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  • Pandas入门学习笔记4

    5 层次化索引


    In [185]: data = Series(np.random.randn(10),index=[list('aaabbbccdd'),[1,2,3,1,2,3,2,3,2,3]])
    In [186]: data
    a  1    0.458553
       2    0.077532
       3   -1.561180
    b  1    2.498391
       2    0.243617
       3   -0.818542
    c  2   -1.222213
       3   -0.797079
    d  2    1.131352
       3   -1.292136
    dtype: float64


    In [187]: data.index
    MultiIndex(levels=[[u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd'], [1, 2, 3]],
               labels=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]])
    In [188]: data['b']
    1    2.498391
    2    0.243617
    3   -0.818542
    dtype: float64
    In [189]: data['b':'c']
    b  1    2.498391
       2    0.243617
       3   -0.818542
    c  2   -1.222213
       3   -0.797079
    dtype: float64
    In [190]: data[:,2]  # 获取内层索引
    a    0.077532
    b    0.243617
    c   -1.222213
    d    1.131352
    dtype: float64
    In [191]: data.unstack()  # unstack来重新安排到dataframe中。
              1         2         3
    a  0.458553  0.077532 -1.561180
    b  2.498391  0.243617 -0.818542
    c       NaN -1.222213 -0.797079
    d       NaN  1.131352 -1.292136
    In [192]: data.unstack().stack()  # 逆运算--stack
    a  1    0.458553
       2    0.077532
       3   -1.561180
    b  1    2.498391
       2    0.243617
       3   -0.818542
    c  2   -1.222213
       3   -0.797079
    d  2    1.131352
       3   -1.292136
    dtype: float64


    5.1 重排分级顺序


    In [193]: frame = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4,3),index=[list('aabb'),[1,2,1,2]],columns=[['Ohio','Ohio','Colorado'],['Green','Red','Green']])
    In [194]: frame
             Ohio            Colorado
            Green       Red     Green
    a 1  0.368997  0.670430  1.056365
      2 -0.352259 -0.656101  0.018544
    b 1 -0.574535 -0.531988  0.295466
      2 -0.973587  0.225511 -0.250887
    In [198]: frame.index.names = ['key1','key2']
    In [199]: frame.columns.names = ['state','color']
    In [200]: frame
    state          Ohio            Colorado
    color         Green       Red     Green
    key1 key2                              
    a    1     0.368997  0.670430  1.056365
         2    -0.352259 -0.656101  0.018544
    b    1    -0.574535 -0.531988  0.295466
         2    -0.973587  0.225511 -0.250887
    In [201]: frame.swaplevel('key1','key2')
    state          Ohio            Colorado
    color         Green       Red     Green
    key2 key1                              
    1    a     0.368997  0.670430  1.056365
    2    a    -0.352259 -0.656101  0.018544
    1    b    -0.574535 -0.531988  0.295466
    2    b    -0.973587  0.225511 -0.250887
    In [202]: frame.sortlevel(1)
    state          Ohio            Colorado
    color         Green       Red     Green
    key1 key2                              
    a    1     0.368997  0.670430  1.056365
    b    1    -0.574535 -0.531988  0.295466
    a    2    -0.352259 -0.656101  0.018544
    b    2    -0.973587  0.225511 -0.250887
    In [203]: frame.swaplevel(0,1)
    state          Ohio            Colorado
    color         Green       Red     Green
    key2 key1                              
    1    a     0.368997  0.670430  1.056365
    2    a    -0.352259 -0.656101  0.018544
    1    b    -0.574535 -0.531988  0.295466
    2    b    -0.973587  0.225511 -0.250887
    In [204]: frame.swaplevel(0,1).sortlevel(0)
    state          Ohio            Colorado
    color         Green       Red     Green
    key2 key1                              
    1    a     0.368997  0.670430  1.056365
         b    -0.574535 -0.531988  0.295466
    2    a    -0.352259 -0.656101  0.018544
         b    -0.973587  0.225511 -0.250887

    5.2 根据级别汇总统计


    In [205]: frame
    state          Ohio            Colorado
    color         Green       Red     Green
    key1 key2                              
    a    1     0.368997  0.670430  1.056365
         2    -0.352259 -0.656101  0.018544
    b    1    -0.574535 -0.531988  0.295466
         2    -0.973587  0.225511 -0.250887
    In [207]: frame.sum(level='key2')
    state      Ohio            Colorado
    color     Green       Red     Green
    1     -0.205538  0.138443  1.351831
    2     -1.325846 -0.430590 -0.232343
    In [209]: frame.sum(level='color',axis=1)
    color         Green       Red
    key1 key2                    
    a    1     1.425362  0.670430
         2    -0.333715 -0.656101
    b    1    -0.279069 -0.531988
         2    -1.224474  0.225511

    5.3 使用DataFrame的列


    In [210]: df = DataFrame({'a':range(7),'b':range(7,0,-1),'c':['one']*7,'d':[0,1,2,0,1,2,3]})
    In [211]: df
       a  b    c  d
    0  0  7  one  0
    1  1  6  one  1
    2  2  5  one  2
    3  3  4  one  0
    4  4  3  one  1
    5  5  2  one  2
    6  6  1  one  3
    In [212]: df2 = df.set_index(['c','d']) #默认情况下,会将转换的这两列删除掉;
    In [213]: df2
           a  b
    c   d      
    one 0  0  7
        1  1  6
        2  2  5
        0  3  4
        1  4  3
        2  5  2
        3  6  1
        In [215]: df2 = df.set_index(['c','d'],drop=False) # 仍然保留这两列
        In [216]: df2
               a  b    c  d
        c   d              
        one 0  0  7  one  0
            1  1  6  one  1
            2  2  5  one  2
            0  3  4  one  0
            1  4  3  one  1
            2  5  2  one  2
            3  6  1  one  3


    In [217]: df2 = df.set_index(['c','d'])
    In [218]: df2
           a  b
    c   d      
    one 0  0  7
        1  1  6
        2  2  5
        0  3  4
        1  4  3
        2  5  2
        3  6  1
    In [219]: df2.reset_index()
         c  d  a  b
    0  one  0  0  7
    1  one  1  1  6
    2  one  2  2  5
    3  one  0  3  4
    4  one  1  4  3
    5  one  2  5  2
    6  one  3  6  1

    6 其他

    6.1 整数索引


    In [220]: ser = Series(np.arange(3))
    In [221]: ser
    0    0
    1    1
    2    2
    dtype: int64
    In [222]: ser[-1]
    KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)



    • Series:iget_value
    • DataFrame:irow和icol


    In [231]: ser3 = Series(np.arange(3),index=[-5,1,3])
    In [232]: ser3.iget_value(2)
    /Users/yangfeilong/anaconda/bin/ipython:1: FutureWarning: iget_value(i) is deprecated. Please use .iloc[i] or .iat[i]
      #!/bin/bash /Users/yangfeilong/anaconda/bin/python.app
    Out[232]: 2
    In [236]: ser3.iloc[2]
    Out[236]: 2
    In [237]: ser3.iat[2]
    Out[237]: 2
    In [239]: frame = DataFrame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2),index=[2,0,1])
    In [241]: frame
       0  1
    2  0  1
    0  2  3
    1  4  5
    In [242]: frame.irow(1)
    /Users/yangfeilong/anaconda/bin/ipython:1: FutureWarning: irow(i) is deprecated. Please use .iloc[i]
      #!/bin/bash /Users/yangfeilong/anaconda/bin/python.app
    0    2
    1    3
    Name: 0, dtype: int64
    In [243]: frame.icol(1)
    /Users/yangfeilong/anaconda/bin/ipython:1: FutureWarning: icol(i) is deprecated. Please use .iloc[:,i]
      #!/bin/bash /Users/yangfeilong/anaconda/bin/python.app
    2    1
    0    3
    1    5
    Name: 1, dtype: int64
    In [245]: frame.iloc[1]  # 按行位置获取
    0    2
    1    3
    Name: 0, dtype: int64
    In [246]: frame.iloc[:,1]  #按列位置获取
    2    1
    0    3
    1    5
    Name: 1, dtype: int64

    6.2 面板数据


    In [247]: import pandas.io.data as web
    /Users/yangfeilong/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/io/data.py:35: FutureWarning:
    The pandas.io.data module is moved to a separate package (pandas-datareader) and will be removed from pandas in a future version.
    After installing the pandas-datareader package (https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader), you can change the import ``from pandas.io import data, wb`` to ``from pandas_datareader import data, wb``.
    In [248]: web
    Out[248]: <module 'pandas.io.data' from '/Users/yangfeilong/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/io/data.py'>
    In [249]: pdata = pd.Panel(dict((stk ,web.get_data_yahoo(stk,'1/1/2009','6/1/2012')) for stk in ['AAPL','GOOG','MSFT','DELL']))
    In [250]: pdata
    <class 'pandas.core.panel.Panel'>
    Dimensions: 4 (items) x 868 (major_axis) x 6 (minor_axis)
    Items axis: AAPL to MSFT
    Major_axis axis: 2009-01-02 00:00:00 to 2012-06-01 00:00:00
    Minor_axis axis: Open to Adj Close
    In [252]: pdata = pdata.swapaxes('items','minor')
    In [253]: pdata['Adj Close']
                     AAPL      DELL        GOOG       MSFT
    2009-01-02  11.808505  10.39902  160.499779  16.501303
    2012-05-30  75.362333  12.14992  293.821674  25.878448
    2012-05-31  75.174961  11.92743  290.140354  25.746145
    2012-06-01  72.996726  11.67592  285.205295  25.093451
    [868 rows x 4 columns]
    In [256]: pdata.ix[:,'6/1/2012',:]  # ix扩展为三维
                Open        High         Low       Close       Volume   Adj Close
    AAPL  569.159996  572.650009  560.520012  560.989983  130246900.0   72.996726
    DELL   12.150000   12.300000   12.045000   12.070000   19397600.0   11.675920
    GOOG  571.790972  572.650996  568.350996  570.981000    6138700.0  285.205295
    MSFT   28.760000   28.959999   28.440001   28.450001   56634300.0   25.093451
    In [260]: pdata.ix[:,'5/30/2012':,:].to_frame()
                            Open        High         Low       Close       Volume  
    Date       minor                                                                
    2012-05-30 AAPL   569.199997  579.989990  566.559990  579.169998  132357400.0   
               DELL    12.590000   12.700000   12.460000   12.560000   19787800.0   
               GOOG   588.161028  591.901014  583.530999  588.230992    3827600.0   
               MSFT    29.350000   29.480000   29.120001   29.340000   41585500.0   
    2012-05-31 AAPL   580.740021  581.499985  571.460022  577.730019  122918600.0   
               DELL    12.530000   12.540000   12.330000   12.330000   19955600.0   
               GOOG   588.720982  590.001032  579.001013  580.860990    5958800.0   
               MSFT    29.299999   29.420000   28.940001   29.190001   39134000.0   
    2012-06-01 AAPL   569.159996  572.650009  560.520012  560.989983  130246900.0   
               DELL    12.150000   12.300000   12.045000   12.070000   19397600.0   
               GOOG   571.790972  572.650996  568.350996  570.981000    6138700.0   
               MSFT    28.760000   28.959999   28.440001   28.450001   56634300.0   
                       Adj Close  
    Date       minor              
    2012-05-30 AAPL    75.362333  
               DELL    12.149920  
               GOOG   293.821674  
               MSFT    25.878448  
    2012-05-31 AAPL    75.174961  
               DELL    11.927430  
               GOOG   290.140354  
               MSFT    25.746145  
    2012-06-01 AAPL    72.996726  
               DELL    11.675920  
               GOOG   285.205295  
               MSFT    25.093451  
    # 可以转化为DataFrame
    In [261]: stacked = pdata.ix[:,'5/30/2012':,:].to_frame()
    In [262]: stacked.to_panel() # 转化为panel
    <class 'pandas.core.panel.Panel'>
    Dimensions: 6 (items) x 3 (major_axis) x 4 (minor_axis)
    Items axis: Open to Adj Close
    Major_axis axis: 2012-05-30 00:00:00 to 2012-06-01 00:00:00
    Minor_axis axis: AAPL to MSFT
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/felo/p/6362359.html
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