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  • 装MSN报错问题解决 无法定位程序输入点except handler4 common 于动态链接库nsvcrt.dll【转】


    其实 很早以前就从这里下载msn最新的9.0中文版,还包括其他的比如livewriter等等..但是在运行最新版时老是出现一个问题。那就是会弹出来个对话框,显示

    无法定位程序输入点 _except_handler4_common 于动态链接库 msvcrt.dll 上


    Thank you so much for sharing this finding!!! After installing my
    Creative Sound card that came with a pack of XP and Vista drivers —
    I had the :
    The procedure entry point except handler4 common could not be located
    in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll
    while using my Safari browser (when minimizing/maximizing windows) and
    with Photoshop CS3 — the programs ran okay — but the error was a
    great annoyance —-
    After long hours of searching for solutions — including XP repair
    (which I avoided) — I found your post!
    I searched my drive and found of dwmapi.dll file in my system32
    directory and renamed it (in case I needed to recover it.
    Now the error is gone!!! In my case the error was called by the
    dependency call in the dwmapi.dll .
    I really, really, really appreciate you letting us know about this !!!
    It’s a bad situation when new software trys to accommodate more than
    one operating system — and the .dll dependencies conflict — these
    errors are truly a nasty situation!
    Thanks again!!!


    大概的意思:当运行“Safari browser”最大化和最小化,及运行photoshop cs3会出现这个问题;



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/feng801/p/1874899.html
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