      ASAP     Collects Oracle Communications ASAP Information
      ASBR     Collects Application Server Backup and Recovery Information
      ASG      Collects Application Server Guard Information
      ASIT     Collects Oracle Application Server Installation Information
      ASM      Collects Automatic Storage Management Information
      B2B      Collects Oracle Business to Business Information
      BAM      Collects Business Activity Monitoring Information
      BEE      Collects Beehive Information
      BI       Collects Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Info.
      BPEL     Collects Oracle BPEL Process Manager Information
      BR       Collects Database Backup and Recovery Information
      BRM      Collects Oracle Communications BRM Information
      CCR      Collects OCM Diagnostic Information
      CFG      Collects Key Configuration Information
      COHR     Collects Oracle Coherence Information
      CONT     Collects Oracle Content Services Information
      CRID     Collects Oracle Access Manager (COREid) Information
      D2PC     Collects Distributed Transaction Information
      DB       Controls RDBMS Data Collection
      DBA      Collects RDBMS Information
      DBC      Collects Database Control Information
      DBM      Collects RDBMS Memory Information
      DEV      Collects Oracle Developer Information
      DG       Collects Data Guard Information
      DNFS     Collects Direct NFS Information
      DSCS     Collects Discussions Information
      DSCV     Collects Oracle Discoverer Information
      ECM      Controls Oracle Enterprise Content Management 11g Data Collection
      EM       Collects Enterprise Manager OMS and Repository Info (Obsolete)
      END      Finalizes the Data Collection
      EPMA     Collects Enterprise Performance Management Architect Information
      ESB      Collects Enterprise Service Bus Information
      ESS      Collects Oracle Essbase Information
      ESSO     Collects Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Information
      EXA      Collects Exadata Information
      FLTR     Controls Report Content Filtering
      GRDN     Collects Oracle Guardian Information
      GRID     Controls Grid Control Data Collection
      GTW      Collects Transparent/Procedural Gateway Information
      HFM      Collects Oracle Hyperion Financial Management information
      HPL      Collects Oracle Hyperion Planning Information
      IA       Collects Intelligent Agent Information
      IAS      Collects Web Server Information
      IFS      Collects iFS (iFS, CMSDK, Files) Information
      INI      Initializes the Data Collection
      INST     Collects the Oracle Installation Information
      IPSA     Collects Oracle Communications IP Service Activator Information
      J2EE     Collects J2EE/OC4J Information
      JDBC     Collects Oracle Java DB Connectivity (JDBC) Information
      JDEV     Collects Oracle JDeveloper Information
      JIVE     Collects Jive Information
      LANG     Collects Oracle Language Information
      LOAD     Produces the External Collection Reports
      LOG      Collects Database Trace and Log Files
      MAIL     Collects Oracle Collaboration Suite Mail Information
      MSLG     Collects Microsoft Languages Information
      ND       Collects Oracle Communications Network Discovery Information
      NET      Collects Network Information
      NM       Collects Oracle Communications Network Mediation Information
      NPRF     Samples Performance Information (root not required)
      OCAL     Collects Oracle Calendar Information
      OCFS     Collects Oracle Cluster File System Information
      OCM      Setting up Configuration Manager Interface
      OCS      Controls Oracle Collaboration Suite Data Collection
      ODI      Collects Oracle Data Integrator Information
      ODM      Collects Oracle Data Mining Information
      OES      Collects Oracle Express Server Information
      OID      Collects Oracle Internet Directory Information
      OIM      Collects Oracle Identity Manager Information
      OLAP     Collects OLAP Information
      OMM      Collects Oracle Multimedia or Oracle interMedia Information
      OMS      Collects Oracle Management Server Information (obsolete)
      ONET     Collects Oracle Net Information
      OS       Collects the Operating System Information
      OVD      Collects Oracle Virtual Directory Information
      OVMM     Collects Oracle VM Manager Information
      OVMS     Collects Oracle VM Server Information
      OWB      Collects Oracle Warehouse Builder Information
      OWSM     Collects Oracle Web Services Manager Information
      PDA      Collects Oracle Portal Information
      PDBA     Collects PeopleSoft Information from an Oracle Database
      PERF     Collects Performance Information
      PLNC     Collects Oracle PL/SQL Native Compilation Information
      PROF     Collects the User Profile
      PS       Collects Oracle Communications Policy Services Information
      PWEB     Collects PeopleSoft Information from Web Application Server
      RAC      Collects Cluster Information
      RACD     Performs a Database Hang Analysis
      RDSP     Produces the Remote Data Collection Reports
      RET      Collects Oracle Retail Information
      REXE     Performs the Remote Data Collections
      RPRF     Samples Performance Information (root privileges required)
      RSRC     Collects Database Resource Manager Information
      RTC      Collects Real Time Communication Information
      SEBL     Collects Siebel Information
      SES      Collects Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Information
      SMPL     Controls Sampling
      SOA      Collects Oracle SOA Suite Information
      SP       Collects SQL*Plus/iSQL*Plus Information
      SSO      Collects Single Sign-On Information
      STC      Collects Streams Configuration Information
      STM      Collects Streams Monitoring Information
      TOPL     Collects Oracle TopLink Information
      TTEN     Collects Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Information
      UCM      Collects Oracle Universal Content Management Information
      UOA      Collects Oracle Universal Online Archive 11g Information
      WAC      Collects Web Access Client Information
      WCI      Collects Oracle WebCenter Information
      WEBC     Collects Oracle Web Cache Information
      WKSP     Collects Workspaces Information
      WLS      Collects Oracle WebLogic Server Information
      WMC      Collects Webmail Client Information
      WRLS     Collects Wireless Information
      XDB      Collects XDB Information
      XSMP     Samples User Defined Data
      XTRA     Collects User Defined Data

    如以上列表中RAC模块用来Collects Cluster Information收集集群信息, 而RACD模块则负责收集RAC数据库挂起的相关信息Performs a Database Hang Analysis。

    我们在配置RDA的时可以直接执行./rda.sh, 脚本会提示我们需要选择启用哪些Module,但是因为Module过多,整个配置过程就会浪费很多时间。

    为了避免每配置一套新环境都要大费周章确认那么多模块, 所以在RDA中定义了很多典型场景使用的profile, 这些profile已经配好了固定的一些Module , 下面我们来看一下RDA profile:

    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -L profiles
    Available profiles are:
      9iAS               Oracle Application Server 9i problems
      AS10g              Oracle Application Server 10g problems
      AS10g_Identity     Oracle Identity Management 10g problems
      AS10g_MidTier      Oracle Application Server 10g Middle Tier problems
      AS10g_Repository   Oracle Application Server 10g metadata repository problems
      AS10g_WebTier      Oracle Application Server 10g WebTier problems
      AS_BackupRecovery  Oracle Application Server backup/recovery problems
      Act                Oracle Application Overview
      AppsCheck          Equivalent to AppsCheck
      AsmFileSystem      Oracle ASM Cluster File System problems
      Bam                Business Activity Monitoring problems
      Beehive            Oracle Beehive problems
      DB10g              Oracle Database 10g problems
      DB11g              Oracle Database 11g problems
      DB8i               Oracle Database 8i problems
      DB9i               Oracle Database 9i problems
      DB_Assessment      Oracle Database assessment collections
      DB_BackupRecovery  Oracle Database backup and recovery problems
      DB_Perf            Oracle Database performance problems
      DataGuard          Data Guard problems
      DirectNFS          Direct NFS problems
      Discoverer10g      Oracle Discoverer 10g problems
      Discoverer11g      Oracle Discoverer 11g problems
      EnterpriseSearch   Oracle Secure Enterprise Search problems
      Essbase            Oracle Essbase problems
      FM11g_Bi           Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g problems
      FM11g_Ecm          Oracle Enterprise Content Management 11g problems
      FM11g_Forms        Oracle Forms 11g problems
      FM11g_Identity     Oracle Identity Management 11g problems
      FM11g_Odi          Oracle Data Integrator Standalone 11g problems
      FM11g_Portal       Oracle Portal 11g problems
      FM11g_Reports      Oracle Reports 11g problems
      FM11g_Soa          Oracle SOA Suite 11g problems
      FM11g_WebTier      Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Web Tier problems
      FM11g_WlsBi        Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g with WLS
      FM11g_WlsForms     Oracle Forms 11g with WLS problems
      FM11g_WlsIdentity  Oracle Identity Management 11g with WLS problems
      FM11g_WlsOdi       Oracle Data Integrator Suite 11g with WLS problems
      FM11g_WlsPortal    Oracle Portal 11g with WLS problems
      FM11g_WlsReports   Oracle Reports 11g with WLS problems
      FM11g_WlsWebTier   Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Web Tier with WLS problems
      FinManagement      Oracle Hyperion Financial Management problems
      GridControl        Grid Control problems
      InterMedia         Oracle interMedia problems
      Linux              Linux problems
      LinuxPerf          Linux performance problems
      Maa_Assessment     Maximum Availability Architecture assessment collections
      Multimedia         Oracle Multimedia problems
      OSMonitor          Operating System performance sampling
      OVMManager         Oracle VM Manager problems
      Pda10g             Portal 10g problems
      Pda11g             Portal 11g problems
      Pda9i              Portal 9i problems
      PeopleSoft_DB      PeopleSoft Oracle Database tier assessment collections
      PeopleSoft_Web     PeopleSoft Web application server assessment collections
      Rac                Real Application Cluster problems
      Rac_AdvancedAsm    Cluster with ASM problems (ASM advanced mode)
      Rac_Asm            Cluster with ASM problems
      Rac_Assessment     Real Application Cluster assessment collections
      Rac_Perf           Cluster performance problems
      Retail             Oracle Retail problems
      Security           Filter sensitive information from the reports
      SupportInformer70  Oracle Communication BRM 7.0 problems
      SupportInformer72  Oracle Communication BRM 7.2 problems
      SupportInformer73  Oracle Communication BRM 7.3 problems
      SupportInformer74  Oracle Communication BRM 7.4 problems
      TimesTen           Oracle TimesTen problems
      TopLink10g         Oracle TopLink 10g problems
      WebCenter10g       Oracle WebCenter 10g problems
      WebCenter11g       Oracle WebCenter 11g problems
      WebCenterCont10g   Oracle WebCenter 10g with Oracle Content Services problems
      WebLogicServer     Oracle WebLogic Server problems

    上例列出了该版本RDA默认就有的Profile , 如DB11g这个profile是用来收集11g Database数据库的诊断信息的, 而DB10g 是收集10g Database诊断信息的, DB_Perf是收集数据库性能诊断信息的。

    可以具体了解 这些profile 预设了哪些Module:

    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -M -p DB11g
        Profile DB11g - Oracle Database 11g problems
        The DB11g profile uses the following modules:
          OS        Collects the Operating System Information
          PROF      Collects the User Profile
          PERF      Collects Performance Information
          NET       Collects Network Information
          ONET      Collects Oracle Net Information
          INST      Collects the Oracle Installation Information
          DB        Controls RDBMS Data Collection
          DBA       Collects RDBMS Information
          DBM       Collects RDBMS Memory Information
          LOG       Collects Database Trace and Log Files
          DNFS      Collects Direct NFS Information
          SP        Collects SQL*Plus/iSQL*Plus Information
          GRID      Controls Grid Control Data Collection
          AGT       Collects Enterprise Manager Agent Information
          DBC       Collects Database Control Information
    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -M -p DB10g
        Profile DB10g - Oracle Database 10g problems
        The DB10g profile uses the following modules:
          OS        Collects the Operating System Information
          PROF      Collects the User Profile
          PERF      Collects Performance Information
          NET       Collects Network Information
          ONET      Collects Oracle Net Information
          INST      Collects the Oracle Installation Information
          DB        Controls RDBMS Data Collection
          DBA       Collects RDBMS Information
          DBM       Collects RDBMS Memory Information
          LOG       Collects Database Trace and Log Files
          SP        Collects SQL*Plus/iSQL*Plus Information
          GRID      Controls Grid Control Data Collection
          AGT       Collects Enterprise Manager Agent Information
          DBC       Collects Database Control Information

    除了module之外profile可能还定义了一些临时变量如force_onet_tests 是否强制做oracle net网络测试等, 可以用-f( Set force mode)选项来列出这些temporary settings:

    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -fM -p DB10g
        Profile DB10g - Oracle Database 10g problems
        The DB10g profile uses the following modules:
          OS        Collects the Operating System Information
          PROF      Collects the User Profile
          PERF      Collects Performance Information
          NET       Collects Network Information
          ONET      Collects Oracle Net Information
          INST      Collects the Oracle Installation Information
          DB        Controls RDBMS Data Collection
          DBA       Collects RDBMS Information
          DBM       Collects RDBMS Memory Information
          LOG       Collects Database Trace and Log Files
          SP        Collects SQL*Plus/iSQL*Plus Information
          GRID      Controls Grid Control Data Collection
          AGT       Collects Enterprise Manager Agent Information
          DBC       Collects Database Control Information
        The DB10g profile sets the following temporary settings:


    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -xv profiles
    Treating profiles ...
    Profile Cross Reference
    Defined Profiles:
      9iAS               S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S130INST, S300IAS,
                         S305ASBR, S306ASG, S310J2EE, S330SSO, S340OID, S350WEBC
      AS10g              S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S130INST, S300IAS,
                         S305ASBR, S306ASG, S310J2EE, S330SSO, S340OID, S350WEBC
      AS10g_Identity     S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S130INST, S300IAS,
                         S305ASBR, S306ASG, S310J2EE, S330SSO, S340OID, S342OVD
      AS10g_MidTier      S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S130INST, S249WRLS,
                         S290DEV, S300IAS, S310J2EE, S325PDA, S350WEBC, S390DSCV
      AS10g_Repository   S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S130INST, S300IAS,
                         S305ASBR, S306ASG, S310J2EE
      AS10g_WebTier      S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S130INST, S300IAS,
                         S310J2EE, S350WEBC, S410GRID
      AS_BackupRecovery  S100OS, S300IAS, S305ASBR
      Act                S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S130INST, S500ACT
      AppsCheck          S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S130INST, S500ACT
      AsmFileSystem      S100OS, S105PROF, S120NET, S122ONET, S130INST, S402ASM,
      Bam                S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S374BAM

    使用-Q 选项可以更详细地列出profile相关的问题:

    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -Q -p DB11g
        S120NET - Collects Network Information
        "Do you want RDA to perform the network ping tests (Y/N)?"
        "Enter the name of the node the script is running on (used for ping
        "Enter a remote node connecting to this server (used for ping tests)"
        "Enter the node hosting the database instance (used for ping tests)"
        "Enter the node where the Web Server/Forms server is on (used for ping


    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -S -p DB11g
    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh
    RDA Data Collection Started 06-Feb-2012 01:23:22
    Processing Initialization module ...
    Enter the password for 'SYSTEM':
    Please re-enter it to confirm:
    Processing OCM module ...
    Processing PERF module ...
    Processing CFG module ...
    Processing OS module ..

    可能你还是觉得麻烦:”我使用oracle操作系统用户登录的,为啥每次还要输密码呢?直接sysdba不行吗?” 对于有些内部视图X$ View的查询也确实需要sysdba权限, 我们可以如下设置来使用sysdba身份:

    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DB11g
    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh
    RDA Data Collection Started 06-Feb-2012 01:27:37
    Processing Initialization module ...
    Processing OCM module ...
    Processing PERF module ...
    Processing CFG module ...
    Processing OS module ...

    除了单独使用某个profile外,我们还可以组合使用多个profile,使用-p profile1-profile2这样的语法即可,如:

    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DB11g-DataGuard
    使用-p profile1-profile2这样的模式即可


    cat setup.cfg
    # Oracle Remote Diagnostic Agent - Setup Information
    # Data Collection Overview
    # S000INI=pending
    # S010CFG=pending
    # S020SMPL=pending
    # S090OCM=pending
    # S100OS=pending
    # S105PROF=pending
    # S110PERF=pending
    # S120NET=pending
    # S122ONET=pending
    # S130INST=pending
    # S200DB=skip
    # S201DBA=pending
    # S203DBM=pending
    # S204LOG=pending
    # S205BR=pending
    # S212DNFS=skip
    # S213SP=skip
    # S400RAC=pending
    # S400RACD=skip
    # S401OCFS=skip
    # S405DG=pending
    # S410GRID=skip
    # S420AGT=skip
    # S430DBC=skip
    # S909RDSP=skip
    # S919LOAD=pending
    # S990FLTR=skip
    # S999END=pending

    除了最常见的DB11g 、 DB10g外还有一些很有用的profile可以加速我们对问题的诊断, 在这里分享一下:

    For 11g
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DB11g
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p DB11g
    ./rda.sh -vSCRPfy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p DB11g
    ./rda.sh -S -p DB10g
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DB10g
    ./rda.sh -S -p DB9i
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DB9i
    DB_BackupRecovery 收集备份恢复信息
    ./rda.sh -S -p DB_BackupRecovery
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,RMAN_IN_USE=0 -p DB_BackupRecovery
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,RMAN_IN_USE=1,RMAN_CATALOG=0 -p DB_BackupRecovery
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,RMAN_IN_USE=1,RMAN_CATALOG=1,RMAN_SCHEMA=rman,RMAN_EXPORT_USER=rman@catlogdb -p DB_BackupRecovery
    DB_Perf 收集数据库性能信息
    ./rda.sh -S -p DB_Perf
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DB_Perf
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,PERF_START_TIME=11-Mar-2010_12:00,PERF_END_TIME=11-Mar-2010_13:00 -p DB_Perf
    DataGuard 收集dg 信息
    ./rda.sh -S -p DataGuard
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DataGuard
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ONET_IN_USE=1,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p DataGuard
    --同时也收集Oracle Net Services信息
    RAC 收集Real Application Cluster CRS信息
    ./rda.sh -S -p Rac
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p Rac
    RAC ASM   收集 Rac + Clusterware + Asm 信息
    ./rda.sh -S -p Rac_Asm
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ASM_ORACLE_SID=+ASM1 -p Rac_Asm
    Rac_AdvancedAsm 收集更详细的Rac + Clusterware + Asm 信息
    ./rda.sh -S -p Rac_AdvancedAsm
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ASM_ORACLE_SID=+ASM1 -p Rac_AdvancedAsm
    Rac_Perf  收集RAC数据库性能信息
    ./rda.sh -S -p Rac_Perf
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p Rac_Perf
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,PERF_START_TIME=11-Mar-2010_12:00,PERF_END_TIME=11-Mar-2010_13:00 -p Rac_Perf
    ./rda.sh -S -p DirectNFS
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DirectNFS
    ./rda.sh -S -p AsmFileSystem
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p AsmFileSystem
    ./rda.sh -S -p Rac_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p Rac_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -S -p Rac_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p Rac_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ASM_ORACLE_SID=+ASM1 -p Rac_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -S -p Maa_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p Maa_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ASM_ORACLE_SID=+ASM1 -p Maa_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -S -p Exadata_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p Exadata_Assessment
     ./rda.sh -vSCRPfy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1,EXA_COLLECT_CELL=0 -p Exadata_Assessment
     ./rda.sh -vSCRPfy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p Exadata_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -S -p Maa_Exa_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p Maa_Exa_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1,EXA_COLLECT_CELL=0 -p Maa_Exa_Assessment
    ./rda.sh -vSCRPfy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p Maa_Exa_Assessment

    还可以利用rda对OS做数据库软件安装前的预检查,如将需要安装11.2g,则执行 ./rda.sh -T hcve:

    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -T hcve
    Processing HCVE tests ...
    Available Pre-Installation Rule Sets:
    1. Oracle Database 10g R1 (10.1.0) Preinstall (Linux-x86)
    2. Oracle Database 10g R1 (10.1.0) Preinstall (Linux AMD64)
    3. Oracle Database 10g R1 (10.1.0) Preinstall (IA-64 Linux)
    4. Oracle Database 10g R2 (10.2.0) Preinstall (Linux AMD64)
    5. Oracle Database 10g R2 (10.2.0) Preinstall (IA-64 Linux)
    6. Oracle Database 10g R2 (10.2.0) Preinstall (Linux-x86)
    7. Oracle Database 11g R1 (11.1.0) Preinstall (Linux AMD64)
    8. Oracle Database 11g R1 (11.1.0) Preinstall (Linux-x86)
    9. Oracle Database 11g R2 (11.2.0) Preinstall (Linux-x86)
    ID     NAME                 RESULT  VALUE
    ====== ==================== ======= ==========================================
    A00010 OS Certified?        PASSED  Adequate
    A00050 Enter ORACLE_HOME    RECORD  /s01/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
    A00060 ORACLE_HOME Valid?   PASSED  OHexists
    A00070 O_H Permissions OK?  PASSED  CorrectPerms
    A00080 oraInventory Permiss PASSED  oraInventoryOK
    A00090 Got ld,nm,ar,make?   PASSED  ld_nm_ar_make_found
    A00100 Umask Set to 022?    PASSED  UmaskOK
    A00120 Limit Processes      PASSED  Adequate
    A00130 Limit Descriptors    PASSED  Adequate
    A00180 JAVA_HOME Unset?     PASSED  UnSet
    A00190 Enter JDK Home       RECORD
    A00200 JDK Version          FAILED  JDK home is missing
    A00210 Other O_Hs in PATH?  FAILED  OratabEntryInPath
    A00220 Other OUI Up?        PASSED  NoOtherOUI
    A00230 /tmp Adequate?       PASSED  TempSpaceOK
    A00240 Disk Space OK?       PASSED  DiskSpaceOK
    A00250 Swap (in MB)         RECORD  5951
    A00260 RAM (in MB)          PASSED  3955
    A00270 Swap OK?             PASSED  SwapToRAMOK
    A00280 Network              PASSED  Connected
    A00290 IP Address           RECORD
    A00300 Domain Name          RECORD  oracle.com
    A00310 DNS Lookup           FAILED  nslookup host.domain
    A00320 /etc/hosts Format    FAILED  Missing host.domain
    A00330 Kernel Parameters OK PASSED  KernelOK
    A00380 Tainted Kernel?      PASSED  NotVerifiable
    A00400 ip_local_port_range  PASSED  RangeOK
    A00480 EL4 RPMs OK?         SKIPPED NotEL4
    A00490 EL5 RPMs OK?         FAILED  [kernel-headers(i386)] not installed ..>
    A00530 RHEL4 RPMs OK?       SKIPPED NotRedHat
    A00540 RHEL5 RPMs OK?       SKIPPED NotRedHat
    Result file: /home/oracle/rda/output/RDA_HCVE_A200DB11R2_lnx_res.htm

    上例对OS做了Oracle Database 11g R2 (11.2.0) Preinstall的预安装检查 ,并给出了检查结果。


    [oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -cv
    Loading the file list ...
    Checking the directory '.' ...
    Checking the directory 'RDA' ...
    Checking the directory 'RDA/Handle' ...
    Checking the directory 'RDA/Library' ...
    Checking the directory 'RDA/Library/Remote' ...
    Checking the directory 'RDA/Local' ...
    Checking the directory 'RDA/Object' ...
    Checking the directory 'RDA/Operator' ...
    Checking the directory 'RDA/Value' ...
    Checking the directory 'hcve' ...
    Checking the directory 'modules' ...
    No issues found
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/feiyun8616/p/9210400.html
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